Monday, April 25, 2011

Inventory of China's top ten

guide words: in all walks of life, some related to people's health, some related to mental outlook, showing that is vital; have friends summed up the current domestic industries, we have to see if Kaopu?

1, the tobacco industry

the industry is one of the few to the detriment of people's health as the main objective of the industry, in addition to pay a lot of tax revenue and to resolve problems of employment other than basically no longer necessary. Of course, smoking can relieve stress, pleasant spirit, but the consequences are too harsh, if the terminal illness and death of people to talk about the spirit of joy? And other unscrupulous industry is different is that employees in the industry does not exist in a very serious moral failure on any (except for some corruption problems), just doing a job it is hereby name the.

2, health products industry

hormone bought from abroad, brought back a watered down, and then spend lots of money to do vulgar advertising, then the price by several times to the second and third class cities and rural areas of a sell. This is typical of health care products in China. This is calculated in the health products industry, more civilized, because at least no what to put something poisonous, eating is the most excited about, a little early! Health care products industry's slogan is As long as you have the courage to have money, you can put a junk bigger and stronger! Then sounding name: the things we are eating dead people! Most useless hymns! Full range of advertising bombardment, how to how vulgar, the market space all to fill, there is no room for development of small businesses, even a very good product.

3, the stock investment industry

through this financial turmoil, the industry, Because it is the most direct dealings with the money the industry, it is also the most typical mercenary industry. This industry is full of up and down the idea of ​​money first, unethical use the word is not appropriate here, because they never address the problem. Facts have already proved that making the rich mythology of the industry's most in other people (including medium and small shareholders) over the pain. Stock value investment philosophy is difficult to set up, Glossy coat of the industry and favorable income attracted countless top talent in droves, but almost without exception, have been money assimilation, stoop! Look at those pundits, as well as investment bankers in line, which is not the top students graduating from prestigious universities? But the higher the degree deceptive stronger, the more severe consequences. The money too fast, their personality and moral standards too low, employees in the industry is extremely corrupt life style, all day long dream life, light as a feather

4, the real estate industry

the industry and the tobacco industry on the contrary, there is nothing unethical industry itself is said, mainly employees of the moral failure is very powerful. The quality of employees in this industry from top to bottom the difference between the low-grade, for all to see! Have been adjusted for the real estate industry hope that the industry can look good and enhance self-examination, but the market is a little warmer they could not wait to jump out, prices, and shoddy work, false selling, the sales ladies looked down upon ... ... are as before. Always heard that capacity.

5, the entertainment industry

many practitioners of the characteristics of the industry are In this circle of They play relaxing drugs is a common means High. In the Based on its industry characteristics, easily become the public interest, especially the young people concerned, for the majority of young people set a very bad example! Over the years, the aura of entertainment attracted many families to spend countless efforts to cultivate children, hopes to become a star, only to become the This world is like a big fire pit covered with flowers, flowers attract many people were jumping down, burnt bones are not left.

6, the food industry

because I have a brand personality cult insist on drinking milk for years, I do not know how much they drank melamine into the belly! Event just happened when I was very sad, insisting that the top executives of these enterprises are also innocent victims, and then I even fool them in this circle are aware of melamine. This is just a microcosm of the food industry unethical, as long as the immediate supervision of the local people would not play tricks on how many toxins we eat every day, simply can not be calculated! Like vegetables and fruits such as overall supervision of the food is very difficult. Saw just one example: I once went to the countryside to play, to see one kind of green onions in the fields, the fields of a farmer is down to a dilution of the highly toxic pesticides (like dichlorvos), I asked him to do it? He said that a long thick green onions make good-looking, an acre of land to touch a few bottles. I asked this onion farmer pesticide residue on the body is not right? Farmer'd I stared at the green fields, do not know what to say, finally understand why the cancer is now common.

7, the pharmaceutical industry

pharmaceutical industry in China is the world's a great spectacle! First, many new drugs, and second, many pharmaceutical companies, these two are the highest in the world! That our R & D capability the world's strongest you believe it? Dr. abroad more than just the top people in it be possible to enter the pharmaceutical research and development, our pharmaceutical R & D capability is quite lacking. Important sales of drugs through advertising and rebates way to buy a doctor. So many new drugs, the main source is the trade-in, but also heard of taking the medicine to the foreign patent invalid country. This approach on the premise that collusion Food and Drug Administration, who was shot in the Food and Drug Administration Zheng also granted tenure to tens of thousands of new drugs, when one of the most reckless for the grant of the tens of thousands a year. Later, according to insiders, who recalls that the grand occasion is amazing: filled poly Drug Registration Department who give money, give money as long as the new drug through the approval of three minutes, so that the toilet was foreign counterparts as a joke to chat! In fact, the lack of new drug development capabilities it when, if we can stop and to what our ancestors left behind a good bit of research and development may also bring great economic and social benefits, such as Tong Ren Tang has been enduring! There are so many people the secret recipe, if pharmaceutical companies can make good use of our fathers left a precious legacy of Chinese medicine have saved, Chinese medicine has already embarked on the world! So that our pharmaceutical companies to enter the virtuous cycle that has been economic, but also for the benefit of the community, why not?

8, the medical industry

Chinese medical industry was mixed, immoral! XX from the scammers to commit employees have all kinds of popular cheat Hospital, Yituo popular and widely publicized by the media deceive patients. A few hundred dollars a cold black that you be kind, and nothing about them are often able to hit the newspapers. Arbitrary charges indiscriminately drug phenomenon has received red envelopes are the main means of income generation and universal truth. A friend of the top three hospitals in Northeast surgery a well-known hospital, go in the same room patients are kindly reminded that all costs must be compared one by one carefully, and to a particular row when the trouble must be possible to put the money back. My friend started also suspect that this is the top three hospitals will not openly bullying you? Later found out that if patients really works wonders. Almost every kind have been spent on a variety of strange with the extra overhead. My friend was a one to trouble them, but also to the big trouble with people. Finally found the cost of surgery, because it is unconscious, do not know how much was in the end with a bandage, how much blood lost, only to give up. Finally, the hospital was afraid of trouble, nearly half of the cost of actually back!

9, the coal mining industry (mainly private)

This is a very An example here to explain Shanxi coal bosses. The composition of some private coal mines are as follows: coal boss hired thugs, who died in addition to the accident immediately buried. Most of the coal owner owned several palaces in Beijing, a bus to take a day to day cash income remitted abroad in Beijing and then to hide or to ensure that basic bank account is not mine, Do so mainly in order to prevent coal mine accident at any time at running, and do not lose money. Because many do not know how to spend the money, and taste is definitely top five, and to buy luxury cars at the show is certain, is to buy a house in Beijing certain, and a buy a lot of sets. I have heard that there is a villa once Shanxi coal bosses bought 8 sets a more than ten million of the villa, and give to relatives and cowboys live, the last set is unoccupied, give their dog live. They would rather buy a house to spend a more than ten million dogs live, do not want to spend a penny to add some safety equipment to the miners to buy insurance! For such people, but also talk about morality? It is no opening to say: these people have earned every penny covered with blood and sweat of miners! Is that these people can be real estate developers in Beijing's favorite. Do not know when the money in a few developers will think about the above blood and sweat of miners? Would not think of these as part of the money donated to the miners to buy insurance? Really unjust, lighter than a feather!

10, the education sector

the education sector are listed here I am very sad, very sad! Was the Education and industrialization of money is the biggest source! Because of money, our beloved school teachers as well as to the vertical velocity of falling bodies fell from the sky directly to the ground, went straight to hell away. Studies have shown a healthy growth of the soul, only with his family and teachers have the primary relationship. But our teachers and schools have done what? Kindergarten teachers will not give gifts to their children because there is no little red; primary school teacher gifts and public humiliation because there is no child; school enrollment rate for all physical education and extracurricular activities were canceled, one by one train, Test Machine Mathematical Olympiad as the soul of this child abuse, personality ugly thing, but also because of pecuniary interests are released with great fanfare, harmed many children. If the unscrupulous food industry is damaging the health of people, then the education sector is the damage to people's unscrupulous character and soul healthy. If there is damage to the body if the hospital can be treated, the soul of health damage to hopeless! The reason I put education first in the industry listed in the wicked, because it not only destroyed the youth of this generation, but also ruined the future of China! Pillars of the country's future all finished, the country's future, what hope do? Lack of moral education industry, destroy families hope for the future and shake the foundation of the country's future, is the most immoral act! Light as a feather! Friends hope the majority of teachers thought. Of course, there are still many in the industry-respected teacher who has stood their ground and not moved by external temptations, indeed, worthy of respect!

the Editor: If the unscrupulous food industry is damaging the health of people, then the education sector is the damage to people's unscrupulous character and soul healthy. If there is damage to the body if the hospital can be treated, the soul of health damage to hopeless!

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