Sunday, May 15, 2011

Kaoyan performance experience first admitted to Tsinghua University graduate student ( I read inspired )

Name: Dai Zhenyu
Kaoyan results: out of 447 points, 147 math, political 81 points, English 82 points, 137 points
Undergraduate Courses: Central of Mechanical Science and Engineering, Mechanical Design, Manufacturing and Automation
apply for institutions: Tsinghua University Department of Precision Instruments and Machinery
2008 年 postgraduate examinations passed, I became one of the lucky ones in this test; recall over the last six months, with deep feeling. Six months, I lived an ascetic life style, daily morning to evening, my mind thinking the most is learning, I was surprised: Pig in the past 3 years of life generally lazy, I could have picked it up high school the kind of courage and determination to work hard with a higher goal. Often talked to friends about them, I feel very surprised; tell the truth, and now think of the past six months of life, certainly a more bitter, but did not think, because it was simply not taken into account.
Kaoyan first set foot on the road you may feel that they are in the dark. But when you win to reach the other side of success, turned round, and behind the road has been a bright and sunny - so I walked. So, I hope my experience and lessons learned will allow you no longer confused, can you embody the value of a more glorious!
introduce my study section of the full course, first, I would like to discuss several issues common:
1. Why Kaoyan?
2. Kaoyan in the end how much value?
3. What kind of person can be admitted to study?
4. test what school, what profession?
the first question, in the junior year we started to consider the prospects after graduation - graduate school, work, abroad. To go abroad, I think if there is no economic power, then, few people would consider it. Graduate school has become the choice of most of us, because it is easy to find the work of undergraduates, and treatment is poor, but also some relatively good professional job, such as our professional, so many people in our class work, it should be said is portion. Of course, I do not deny that some people still can find good work, but you have to see how this ratio? Few. I believe life is to change the fate of Kaoyan an opportunity not to be missed.
why did not want to work? One I feel is my own knowledge is too small, did not go to work prepared two schools want to raise a better test yourself; In addition, I understand that (in the score before I have to find out for jobs, Huawei and other companies), undergraduate students are looking for out of work in the conditions, treatment, etc., both far from ideal for me, first, that the work is boring, boring, definitely not what you might think well, followed by the treatment, I went to interview a high gold NC company in Dalian, it is the private sector, he said they can only give an undergraduate 2,000 yuan a month, I do not know what this number to hear the idea, telling the truth - true chilling ah, we read it slowly and study hard, read out for so many years is just migrant workers a wage, it might as well do not read, we look at how much ah now CPI, not to mention the price, and if so, I'm afraid we can only by parents. A lot of people worked back to PubMed, one of the reasons is that the gap between the expected value, in fact, it is difficult to test out and come back, and a heart is difficult to recover, the two have forgotten a lot of things need to start all over again , three working experience in the re-examination is not taken seriously when, on the contrary, graduating students are appreciated.
on the second question, how much value comes Kaoyan.
let us cite an example of our laborers machinery, undergraduate students in our class about 3000-4000 a month if it is coastal, inland such as Nanjing, may be less than 3000, of course, this is not absolute, but in our school read After two years of graduate study the average wage of 6,000, may be even higher. So basically read two years worth will be doubled, of course, a better school if the test treatment will definitely high. Whether you are studying how pure the motive, this is an unavoidable reality.
So, what kind of person can be admitted to graduate it?
I was admitted, many mentees ask me usually is not very good, I am slightly ashamed to say, I usually score poorly, ranking weighted scores nearly 200 grades, calculus results are very general, 91,79, the line on behalf of the 60, almost failed, usually not involved in any game, any papers published, so I think my college had a very dull, I am not good.
But I progress, I want to change the fate of Kaoyan. It was also the basis of poor English asked me, six did not have, can be admitted to it? I think this is not much reference value, because Directions with four, six English idea of ​​a completely different topic, so we do not need to worry, as long as we have the persistence and perseverance, will have admitted the possibility.
last point is the objective.
now we should be very confused, what schools are professional about what a loss, if we feel anxious for no information, you can find fellow students understand the information may also wish to consider the remedial classes to consult this information, Because my own newspaper had remedial classes, remedial classes I know that the information in this regard is more full of. In fact, at that time I told you the same. The first is school, I feel the need to report, they reported a relatively good school, if graduate schools with poor test, it might as well not test, no value, we can increase due to its own objectives, but also give yourself a larger Power, after all, I soon decided to apply at Tsinghua University, started my family is not supported, they all think I am too confident, but I think I want to try, because this is my ideal, and this is my own decision. As professional, I was next to the brothers than I understand and take full advantage of network access, and then select the direction of their professional interest. For the professional direction you choose, I suggest, do not blindly across professional, because this is a great difficulty, not to mention the first test you can have, the second interview is a big threshold, so we hate their own if not professionals do not span too much. For those who have to multi-disciplinary inter-institution of the students, I have to remind you: must be prepared to be particularly full. Beginning of the semester junior year, I have determined to apply to Tsinghua University, was the professional there is no understanding, there is no consideration of professional issues. As Why choose Tsinghua University, the reason is very simple - my college life too boring, I hope to pass the test Tsinghua university life to leave my point of memory.
so the above reasons, I determined to apply in April Tsinghua professional precision machinery.
, I set about preparing for graduate school.
one, PubMed process
1, the basic preparation (or June)
busy semester, junior year, the course was very tight. I am a is to gradually adapt themselves to be experienced live Kaoyan. But basically I'm just learning the high number of hour or two. At the same time, I also in accordance with the brothers introduced me to some of the many reference materials, bought books. It should be said that I basically completed the task two months, and I read some of the high number of mathematics, and after-school exercises can get all of their own. In July I went to practice before, I was quite satisfied.
7 月 20 日 practice back, I trimmed a few days in the school, about the 24th moved out. Since then, I developed a strict long-term planning and short-term (one month, a week and daily schedule) program. I put those plans on the wall, always remind myself not lazy.
2, based on review (end-July to mid-October)
This time I divided into two sections - the end of July to the end of August, September through early October. The first stage, only to learn the rest of the line on behalf of mathematics and probability, and English reading and words; the second phase, started the review of professional courses, and began a comprehensive review of mathematics, started reviewing the book version of Lee Wing-lok, basically for the next day focus (focus on one day is a day focused on math major), English is almost like the first stage, or reading every day or several units four words.
first stage: this time Kaoyan review or more people who should be the. I have my plan basically get up at 6:30 every day, 7:00 to the classroom, and then read some time in English, go back and rest at 11:30, 2:30 into the classroom to the cafeteria 5:15, 6:00 back to the classroom learning about the evening at 10:00 (10:00 during summer vacation time to lock the door) go home and rest, sometimes at night, half an hour to transfer outside the West. I feel that time is very high efficiency, and lived very full, for that period of life is still very reluctant to leave. I did not research this time friends, I learn every day, just one person, but I do not feel boring, monotonous, or lonely.
the second phase: basic and my schedule as the first stage, but that night started with the school classroom schedule is changed to 10:30 the next self-study. I started watching this time and Lee Wing-lok Edition Specialized math review book, I basically focus on the next day review of the two. Courses are generally read a chapter one morning, afternoon, take a look at mathematics, has been studying English at night and did not complete the work on this day (mainly to do items), on the afternoon the next day is the day before the mandate and reversed - I that too a single study hours and a day to see the same course is not conducive to efficiency.
I personally think that two and a half or two months is a very critical stage, because this is the stage you are laying the foundation, based review system is critical; genius is rare, and always put their own be treated as a beginner, serious, down-to conduct a comprehensive and systematic basis for review.
3, 考研 medium-term (mid-October to late November)
is said to have a lot of people to enter in October tired of, and some even started to give up that something was better than pigs and dogs they claim can not stand the study section of life. During this time I am still very excited, and morale is still high. But I have to mention is that I did not do the timing as it was before also, but I really strive to 8:00 or 8:30 before the rush to the classroom, because the weather is very cold at this stage, I am really sleepy stretch , could not resist.
during November I went to a political remedial classes (class before I had read it again to the Red Book), the end of October I once again saw the Red Book (now think of it, I began to feel a little too political early, spent too much time), but at this stage (October), politics is not my focus.
After the first few months of review, I understand the math, but still should be more than, so I started doing questions, first I do is 400 questions (classic), a day set, and soon done, and then bought a lot of questions, basically a one day, I was basically in accordance with the examination of the time required to do, feel good, though certainly not the high scores, but I can learn new things very satisfied, During that time I did not care how many points, I only care about knowledge; In fact, we can not begin to pay attention at that stage scores. I also started Specialized
examination papers, the examination of things and the book feels very different, I feel a bit uncomfortable, and with the previous stage will not do after-school exercises or exercises do not understand the answer, I have some gum tree , and sometimes even kind of do not want to engage in professional courses of the idea; but in the end, or reason to overcome the impulse, I literally rose to the challenge, some of those problems are resolved, when too much sense of accomplishment - and this is my independent thinking solution, ah! However, some problems still do not understand, or answer some questions I think that after school there is no control of the wrong (in fact I later found that those who are wrong, I understand - the answer usually can not be wrong.) For the courses, I must say, to look back and forth, even if you read 5 times still can not understand, it does not matter, continue to read and much more, do more, you will understand, then, you may be able to feel it
English: In this stage, the disaster has me the most is reading, I am always looking for some information on the right to do; tell the truth, I think the market and not much appropriate information. In the beginning, I heard a good core Zhang Jin, I bought a set of information she has done a good period of time I feel pretty good. But now think of it, that English as a language, language sense of mastery of the language is very important, so long as to do every day to cultivate sense of language, step by step, the master would not be so hard for it.
has already done the political problems this time, I personally feel that political information is not much, as long as the appropriate resource materials, a Little Red Book, and a moderate exercise also Zhenti good simulation questions on OK. This time (November) I was placed in the more important political position, I have done exercises every morning, after carefully checking the answer in the book, in fact, is to be familiar with the process of title Little Red Book. By this stage the solid review, I not only have a comprehensive grasp of the Red Book, but also have a deeper understanding of its contents, especially Ma Zhe and Ma political and economic section. That is, at this stage, I had a strong interest in politics.
4, 考研 late (mid-December to January 2008)
the normal period of time spent for the normal functioning of the examination is very important, because the earlier review of high-intensity has been laid for their own basic a good foundation, so this time our task is to maintain a good state of mind, do not worry too much, (although this is inevitable, but must be restrained within a certain extent, in fact, everyone is worried about, although it may mouth that have nothing to worry about), still the normal daily routine (of course, the plan could set the stage a little more lenient), review previously learned what you may say; particular note is the individual that this stage The review should focus on politics and English, in which politics should pay attention to current political, English composition should be in English for the most most important, you can try to write some writing (even if do not want to have to try, regardless of what written How bad), mathematics, and specialized courses to go ahead with what kinds of questions and the difficulty of the closest analog Zhenti problems or recent Zhenti (Zhenti very precious, to cherish, especially the specialized courses.) However, do not do too much at this stage simulation questions, because some simulation questions out of the very poor, do not let the low score against your self-confidence, especially in January after.
in December, when I looked more closely and saw the political red book again, and bought a set of Zhenti do so, I was done in strict accordance with examination requirements, and even essay questions I always get a manuscript of a paper wrote down a title, not the slightest careless, after I finish the answer on the front of reference methods and summarized the pros and cons to find the answer; now want to come and feel they are doing really good.
about the end of December I started to review the current political, as seventh Congress in 2007, there is no doubt that congress should test for us this year is a top priority, so the focus is very clear, seventh I bought a large meeting of the Yangtze River during the Daily News in the Report goes on Seventeen newspapers, and then carefully read word for word, I read this back and forth about 10 times or more, then the question was very glad when the examination room to do easy to finish the current political choice (now think about it, I think the current political too much time spent on, if you have not enough time and not, I am, because I feel the time is still relatively abundant.)
so, and I want to emphasize that the focus should pay attention to politics, especially soon before exams a week. In the last two weeks, I have many friends and research contacts, to acquire all aspects not know the exact information is not accurate. Soon before exams a week, I and my friends 2 nights in a research combing the little red book again, the big question may be back to test a few, even when the results of examination of the two major problems encountered is my back before, the joy is self-evident. I think to the charge last week to back a big issue big issue is very important, gossip disclosed that a large number of problems may wish to go back to when a comb knowledge points, but the million is not too seriously.
on English, with special mention, and many people say that writing is very important. In fact, some writing score high on approach, I think, is that normal reading should be - hard to read. I started about September or August, when, basically adhere to the morning reading every morning an hour or two in the final period, due to the prominent English and political focus, and sometimes I read more than three hours one morning, the general How long time is based on the individual to set the mood, the mood is good, want to read a morning reading, all as determined by interest, not too strict plan.
the last month I started to write a small essay to write great essays, as usual, I accumulated a lot of useful sentences, this time to write very handy, handy, writing, the repeated reading, amended several times. Normal reading may be asked how the work of writing? I think this is because, usually reading, when I met the better sentences I put it down in a notebook, and then recite every morning, day after day, are very familiar with the past and can be used by themselves.
If we do not want to spend too much time in the composition or the sense of urgency in the last period, then a composition may also wish to go to class, back a few templates, class of material the teacher has made many useful words and sentences, For Directions should be sufficient. For that In order to improve the morale of the time, I bought a relatively simple but also relatively close to the Zhenti Questions and difficulty reading, but also to do it again, I feel so cool.
about mathematics, then I think it is important to brush up my books, but I do not like this person repeated reading, so I chose to do one day to see one day math problems. Even if the exam this time to a week, I was down from the Internet 5 sets of Hefei University of questions, feeling good, but I only went for 2 sets. In the last month, I review the book version of Lee Wing-lok, and generally view it again. Overall, the key is to reference fine, no need to recommend other people do the things you did complete heart at ease, completely unnecessary.
for the courses, then I personally think that to engage in professional books through out the further they get cooked, in fact I read it again every professional course textbooks, and some feel the new harvest. In the last month, I again made after-school exercise again, this time with me and another student discussion, we do not understand or do not feel the General Assembly, or do all get the answer to be incorrect, and that time I particularly happy, especially us get to know the most difficult time of a chapter.
fact this time is my most difficult time, because this phase of the learning task is not very heavy, but feels heavy, work hard and see others in their playing, sometimes my heart really guilty. This time I call friends often seek psychological comfort, I often teach my friends Carrefour and ocean research, and often went to the store to buy things (mainly coffee). Anyway, looks like the last time had a very easy, in fact, tired of heart than ever, to be afraid of (this stage, before the full sense of that every day lost).
Second, homework arrangements
1, the examination in mathematics
many courses, the mathematics component is very heavy, must be given a high priority, and it's many things, so be patient to study, the intention to learn. On the way, I will not go into details.
Here are my reference of choice.
(1) use of higher mathematics textbooks
Tongji use linear algebra textbook is
Tsinghua Edition (yellow), including supporting the supplementary (This book may be recommended to others Tongji version, but I think this version very good)
probability theory and mathematical statistics used Zhejiang Edition
(2) References
A, Li Yongle edition review book (this version of the previous recommendation of a senior admitted to Tsinghua University, so I chose, I feel good, this last question is the Lee version of the book's original title)
B, 400 title (this book is best to do 2 times in October again, and again in December)
C, Mathematics Zhenti
D, 5 sets of co-workers big question
to be reminded that the reference to choose the most suitable for them, must be reasonable arrangements for the case study time to do selective title.
2, Specialized
Control Engineering (Tsinghua edition textbooks, Purple Book)
recent 10 write the address (which I have almost full, you if you want, you can come to me.)
Courseware (I can help you get.)
addition, since the control of workers this calculation is very cumbersome examinations, recommended to use a calculator, I use the Casio fx-991ES, can be transcendental equation, the second three equations, matrix calculation, other features I think is not much role for us. Because the calculator, I save a lot of computing time, the result I nearly half an hour on the course test done in advance. This calculator can be purchased at the Hongshan Asian trade, price 180.
3, English
English exam has five sections: cloze, reading four, a variable Questions New Questions (read difficult this year than last year, compared with simple reading, to look at kinds of questions), translation, the size composition. Gestalt would not have said, the general attention given to reading and writing to give a high priority, as long as usual to do some translation of title on it, but also look at data, attention should also look for new kinds of questions, that is, training about when to do simulation title. I would like for everyone to read the most attention, but for writing, or in peacetime to be off, I recommend to pay more for writing good English read the original, then the more touched his phrases and sentences written in a notebook and then when the morning reading to read more about, so you can master a large vocabulary and phrases, it is workable. And, most important, is to find ways to increase vocabulary, to continuously look at the word.
personally feel I focus on the various parts of the grasp of English is quite reasonable, by this method, this year I passed the English test scores 80 points, it is quite satisfactory.
A, vocabulary book (choose their own vocabulary book, in the review process, we should think is more important to copy words and sentences from beginning to end 1-2 times and see no less than 10 times, Finally, it should be said to learn from a lot of phrases and sentences, for basically all know each word, I think to do to recognize each word is very OK, do not depend on the number of how many times what are not)
B, NEW CONCEPT 3,4 that the new concept
C, NEW HORIZON English language that we use materials (I used two sets of books are usually read, I think the above article written by some good to back all sorts of sentence, it is suitable for writing paper)
D, Zhang Jin-core reading (which is recommended to do 2 times the information, I believe that only the closest Zhenti this information difficult, August and September again, and again in December) and 15 sets of simulated exam
E, Bargaining
to which I would like to OK, or in front of stress, according to their foundation in English, select the most suitable for the exam.
4 Political
Politics began to November (I am a relatively early, but seems to have no need so early, but you can listen to remedial classes before this, so that their politics have a grasp of the macro, good Do not let their ignorance of politics and examination of the near worried.) Very little political information, Little Red Book is fundamental.
references I used:
A, Little Red Book
B, Bargaining
C, simulation title
In addition, the current political than to buy reference books but also to look outside who were given information on current affairs and political classes, when I also bought a congress report looked at several times.
I think the political part of the data were sufficient, in which Little Red Book is the most fundamental. May wish to introduce, Ma Zhe and Ma is to understand the nature of the political and economic part, it is recommended as a priority early in the political review, and the remaining is the nature of memory, can be placed behind the focus of treatment.
In addition, it seems that I heard in 2009 Kaoyan politics is a test,
Third, some issues
1, on the report class: this is a very sensitive and very controversial issue, some people say a waste of money, but others said it was admitted after a few hundred dollars compared to the worth in terms of a bother to mention; Some say it is a waste of time and effort, some said Shangfudaoban review time can be greatly compressed and easy access to test key ... ... and so many others.
I personally think that these are relative. If you think the basis for your own good, it is obviously admitted, OK, you can not report; basis if you feel bad or very bad for your self-control, or apply for a higher goal, I suggest a more or newspaper Well, you can indeed proved admitted the possibility of more. In short, remedial classes on the one hand grasp can help you focus more accurately and faster to resolve difficulties. On the other hand, because everyone with lectures, and makes you feel kind of learning atmosphere, while giving you a learning motivation and the necessary pressure. There is a saying I think it is very reasonable, In fact, whether you are a liberal arts or science students, university study as long as you think you are not serious politics, then one or two political class is still very necessary. Perhaps you will feel when the class teacher about the content of you know, but I think the key is not a school teacher was talking about you know, but the teacher can help you extract the essence of the textbook and exam focus. Efforts on the key with a teacher is the key, the teacher did not emphasize that you can be do not remember. This is exam-oriented education. Of course, even if you reported the classes, but also a rare opportunity to seize such a good review, because if there is advance prep time after the review, it can make you faster access to knowledge.
said Kaoyan class choice, I think have several criteria: 1. the money, 2., 3. or the money, money is the first class of this Kaoyan capital strength, which I would like for us is quite abstract, because it is difficult to know this information, then we look at its offices in any place, is a bustling place, or more remote places, then the second person, that is, that teachers see it Teachers come and go out too Kaoyan questions, where to teach, I think the question of the teachers had to lecture should be a classic, because he was talking about is to test the focus of great reference value. I especially like Zhang Jinfeng teacher, he told the political, economic and Denglun horse easy to understand, easy to understand, it is easy for you to understand political, economic and Denglun horse and seize the key test, the most important, can upgrade you to this two class interest. The third money it refers to the charges.
2, on the inter-professional: I think if not particularly hate their undergraduate programs, not to inter-professional.
3, about to move out: In fact, just to move to a more quiet environment, I was moved to where my brother lived, the environment very well, very quiet, suitable for study. If you move out, then even if not a good environment, in that case not moving. If your bedroom is to study section, we can consider not move, and students to discuss or change to another are PubMed bedroom. I also test with a professional examination of several students of Tsinghua is to live in the bedroom.
4, on occupying a seat: I have been in the West second study hall, there are not nervous, so it is not how to account for off base, but heard that the East is very tense second, it seems that to get up at 4:00 I think this is a very horrible thing, do not recommend this because there is no way that a refresher.
5 on the college record: This should not be too concerned about, as long as the weighted over 80 should not be a big (even if not over 80 and do not take too much notice), for the first test does not have any effect. Long as the intention to re-learn, can learn better.
four, the thing to note
1, the first should have determined, once decided, do not change easily.
2, should always maintain high morale, in fact, it is not easy to do so, even 2 months is very difficult. But depressing things should be relatively common, but do not let this depressed erode the determination to learn self-comforting, often call their friends for comfort.
3, the scientific program is very important. Not done programs, the people must learn to do planning, long-term planning and short-term planning to be there every day even if he did not plan to write on paper, but also in the study room on the road every day to find out, not to classrooms do not know what to do.
4, to set a realistic goal, but fairly high, and do not give yourself too much pressure.
5, review the most taboo to learn a lesson a day, so the learning efficiency is very low.
6, to have one or two research friends, but not too much, because too many will disturb more. Friends of one or two research, you can always talk, exchange information, which is very important that a person has successfully passed the 5 months alone is an extremely difficult task.
7, access to information is very important. I personally feel the need to grasp the information from three areas: First, you want to report from was admitted to the school and professional orientation of the seniors of the information, this is the most important information, if you do not, I suggest you find the best ways to a; second information from the online enrollment schools; three friends to pay attention to the exchange of information and research, do not think people are your competitors and not share any information with others, so others will be blocked for you, the result was their disadvantage.
8, not related to emotional problems, PubMed spiritual process is often very fragile, if we increase the psychological burden, I am afraid it unbearable.
9, the English and politics, do not think they will have only 100 points will not be given full attention. Outcome of this study section, I found myself in terms of mathematics and specialized courses more than other people's points are even less not much, but I have reached the political English 80 of points on the overall results so that I will come up.
10, to keep the body healthy, exercise, and as far as possible they do not get sick, the body is the capital of revolution.
five, the second interview
first test before, only half the battle. Test Tsinghua University, the second interview is very important, must be given considerable attention. This year we have 398 hours of professional first test line is basically achieved in the first test line Engineering of Tsinghua highest score (crowding together of the profession is very serious this year), attend a final audition of people mostly from the major schools, so competition is fierce.
first test and retest each Tsinghua 50% of the total score, the final score = first test points (500) re-examination points (500), and then by a final score at the top.
re-examination is divided into two parts, written test and interview, including 100 written test and interview 400 points, the pros and cons can be imagined. For the interview I gave considerable attention, as required, I wrote a Personal Statement, and other self-introduction written in English in Tsinghua during which I read every morning in the self-introduction in English. Written for unknown said, there is no much to do on the title, is filled almost the same. The next morning interview, the interview about eight teachers, the beginning I made a self-introduction in English, then each of them asked me questions, but not how to make things difficult for me, just ask a simple question of professional , as long as a good re-examination required reading a few books that should be able to answer them, I answered getting by. Then I say what I like the direction, in the process I said they are written on paper what their interest. 25 minutes passed very quickly, so re-testing is over.

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