Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Justin Timberlake and actress named by hiding his girlfriend Touxing ambiguous message transmission

 Justin (right), carrying mass cheating on his girlfriend Jessica Belle.

actress Olivia Munn

BEIJING, Jan. 21
power pop music heartthrob Justin Timberlake has been discovered he was carrying his girlfriend Jessica LaBelle and actress Olivia Munn had contact and made a several steamy text messages to each other.

According to Taiwan's Expand child and her

Originally we thought that Justin Timberlake and
olivia sex scandal such has passed, but the latest issue of Reports that Justin Timberlake's girlfriend carrying contacts 4 years Jessica has been passed on close message to Olivia. New Year's holidays, Olivia could not bear to display text messages to friends, including: Olivia will also return Justin's message, though she still keep a distance with Justin, but friends said she was happy to mind, but she was not stupid and will not be looking forward to this relationship.

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