Thursday, March 31, 2011

Physiology of pregnancy- related knowledge - girls , boys are well and see

 Not wash your hair than you cold had menstrual problems
in Asan, Anita Mui's death, a woman's advice:
Women have menstrual cramps before dizziness, was the precursor of cancer. -
mother of cancer - Chuang Shu-chi PhD in 1922, -
80 years old this year, [B] Dr. Chuang Shu-chi anti-cancer regimen - girls menstruation why not wash your hair?
long ago heard the older people often persuade us that young people are not afraid of death, because to ask them: -
Why not? No answer had come, saying only that: it is the accumulated experience of previous caution people not to hear, -
old will know later! So this way, always felt that it may be the old days, poor environment, -
not as we now have a hair dryer, wash immediately dry, it should be just fine ... never thought ... ... -
read this article, before we know the issue is not whether there dry. -
whether the little girl or big girl, you should be careful not to wash your hair on the right. Boys received also take a look, -
with you about the woman should let him know that this is the right idea! -
Taiwan's female Chuang Shu-chi, MD According to the study of medicine, Keio University in Japan has pharmacological cultivation, Dr., MD, -
her three million cancer patients in Japan's life before the disease found that the vast majority of cancer patients had partial eclipse extreme habits, -
and striking in the survey had found that the majority of breast and uterine cancer, -
enjoying a menstrual cramps, her hair, put heavy things, or not pay attention to rest up or eat cold postpartum food, -
induced contraction of the uterus not completely, leaving the imbalance in hormone secretion in vivo, long-term accumulation of cancer. -
a result of this discovery, Dr. Chuang is a great concentration of women in the menstrual period physiological conditioning method, published in Japan during the period to improve the diet, and changes in lifestyle therapy, resulting in many Japanese women because of breast cancer, uterine cancer and was suffering from other cancer surgery were, -
due to diet, improving the lives, leaving the cancer is no longer made. -
therapy has now been widely publicized in Japan, which saved tens of thousands every year, -
this method is that the menstrual period can not wash your hair, -
old when she said Hou, the women know that menstruation can not wash your hair, will the wife passed to her daughter, but I do not know the reason, there are many people living today that science developed, the old saying no credentials, do not believe , the results actually have breast cancer, Dr. Chuang said: In the past a lot of bleeding in the uterus of women, gynecology is not developed in the past, they do not want to see a doctor to find doctors, but there is a self-treatment method, which is water wet hair, then the uterus to contract, immediately stop the blood out. [/ B] -
because of this principle, she found, menstrual cramps, you can not shampoo, can not eat cold food, so as not to exhaust the foul blood drain, and left in the womb, over time, hormone secretion disorder, while breast cancer, the incidence of uterine cancer, in addition to not shampoo, do not eat cold food outside, such as menstrual cramps have dizziness, swelling of milk, they were bleeding, which is a precursor of cancer, prevention, Ke Yi body with brown sugar, lotus root, Portugal radish, barley, etc., drink soup, you can prevent the development of cancer cells, the best way to prevent it -
drink milk tea, do not eat the bread just baked, away from the charging power supply, drink plenty of water during the day and night, drink less, drink more than two cups of coffee a day, eat less oil and more food, the best night of sleep time was 10 to 6 am, night after 5 less fancy meal, drink no more than 1 cup a day, without capsule with cool water before going to bed to lie down immediately after taking medicine, less than 8 hours of sleep a person stupid, there are people who used to nap not easy getting old, left a phone do not call when the grid as a grid power when the radiation is usually called 1,000 times, but also remember to use ear phone, ear phone will have a direct injury to the brain. -
now many female friends, have a favorite was the mistake because it is breast cancer. (Do not pick. A pick on the trouble, -
pick one, another will pick a few years), and uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts Trinity gynecological disease. I am not a doctor, -
but know that this disease is, they all come to our official holiday. Article 5, very good. To develop the habit of recording menstrual cycles. -
normal vacation leave is 28 days per month, plus or minus not more than a day, each time should be 4 to 5 days. After suddenly before suddenly will not work -
quantity will not do either, less will not do either. If you have dysmenorrhea female friend, do not never mind his long-term care of him after more than three may have a great chance. The pain to the hospital the doctor said is normal, do not call this disease. Called symptoms. Especially for pregnant mothers, must be adjusted. Why are some babies born with children and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, Gesanchawu cold, absolute partial eclipse? Mom's vacation leave is a problem. -
in the recipe to add grains and vegetables, be sure to eat whole grains. Crops: soybeans, rice, corn, wheat, millet Valley -
we have not found the ads on TV more and more infertility it? In fact, because we [/ B] long to eat the food hormones, pesticides, fertilizers more than, the excretion of the liver is not enough, do not schedule came out, a lot of dirty things to go through ovary, it will gradually get out to jam , tubal wall, infertility too normal. -
summer we have to cut the mouth, do not eat cold food. -
chill to the stomach, like Dr. Chuang said, to the formation of cold deposition, so that does not emit foul blood drain, -
and left in the womb, over time. (Uterine fibroids is the accumulation of residue) -
>> 1. in a clean bed to sleep naked -
>> 2. Physiology of eating chocolate, which will increase dysmenorrhea -
>> 3. cultivate the habit of recording menstrual cycles -
>> 4. through the movement rather than the adjustable underwear to shape the curve -
>> 5. not Alice his legs, so as to avoid nerve -
>> 6. personal clothing does not dry -
>> 7. pull the wind is not appropriate for everyday wear thong -
>> 8. last year's clothes to be worn after the exposure -
>> 9. if not necessary, do not use sanitary pads -
>> 10. regularly check the shelf life of cosmetics -
>> 11. bath for one hour after the re-make -
>> 12. Even if the beauty, nor the outer edge of the cartilage in the upper parts of the ear piercing -
>> 13. know their family medical history, especially the history of the mother and grandmother -
a good way to add a few conditioning. -
1, daily drink a cup of ginger tea, a few pieces of fresh ginger in, you can also add honey in, Motherwort honey is the best -
2. Motherwort extract (Motherwort extract of St dysmenorrhea be grass), Vevey pharmaceutical produced, flowers cards looks good -
a few dollars a bottle, 2 days in advance to eat a spoonful, 3 times a day, Then eat spearheading a week in advance. -
3. feet is also very good, hot foot bath every day, I also tried. -
4. There must be exercise, every day, can not stay up late. -
physiological changes of the United States is the golden girl
Physiology of the total days each month can not drink, K songs, eat spicy food ... ... but you know this time is in fact a woman becomes beautiful period? Breast, fat burning, improve memory, detox, etc. usually difficult to do things in this golden period can be easily reached.

than 400 women will experience menstrual life, every 2-8 days. So doing, the woman's life, 1 / 10 and the physiological are tangled. Dysmenorrhea, emotional, etc. Though it is the fault of the period, but the experts advise: time, breast, abdomen and other series usually something you can easily reach a headache! business for the chest was flat, a few years, rapid chest SIZE! Her secret is not filled breast surgery, with only the physical development of hormonal changes on the special diet.
American Medical experts say breast menstruation is the best time 1-3 days, 3 days because of chest fullness of ovarian estrogen secretion of 24-hour equivalent, can stimulate breast fat accumulation. If this 3 days eat carrots, potatoes, soy and nuts food, breast enhancement effect will be more than 3 percent better than usual. Papaya is recognized as the best breast food, but medical experts also stress that only the help of the lactic acid bacteria, the body can absorb the effect of a breast and papaya enzyme papain. So want to make a chest full, may as well give yourself a cup of papaya yogurt DIY.
In addition, the calcium in food is also very important, the latest German survey shows calcium can stimulate hormone secretion. You may try to 2 days before menstruation, oral calcium began to eat. Experts point out that human intake of calcium per 300 ml when less than or equal to absorb the best. So I suggest you choose a small dose of calcium, many taking small doses of calcium absorption is better than better off taking large doses of calcium.

2, Fat Burning
Dutch sports medicine experts point out that fluctuations of the fat-burning hormone influential. They menstrual period last 2 days and 1 week after referred to as During this time suggest that you burn body fat through proper exercise, especially abdominal fat accumulation. For your health, burn fat is more important than weight loss.
suggest you the last 2 days in the period, 20 minutes of yoga every day, 15 minutes brisk walking and stretching a few simple little tricks. 1 week after menstruation, more than 30 minutes a day doing aerobic exercise. Sports medicine experts recommend 6.5 km per hour, brisk walking exercise, the most effective body fat combustion. Fast attention to the abdomen when the force, imagine the body hanging in the air as fast as walking, which is most helpful in burning belly fat, abdomen with unexpected results. Abdomen was tense after exercise is normal, this is a necessary process of decomposition of abdominal fat, 2-3 days after the abdomen will be able to recover soft.
a medical survey, women during menstruation, desire for food was 25% higher than usual degree. This is not a bad thing! At this point you can eat sweets rarely touch. Experts point out that 3 days before menstruation, the body's tolerance than usual into the high two on the decomposition rate of unsaturated fatty acids than non-menstrual phase high one into the half. These days, you can do things correct weight-loss food!
but do not order to consolidate the body effect, try a variety of diet pills. Worse during menstruation the body immune system, hormonal balance, diet pills can easily be disrupted in the chemical composition of ground, but negative body sculpting, or even result in menstrual disorders.

3, improve memory
German women's health experts say, women in the estrogen synthesis process, the need for a special aromatase, the enzyme by nerve conduction of the cerebral cortex responsible for memory cells have a stimulating effect. Secretion of aromatase in the physiological peak of the last 1-2 days, if you want to improve memory, might the tail end of the physiological, memorizing English words or poetry to do mental exercises.
You can also chewing gum while doing exercises, because chewing stimulates the brain in charge of memory the hippocampus. More importantly, the chewing gum can stimulate saliva production, saliva enzyme aromatase to work together to help, let the cerebral cortex cell activity 14% higher than usual, memory can be enhanced in the short period of time.
In addition, you can try odd Sid Row German medical experts to teach a small coup, he said: can allow the brain to get 'potential capacity'. specific methods is simple: from top to bottom with the thumb and index finger to gently massage the ear, 3 minutes, then index finger, press hard on the temple for 1 minute. This approach can promote cortical blood flow, eliminate fatigue and memory impairment.

4, found a small problem
health experts to U.S. medical physiology of as the health of the body most likely a small problem surfaced at the time of sleep. But this is definitely not a bad thing! because you can find easily show that the health warning on weekdays, early detection can be improved early.

Question 1: bags under the eyes , black eye
obviously get enough sleep 8 hours, how can they withstand the bags and dark circles? Japanese health experts say that means not enough blood circulation in your body, smooth, high blood viscosity, probably taken with meat products into too much about. proposed a balanced diet and reduce meat intake, increased in the diet of dairy products and beans.

Question 2: Why is one
gingival bleeding gums to bleed easily physiological? This is not health-related gum is gum inflammation precursor. recommended to the clinic after the end of menstruation scaling to remove tartar cause inflammation, to prevent further spread of inflammation, serious brush your teeth, gargle with salt water. In addition, a lot of calcium, blood loss with iron ions, which also contributed to the physiological causes of bleeding gums, recommended daily calcium, and adequate intake of vitamin D.

Question 3: If your hair is easily broken hair
become particularly vulnerable in the physiological, easy to break, it is likely that you have anemia at the edge! menstrual period, the lack of amino acid supply of the hair, keratin protein content decreased, there will be Eat more foods containing iron minerals, such as spinach, etc., in order to improve the risks of anemia in vivo.

5, detoxification
Singapore medical experts found that women from the 1st day of menstruation, the body secrete a unit smaller than the cell proteins - enzymes. This enzyme can break down toxins, so that the blood changes from acidic to alkaline, and help detoxify the body effectively. U.S. health experts said Green Ice Langdon, amount of menstrual drinking water of great help to detox the body, so the physiological 1000 ml of drinking water a day is necessary.
medical experts said, the body of women during menstruation is 15% higher than usual sensitivity and gently tap a few special points, we can stimulate the body's metabolism, and promote the body toxins. But experts also emphasized that rather than be forced to tap gently massage.
Yongquan: When you force bent toes, the foot appeared before the Department of depression is Yongquan. gently tap the meridian passing through the role of Yongquan, regulate your autonomic nervous system, help you expand blood vessels, promote skin blood circulation, speed up the removal of toxins, reduce blood viscosity. < / p>
Zusanli: Associate with the right hand palm right knee at the top, fingers down, one finger out the middle finger to the top position is the right leg full three years. For the left hand in the same way can be found in the full three years left leg and gently tap the point, can promote the digestive system to speed up removal of toxins and boost the body immunity.

acupoints small way:

Zusanli knee on the outside now refers to four horizontal, tibial edge. Touch-up from the outside of the lower leg, left knee following knee can touch the bump (the lateral tibial condyle). Thus further out, a little below the place inclined, there is another bump (fibular head). It links two convex bone to the line, this line is the bottom edge down to make a triangle. The vertex of this triangle, it is Zusanli. Zusanli knee now 3 inches out from the anterior tibial crest a cross that, when the tibialis anterior muscle. Acupoints, the knee from the outside down the amount of 4 cross-refers to the eye, between the fibula and tibia, the tibia adjacent to open a cross-refer, where that is.
Changes during pregnancy can be a beautiful way to let the children during pregnancy can make baby is a beautiful way.
woman confinement to note.
80,90 Parents will learn after the small: 10-year-old child can not eat until ~
baby for the future must see ah!
fact, women should see more of 啦 ~!
changes in diet can make you have a beautiful baby.
> to improve the partial black color
Partial black color Some parents, pregnant women can eat more foods rich in vitamin C such as tomatoes, grapes, oranges, cauliflower, melon, onion, garlic, apple, prickly pear, jujube and other fruits and vegetables , especially in the apple is the best.
> goodbye to rough skin, with good eyesight
pregnant women can eat more foods rich in vitamin A, such as animal liver, egg yolk, milk, cod liver oil, carrots, apples, tomatoes and green vegetables and dried fruit. In particular in liver vitamin A was the most carrots can also promote the increase of hemoglobin, thereby enhancing the concentration of the blood is nourishing the blood of common people to share.
> foster shiny shiny black hair
early white hair, or if the parents slightly brown, fall off, so pregnant women can eat more foods containing vitamin B family, such as lean meat, fish, animal liver, milk, bread, beans, eggs, seaweed, walnuts, sesame, corn and green vegetables, these foods can improve the child hair, not only dense, black, and shiny gloss.
> let the children grow taller head
head if the parents were not high, should eat foods rich in vitamin D, such as shrimp, egg yolk, liver and vegetables.
> benefit the brain, brain, brain
during pregnancy eat more iodine-rich foods, such as kelp and other marine products, to supplement the needs of the fetus to iodine, to promote the synthesis of fetal thyroid is conducive to a good fetal brain development.
other pregnant women in the diet during pregnancy should also note the following points in life:
trimester fetal brain cells and fat cells of the During this period, pregnant women must pay attention to increase the protein, phospholipids, and vitamin intake, eat more dairy, eggs, lean meat, liver, fish, legumes and vegetables to ensure adequate food supply, soy sauce conducive to the fetus intellectual development.
Calcium and vitamin D intake should be sufficient. Severe calcium deficiency during pregnancy may affect fetal bone, teeth, composition, and may even lead to fetal abnormalities. Note added iron and other trace elements, should eat vegetables, shrimp and so on.
honey for pregnant women, is an excellent health care products, pregnant women often eat honey, not only to complement a variety of nutrients, but also dryness catharsis, so that pregnant women feel happy and enhance the body's digestion and absorption.
some food is not suitable for pregnant women to eat, such as: raw chilled foods such as bananas, stone flowers, wood and other children; spicy food categories, such as: cinnamon, pepper, cloves, pepper; effects of functional foods, such as water chestnut, rabbit meat, fern, large hemp seed and so on.
3 months, do not salt:
3 months, the baby does not need salt, but from the breast or milk in the absorption of salt is enough. After 3 months, with the growth and development, your baby healthy kidney function gradually, gradually increasing the salt requirement, this time may be appropriate to eat a little bit.
principle is that only after 6 months to control the amount of salt in 1 grams per day.
1-year-old not to eat honey within:
years of age in the normal flora in the intestines of the baby has not been fully established, eating into the honey easily cause infection, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and other symptoms. After the age of the baby, the normal intestinal flora established, it is nothing wrong with eating honey.
3 years of age not to drink tea:
3-year-old child should not be drinking less. Tea contains large amounts of tannic acid, will interfere with the body of protein in food, minerals and calcium, zinc, iron absorption, leading to a lack of protein and minerals infant affect their normal growth and development.
tea caffeine is a strong stimulant, ADHD children may be induced.
5 years of age not to eat supplements:
5 years of age is a critical period of child development, many supplements contain hormones or hormone substances, which can cause early epiphyseal closure, reduced epiphyseal growth period, resulting in a child who was small and not grow; hormones can interfere with the growth of the system, lead to precocious puberty.
In addition, young tonic, can also cause bleeding gums, thirst, constipation, high blood pressure, bloating and other symptoms.
10 years of age do not eat pickled products:
10 years of age children do not eat preserved foods, for two reasons:
First pickled products (salted fish, bacon, pickles, etc.) is too high salt content, high-salt diet easily induced hypertension;
Second, salted contains large amounts of nitrite, it aflatoxin, styrene pyrene is recognized as the world's three major cancer-causing substances, research data shows that: 10 years old before the children start to eat pickled products, adult cancer the possibility of 3 times higher than the average person, in particular, the incidence of pharyngeal cancer, high risk.
After the use of the confinement , women second chance
confinement is the best woman's life to improve the physical time. If you do not sit on child, will be buried later health risks. Chinese people pay attention to confinement, do not think it is superstition Oh, many stresses are justified.
one life to note:
1. be sure to rest a month or month and a half. Postnatal weeks, in addition to eat and go to the toilet, the other must be bed time. If used to sit or get up walk, may lead to uterine prolapse.
2. for two or three width of about 30 --- 40 cm, length 12 laps around the abdomen, half white gauze. Postpartum bear tie cummerbund to prevent visceral ptosis. Visceral ptosis will lead to women's diseases, and lower abdomen prominent, body ugly. Athletic also tied to significant improvement of the status of prenatal belly. Spirituality is not to the general athletic and corset belt instead. Because they are not only ineffective, but also counterproductive.
3. the first two weeks can take a bath sponge bath with warm drinks. Practice is to boil the water and rice wine each half, add a little salt, wet with a towel, wring dry, rub the body. The third week you can shower, bath after the full moon. (Soon the middle class)
4. to render service to be put to use boiled water to warm before use. You can use skin care products.
5. prohibited shampoo. Because the scalp can not catch a cold.
6. can not be carrying a child. Doing so may visceral ptosis. Lying on the side when feeding fed.
7. can not take a bath for the kids, or can lead to back pain and tingling hands and feet. Therefore, when a bath for children to LG et al.
8. have a quiet, comfortable environment. Draw the curtains when the sun is too strong to protect the eyes. Not hair, because the pores are open to post-partum body, hair and joints can lead to pain and other head winds, even the fans do not shake.
9. during the month can not climb the stairs, not to mention weight within six months after delivery to prevent visceral ptosis.
10. Do not cry, or eyes to premature aging as glaucoma or cataracts may develop. Less reads the newspaper and television, we must allow the eye to fully rest.
Second, the diet should pay attention to:
1. Eat small meals often.
2. postpartum two weeks is strictly prohibited to drink water, beverages and soups, milk can not drink. National Cheng Kung University because it will drink a bucket, will become fat and will likely have rheumatism or neuralgia. Can be used instead of boiled rice water (store bought bottled wine). Practice is a few bottles of rice wine into the pan, uncovered, boil for 15 minutes after. Then the cooked rice into the hot water bottle of water use.
3. not to salt, cold food, sour things can not eat. (Justified, I will not say very long.)
4. half a month to avoid eating vegetables and fruit. Can eat carrots. Within a month of eating less fruit and water.
5. half a month banned the consumption of fish and meat, you can eat liver. Because the fatigue of the body can not fully absorb the fish, meat, nutrient, the results of too many nutrients, the body will only add to the burden, resulting in Should go to the third week to eat.
6. with sesame oil, ginger and rice wine cooking food. Jiang to burst through

method of confinement of small S, no wonder her body so well!
under the plan, Dr. Chuang Shu-chi of Taiwan's confinement theory, I will practice one by one, and promptly put their feelings and experiences to share with you sister.
First, key words:
1, water does not stick (with rice water instead of ordinary water)
2, not into the grain of salt (less salt)
3, frequently tied to athletic
4 , meditation retreat

Second, At that time my sister gave birth soon pregnant, Lily introduced her with the book, good results. I did not know she had a child six months old, but her body recovered quite well, simply do not have a baby was born. In this way, our family of three sisters are sitting with a month of this method is not only a good stature recovery, body mass better than before.
of Dr. Zhuang Shuqin, obstetrics and gynecology is well-known experts in Taiwan. She suggested that women are three times in a lifetime opportunity to adjust their own size, so as to restore youth, beauty and health, that is, of menarche, the production after the menopause. The most important thing here, at this stage after production. During this period, your body is like an open door, can be accumulated during pregnancy excess water and toxins (this is also the main reason for post-natal weight gain) from in vitro, and then through proper nourishing your body more healthy.

1, confinement in three stages: a row of the second tone is the third meeting
specific week divided by one month postpartum week, as needed, eat different food:
the first week, the main is to excess moisture and toxins from the body, and lochia, biochemical drink soup, eat sesame fried liver. Be careful not to drink plenty of water (otherwise the effect of drainage is gone), thirst thirsty to drink beverages, such as litchi, hawthorn slice, etc., or boil the rice wine. Any dish can turn on the water, boil with the rice wine instead. Not salt (salt water will stay in the body), can not put vinegar (vinegar will soften the bone), can not put soy sauce (the same reason salt).

second week, the main bone strength and lumbar kidney function and restore the pelvis. Eat fried kidneys and gutta-percha powder, help relieve bone pain, tailbone, etc.; (the other: if it is caesarean section, but also have another week of biochemical soup.) Taboo Ibid, do not eat pickles, pickled vegetables, Miso soup.

third weeks to a month, this time, the row has been drained, mainly to eat sesame chicken make up the body. Do remember, drained after eating sesame chicken to toxins absorbed by the body, or accumulate in the body as excess fat. Because the pre-frail, Chinese speaking virtual free fill, eating can not absorb, will only increase the body burden.

food all of the above, must use a lot of rice wine (not cooking wine and rice wine, salt and the process is different from the inside), ginger, sesame oil, brown sugar.

2, same time, the confinement period, not hair, cold. After the gang has to wear shoes (can not wear slippers, or heel pain problems falling). Wash your face with warm cooked rice after washing place, do not take a bath, with the same brush of rice wine cooked. Tie cummerbund, the best feeding themselves, the recovery of the body will be better. After the beginning of the month of movement, and so forth. I have a baby before
110 pounds, 135 pounds when born. 8 pounds 5 a child born two days of birth to 4, 113 pounds, a month to 110 pounds on the restoration of midnight. But when the body is very loose cross, no muscle, stomach loosely. However, to bring their own children very tired, plus the occasional exercise (time to exercise is also Burongyia), 6 months, has become 98 lbs body weight, body slowly recovered well, others do not see I have given birth to a children. No after-effects like wider hips, but the belly of the pregnant Xiao Wen Chen not go on.
quickly when students already have swollen legs and hands are also some joint pain and swelling, but end up sitting child, basically just fine. After students, tailbone pain, in the second week of eating Eucommia powder, the two. Some people feel
salt too hard, in fact, I usually eat their own tastes to light, during the month of salt did not feel what is not. Think to the future health and body, one month does not count salt and what is it? Weight loss than comfortable.

Third, confinement series of articles

1, rice water
month in Beijing Ai subsidiary information on beauty, there is a rice wine, water can be seen everywhere, everywhere use to. The water they are selling cheap compared to 240 yuan / box, sit down month of 30 days, to 10 cases, that is to be 2,400 yuan. However, according to data presentation, the water is actually boiled rice, not stamped, so that the full evaporation of alcohol. The entire month of period, maternal use of all this water instead of water diet, including vegetables, soak rice, cooking, cooking, take a sponge bath and so on and so forth.
special note here, this wine is not fermented glutinous rice or sweet fermented rice country say, is a special month of rice wine, alcohol content of 15 degrees looks like.

2, Hua Tang
biochemical soup is good with a pair of Chinese medicine, its main function is to lochia uterine discharge as soon as possible, to help it return to normal position and shape. Slightly larger in the pharmacy, you can buy.

3, sesame oil (black sesame)
sesame oil, during the month that in almost all the dishes will be used. To prevent skin aging and anti-cancer effect.

4, athletic
long 1500CM, 15CM wide white gauze belt, need to prepare at least two. Ai Lady sold 100 two, I plan to go to the pharmacy to buy, if not, with a bandage on the sewing machine made according to specifications.

5, Eucommia powder. Taking the second week postpartum.

Fourth, a variety of meal production methods

1, maternal drink:
material: Hawthorn meat, lychee shell, adding ten times the Goddess of Mercy series rice water, boil boil , filter out. Add brown sugar Mix well and refrigerate in a container. Drink when heated, not more than 500CC, do more at once. Hawthorn meat, lychee shell, Guanyin string can be individually selected, you can use with.

2, Hua Tang:
Material: angelica, Sichuan dome, peach kernel (to core), roasted ginger, Zhi Cao (Honey Licorice).
practice: A wine 700cc, add spice, simmer for about 1 hour, about left 200cc, this is the first time, wine poured out for use.
B the second time and then add the rice wine 350cc, and the first kind of cooking the same, some left 100cc.
eat: the A and B together, 3 times a day drinking. 7 days to drink natural labor, cesarean drink for 14 days.

3, Liver Soup:
If the Caesarean section a week to eat nourishing soup in prenatal, postpartum and then eat for two weeks (post-cooking with rice wine.)
Material: heart-shaped date (date to buy red heart-shaped) with hot water pre-(post-natal water with rice wine) 280cc
practices: Wash with water dates to knife to open 7. On the container, the hot water will open, the seal placed on the night. The next morning the steam with the steam device. Such as boiling over high heat for one hour and then with the text.
eat: the dates out, peeled seeds, edible at any time of day. Soup can be divided into two or three times after dinner when the tea. Can also add a little sugar or brandy.

4, barley rice: add rice, barley boiled rice, boiled with rice wine.

5, sesame oil and fried liver of the methods (kidney the same way)
material: pig with rice washed, cut into 1 cm thick and weighs 10 kg per 60 grams of ginger should be taken (together with skin biopsy) to take weight of six grams per ten kilograms. Sesame oil, weight per ten kilograms to take 6cc. Rice, each weighing ten kilograms with 60cc.
Practices: use of sesame oil and saute ginger, into a light brown, ginger, picked up first place in the prepared rice. Oil heat, fire, and then put down the liver, with salty fried foods, and then boil the rice wine into the Jin Zhao Jiang.
eat: liver suitable for breakfast, lunch on the above components can be divided into 3 - 4 times after eating;
Note: fresh kidney, one day, dry and cut in half with the rice wine , remove the white urinary gland. The kidneys will clean the surface of the miter gap, and then cut into small pieces 3 cm.

6, sweet glutinous rice porridge
material (three-day copies): glutinous rice, longan meat, brown sugar, rice wine, water 2000CC.
practices: the sticky rice with dried longan meat into the water, cover foam 8 hours. The dip of the material to change the fire boil, cook over low heat 1 hour stamped. Flame, add brown sugar and stir after eating.

7, adzuki bean soup:
material (three-day copies): red bean, ginger skin, brown sugar, rice wine, water 1500CC.
practices: the beans into the rice water, foam seal 8 hours. Shredded ginger, red bean in place have been soaked. Bring to a boil, turn the fire to cook on medium heat for 20 minutes (stamped). Flame, add brown sugar and stir edible.
eat: 2 bowls a day can be 10 o'clock in the morning and 15:00 each bowl.

Why not true love for to see it, I CRY

 Days, is still dead, a man with a touch of approximately 5.6-year-old girl walking in the street, have not see this man what color clothes to wear, the little girl's face was become a gray sweat and dust cover, Only a pair of eyes can tell if the man is watching, Dad, I'm hungry, the girl said to the man, the man's face reveals the bitter smile, from a pocket and pulled out a piece of dry bread to the stiff girl, good you eat, and my father to buy you water, a man walked in front of a small shop, standing in the doorway and a Baipang the proprietress said: Xia Jie, I bought a bottle of mineral water, stuffed into the boss took a few bottles of water man's arms, said: take it, so hot days, drink plenty of points to a stubborn man with a crumpled five-, and boss sighed, pulled a girl, playing a pot of water, careful to children to wash a bit, watching the children, said: read the children, and the oldest maternal aunt said that today what you eat, the girl happy to say, oldest maternal aunt, my father gave me cake, I am also back to walk and wife looked at the children, and men said, pay attention to his body, after reading your child needs care, a man quietly pulled his side, said the girl, know, Xie Xiexia sister, a girl and turned to leave, the wife looked back and bent in the men and bounce the children follow the men, eyes moist, shops there is also a table, a few dressed demon **** son said, yo, this how you, how have shed crocodile tears, the wife bitterly to say, you know what these fox, slowly uttered the words boss ... ...
a young beautiful woman lying on a hospital bed, staring at the pale, handsome face The man said, her husband, do not toss, and we have no money, the man said the woman did not smile watching this relationship, the doctor has said you get better soon, and it is almost time to pick up my child read, the man slowly turned away, just left the room, the strong man tears came out, furniture, electrical appliances, car, house, to sell are sold, relatives, friends can borrow the money borrowed, even his father for the last The funeral also gives the men, told the man said, try it, now you do not owe people, men went to the hospital finally back garden Sixin crying out, 20 million ah, the doctor and he said, in a 20 million will be able to cure his wife's illness, but now there can have these 20 million for him now, the figure is super astronomical, tears are streaming over, time to go look at the kindergarten daughter, the man wiped his tears, to the kindergarten door.
in the process of waiting for school children is asking an aunt, a woman said: your husband now how you, woman, looking sad to say, the doctor said to a kidney transplant, but alas there looking for ah the money I can play out, but now can not be buying and selling human organs, mother nodded say ah, really heartbreaking, man eyes light up, went over, asked, Sister, you and I talk a good thing you, a woman wary of looking man said, you have to do, men do not misunderstand Do not get answered quickly, I also come with children, listening to you the things I think I have a way to help you out, the woman listened to doubt the question, What can you, your husband is not a man that needs the kidney? I? How can a woman say this, it is illegal things, the man said, Sister, we say elsewhere, two people came across some small to see no one, the men told their own thing this woman said, Sister ah, we even help each other now, with only one kidney is not related to the woman hesitated for a long time that, then I ask my husband, you have the phone for? Man smile and said, I did not have to sell clean, you put your phone number to me, I'll contact you, the woman gave him the numbers, said that tomorrow, contact us now, each with children back, the men took the children back to the hospital, watching with hope to cure his wife and daughter in the mother bed, smiling faces of men finally have a point, the next afternoon, the man called the woman's phone, the woman told him tomorrow to the hospital to check the blood type, and then talk about the price, the man said excitedly, thank you, Sister, that you saved our family, the woman said, if you can be successful but also saved our family, and has been on the morning man appointment of women to the hospital, tests and procedures are cumbersome over, the diagnosis can be used, two people came to a coffee house, the woman asked you a price right, the man then said, big sister, my wife 20 universal cure is needed, I also do not have money, you see how much to give, the woman laughed and said, you are very honest, I find out through your things, you can do that to your wife I was very moved, I'll give you 50 million, I hope you and your wife can go back later to buy a house and furniture, the men shed tears and said, thank you, I will repay you later, the woman said, no, the price is very fair , we will not insult to injury. I give you 30 million, and other surgical finished giving you 20 million, she said, men and women said the woman smiled and agreed.
operation was a success, the transfer is also good for women, such as some of the 20 million check on the man's hand, said, that you are out of work, the children I will help you arrange a
men recovered quickly, when he returned to his wife's bedside, found his wife's color has been restored almost to the doctor to ask, now how about it? The doctor told him, yes, it has been able to go back to training, and six months should be able to complete recovery, the men finally put down the new stone in, and asked a number of detailed considerations, for the discharge procedures, with the rest of the money men bought a second hand house, well, price satisfaction, with his wife and daughter came home, and thought, the nightmare is gone, is to start over time.
men find a new job, it is hard to shop and go, and his wife at home training, the men in order to survive at home, often overtime, one day, a man who has a fever feel cold, and went the hospital took some medicine, but also did not care about anything, not even with medication, the man to the hospital, the original kidney removed when he was not fully wound inflammation of conditioning now, and man heard later the same as Qingtianpili , asked the doctor how much it costs, the doctor said that such operations are intermediate, cost is not too high, but one thing to tell you that your inspection report to you at a disadvantage. , The man asked what the doctor said that you have an impact on sex life after a man lost in meditation, to his wife and family, and I now are worth, and came home and said to his wife, now go away on business, has been to find a babysitter at home, everything you do not worry, I'll be back, he looked at his wife, gentle man, said outside take care of yourself, do not be too worried about me, man kissed his wife on the forehead.
man came to the hospital to let his father in the operation on the signed one.
Two months later, the man was discharged and returned home to see his wife and daughter, comforting smile, so that men can not think of things happen, life between husband and wife, the man can not even adhering to a time in a day goes by, even between husband and wife have a diaphragm, a man reimbursing the patient, his wife finally made the break, the men looked scared E's familiar with this strange face, point nod, the man in the division of property and child support that was once a piece of his wife to choose, the choice of his wife, the man again disappointed, and his wife chose the home of real estate funds and now half the man accepted, see with his beloved woman, saying, take care of yourself.
man with a girl and a share of thousands of dollars, rented a house, a man thinking of his own wasted a half watching the kids finally able to sell their organs that do not care who shed tears, the heart had really hurts, how it hurts so bad, as if breathing is so difficult as to be torn chest pain, the tears flow over the heart, so it was dead, but the child have to take care ah, she is still small, but also warm, you need to go to school, I would never give his daughter psychological pressure, men Yaozhu Ya stood up, sunset, watching the man of my back, so large.
A year later, first grade children read and watch growing up the daughter of a man finally feeling happy, one day, he took his daughter to the mall to buy clothes, just arrived door, met his ex-wife, happy children shouted dad read you behold is a mother, a man watching now wear gold with silver in the women said, about 50-year-old bald man standing next to her asked, , bald, said Yin Xiao, baby or my bad, ha ha. The pair of shameless Gounan Nv ridiculed others and so the absence of men, got into an Accord turned, planted a mock
leave, panic's asked his father, a man's complexion was blue, purple lips, his hands shook as by his wife, a fiercely stabbed.
go crazy after drinking and smoking men, often what there talking to himself, slowly, it was discovered that he had not very normal, just read the child what to say, he was know that he can hear.
what happened? Several are said to be fox woman boss is already asked in tears, and later. . . . .
One day, outside the snowflakes, read the child rubbing his cold hands and red man said, bottle of wine, a loaf of bread, a bag of peanuts on the way back, where a van from the turn was coming, although the brakes, but the ground has been covered with the snow, bang, the men knocked out, but also Thanks to open the unhappy man looked at the car side of horror, they pick on the ground crisp bread and peanuts, got out a plate of two inch tall shaved head man, looked at the car said, fuck, really Xuan Hu, ah, He should be all right, another smoking a cigarette had been able to smile and say, see him as too fine ah. In this way, they drove majestically away.
back home, the men read the bread to the children, the bed and read while eating bread while children do homework, the teacher asked students to write a diary today, called: My mom and dad. Other jobs are finished, read children Waizhaonaodai think in the end my mother what it? Mother's image has been blurred in the hearts of children reading, watching my father coughing in bed, read the children called a basin of water from the outside, against a good hot water, a towel and rub gently for Dad wipe her face and hands, in his father tuck a tuck, and he is washed, and then checked the windows and doors, off the light, and well-climbed his own little bed asleep.
morning, up early to read the children, awakened by a man, father, I went to school, the men took out a dollar from him to his daughter, husky, said, eat something, go. promise me a few days to help me buy new clothes then, a fairly new down jacket, smiled and said, clothes, took out a pocket of money to the fifty-read children, said, money, or you want to make your ass uncle Xiaogang, and read children that know the oldest maternal aunt, and I go, first came to the school gate to see who she was afraid, Xiaogang uncle, uncle very sharp eyes, do not know every day Wang Shang how is such a good eye, he has nothing, is a professional gamer, earn a little money life, usually Bang Shou a utility district in what is, but the cost of home study are all children of his own pocket. Read the children, Xiaogang Han Zhu her uncle, because he read the children to learn as long as that bad or naughty, will certainly have to beat her ass pigtail pulling, ? Uncle asked her, bastard that kind of
to school, children began to collect the students read their homework, because she was class president, came home from school at noon, saw a man not up yet, read the child asked, did not answer, read the child is very strange how the father is? Thought, and climbed on the bed to see his father and mother in the holding pictures of her childhood in the face to see his father, a man's complexion has become a gray, empty eyes wide open, as if the feelings of the human world confused, and like to talk with the unwilling and sorrow, from the ears and mouth out of the blood has dried up, , Xiaogang slightly clatter about heart, a hand touched the man's face, has been cool, and surprising idea to ask children, your father. . . Your dad how he bleeding? Read the children cried, , in the end how matter, an aunt said, Grandpa Lin retired from the Police asked, into a mass of the chaos, this time sitting in bed reading children inside, tightly pulled his father's hand and asked, , little people in the room do not cry, Xiajie a child picked up the idea, wiping her tears, said after studying children with me, and I can not let this child to be a little bitter, and sometimes, the this and that should read child care, in fact, we usually have no less care of their father and daughter, but the situation now everyone wants to use their ability to suffer was hard to take care of this child, watching his father was carried away wrapped in the room, crying and crying children read . . . Than the knife really have pain in the human body, Lin uncle ran home a few steps out of two thousand yuan on the hands of the Xia Jie said, is to sell the house will help you take care of children read open open seeing what ah This result is actually a man, dead time, no one would know why he took that picture, which has his wife and his daughter, whether he is reluctant to his wife? Or his daughter? Or both ... ...?

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

【 terror often play QQ QQ chat , the timid do not look 】

 Bonze: You okay! -
Ling is still a woman: Hello. -
bonze: You can talk about it? -
spirit is still a woman: Yes. -
bonze: Are you a woman? -
Ling is still a woman: Yes. -
bonze: May I ask you how old it? -
Ling is still a woman: I can not answer you. -
bonze: Oh, of course. -
Ling is still a woman:. . . . . . -
bonze: Do you usually like doing? -
Ling is still a woman: the number of people. -
bonze: the number of people? What is the number of people you? -
Ling is still a woman: You do not understand. -
bonze: Oh, you counted how many people today, you? -
Ling is still a woman: 58 a. -
bonze: Oh, really interesting, the number of people you like to play. -
Ling is still a woman: Yes, you are 59. -
bonze: Oh? ! What do you mean? Do not understand. -
Ling is still a woman: you will understand. -
bonze: Oh, you're very funny. By the way, what do you do, married? -
Ling is still a woman: I married a. -
bonze: Oh. That your husband is doing what? -
Ling is still a woman: he was dead a long time. -
bonze: Oh. I'm sorry it! -
Ling is still a woman: It does not matter. -
bonze: What do you want your husband? -
spirit is still women: think. -
bonze: Oh ~ ~ ~ What things get to the end! -
Ling is still a woman: ah. -
bonze: We make friends bar, free tea together. -
Ling is still a woman: good. -
bonze: Nice to meet you! -
Ling is still a woman: Me too. -
bonze: fix a day as collision at, simply right for today, tonight we sit with it. -
Ling is still a woman: good. -
bonze: Oh, you really will come to you, deal Ha! -
Ling is still a woman: Yes, I can take my husband to come? -
bonze: ah? ! Your husband? ? He is not already. . . . . . -
Ling is still a woman: Yes. -
bonze: that. . . How do you bring him? -
Ling is still a woman: nothing, short of one to 60 people, and you wait for me. -
bonze: 60? ! Han. . . What do you mean? -
Ling is still a woman:. . . . . . -
bonze: Hello. . . You still there? ? -
spirit is still a woman: in the. -
bonze: you in the end mean? -
Ling is still a woman: Well, gather 60 people, waiting for you at home, I'll pick you up at night to go. -
bonze: Pick me up at night to go? Even. . . What do you mean? ! -
Ling is still a woman: ah. -
bonze: you. . . What were you in the end? ! -
Ling is still a woman: I am not a person. Is that. . . -
next day, the head monk was found dead sitting at a computer next to the bizarre, the computer has been unplug the power cord is still in the red glare of flashing those few ...-
be reproduced after watching, or at the woman will get you a few ...-
reproduced without incident after the family -
the person you love will love you! -
I was forced helplessness! Do not look at you door Ha! I saw things no regret ah!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Do not forget my blog has been launched !

 Recruitment of a close friend ! !Today, I opened my QQ space!
around GGMM who have their own room for
QQ , but I believe that my room will be unique !

where my personality is character
I like to make friends , but I do not like the indiscriminate video . In addition, I have pierced ears, because I find it cool.
me and my friends usually like to play most online games is the Audition
if you like, hurry to add to my friends!
your game data on your log
Qzone I will go , Oh !

me if you want to talk some more , give me a shout it
or send me a small note if you think we
affinity , plus my friend now!

Also, if you are in the other blog, a diary or photo, you can move with the QQ space tools.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

The discussion of the online game Lineage 2 and WOW

 Online games no longer strange to us , look to see online games market in China , I love only Lineage 2 and WOW, two beautiful 3D game. on time, Lineage 2 to earlier, have started a few years ago Into China was , WOW into China will soon though , but there is no doubt , is to have the most players .
do these two games are very beautiful, the style is not the same , Lineage 2 is a cartoon plus texture feel , WOW is the feeling of a foreigner , in fact, can be found on this point , Lineage 2 is more suitable for Asian aesthetics . Daguai in leveling is also very suitable for Chinese people , and I was more like one o'clock Lineage 2, although it played Months of WOW.
recently the Internet often find a lot of people in attacks on these two games , were saying the other's bad, anger is still very great , in fact, what is it? game Well, they like on the line, Never mind how other people had any brains , let alone shouting match , though I prefer Wantian Tang 2, but also played WOW, that is also good, each have their own characteristics, the place has attracted me , who played Naturally understand .
say that plug-in it, this is my pain started to play Lineage 2 from the beta , really , when many people are unable to describe my mood is good not speak , but not long , the plug Began to appear , first a few , and later developed into a manual into a few, ran and ran all over the world , are plug-in , are not talking , and even play with my friends, has become Hanging , hey ...... helpless , I chose to leave . WOW is not linked to well , and then how to say , are living , are manual , this will have to play first , and just personally do not like it Style .
my paradise No. 3 District (formerly District 33 ) name : Plough Killer ( treasure hunter ), fire Fengshen (sword fighting )
WOW No. 5 district in the hands of Tyre names Is: Xiyangzhige ( Elf Rogue ), exaggerated a little ( orc warrior )
knowledgeable friend or two games played with friends can look at.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Fun games

 Thank you ~ ~ I am a peacock Xiang Netcom zone game name is Brother ~ ~ happy 86 crescent ( Xanadu Bangzhu ) ~ ~ and I am an area basically know me ,

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Comprehensive treatment of advanced lung cancer survival may be extended

 Lung cancer is not incurable (c)
three multidisciplinary treatment can prolong survival in patients with advanced lung cancer of
see from the current treatment, surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy remains the treatment of lung cancer principal means. We have a clear understanding that a simple surgery alone a knife, too much emphasis on universal drugs, physical therapy unreasonably exaggerate the clinical behavior of lung cancer patients do not give a real clinical benefit. must be based on patients with lung cancer physical and mental condition, the exact location of the tumor, histological type, violation of the range (of disease) and the development trend, combined with changes in molecular biology, planned, scientific and rational application of existing comprehensive variety of effective treatment, the most appropriate The economic costs to obtain the best therapeutic effect, while maximizing the quality of life of patients improved. This is our years of emphasis on multidisciplinary treatment of lung cancer definition.
lung cancer clinical stage before surgery is essential. must be carried out before the operation stage scientific and standardized tests such as brain magnetic resonance imaging examination except for brain metastasis, whole body bone metastases than bone scan, abdominal ultrasound or abdominal CT than abdominal metastasis. These checks are both routine clinical diagnosis and treatment of lung cancer called , and it is given to reimburse departments at all levels of health care projects. lung cancer surgery must be regular cleaning of all mediastinal lymph nodes, which we call systematic lymph node dissection, only this operation to get an accurate staging of lung cancer, which is often the people we that the early, mid and late lung cancer. The development of our guidance and postoperative treatment is essential. postoperative chemotherapy and radiotherapy or not have to depend on the final pathological stage.
modern thoracic surgical techniques progress and surgical instruments, the rapid development of minimally invasive surgery, a new generation of chemotherapeutic drugs and modern radiotherapy equipment and technology of clinical applications, multimodality therapy for lung cancer has laid a solid foundation. needs to be noted that, minimally invasive thoracic surgical techniques and video-assisted thoracoscopic resection of lung cancer so that more elderly patients with lung cancer and poor pulmonary function to undergo surgery, after surgery most patients can be discharged in a week.
third-generation chemotherapy for lung cancer chemotherapy drugs and side effects of the new generation adjuvant, so that those who need to neoadjuvant chemotherapy before surgery and adjuvant chemotherapy after surgery to ensure the safe completion of full dose, so as to further enhance the long-term survival of patients with lung cancer.
rapid update of radiation therapy equipment and technology, the new generation of three-dimensional and four-dimensional positioning system guided by intensity modulated radiation therapy technology lock-in the tumor target organs, maximum protection against damage to surrounding healthy tissues and organs.
other words, the three traditional treatments have taken place in recent years major changes, three combination of modern treatment to more locally advanced non-small cell lung cancer has brought new hope. and all this academic leaders need to sense the exchanges and cooperation.
country in recent years has set up around a lot of lung cancer treatment center, gathered thoracic surgery, respiratory, oncology and radiation sciences leaders to jointly study the development of regional cancer prevention and treatment strategies for patients with lung cancer each study and formulate individualized multidisciplinary treatment program reasonable application of the full field of cancer treatment in recent years, new technologies and tools, and very Chinese characteristics, Chinese medicine treatment of lung cancer.
with lung cancer surgery and minimally invasive video-assisted thoracoscopic thoracic surgery and has undertaken the development of technology, TV Minimally invasive thoracoscopic surgery wedge lung resection, lobectomy of lung cancer has become the center of our routine operation. I and Ⅱ were non-small cell lung cancer patients can benefit from minimally invasive thoracic surgery.
common surgical procedure
VATS lobectomy is resection of lung cancer the most common surgical procedures.
bronchial sleeve lobectomy is mainly directed against forming a special group of central type lung cancer, bronchoscopy or violations prompted the tumor is located in lobe bronchus opening. Intraoperative frozen bronchial stump delivery has become a routine pathological examination.
resection of lung. gradually reduced in recent years, especially for elderly patients with lung cancer but also to carefully.
local excision: including segmental resection and wedge resection of lung . In recent years, video-assisted thoracoscopic resection of lung cancer patients to benefit senior citizens.
intrathoracic lung resection and systematic lymph node dissection is currently non-small cell lung cancer surgical surgical normative.
points to be emphasized :
1, preoperative clinical staging of lung cancer must be clear, the application PET, PET-CT and mediastinoscopy TV helps to obtain accurate clinical staging.
2, T1 ~ 3, N0-N1 and highly selective part of the N2 non-small cell lung cancer benefit from surgery, contralateral mediastinal lymph node N3 (IIIB period) and have pulmonary metastasis IV non-small cell lung cancer, surgical treatment can not bring long-term survival of the patient benefits.
3, postoperative adjuvant therapy is to improve the long-term survival of lung cancer and effective methods, including adjuvant chemotherapy and targeted therapy assistance.
check the preoperative staging of lung cancer and adjuvant chemotherapy are necessary . lung cancer patients choose the hospital and do not blindly rush to open surgery, preoperative brain magnetic resonance imaging examination must be carried out brain metastasis, whole body bone metastases than bone scan, abdominal ultrasound or abdominal CT examination after excluding the transfer decision abdominal surgery! that is, we often emphasize: we must first staging of lung cancer after treatment!
regardless of any form of lung resection surgery, surgeons should be routine intraoperative dissection of hilar and subcarinal lymph nodes and mediastinal lymph nodes! with histological type and staging to guide adjuvant therapy. In recent years video-assisted thoracoscopic lung resection advantages of minimally invasive surgical techniques are particularly prominent. Minimally invasive surgery for lung cancer for more than ten years of history, along with minimally invasive thoracic surgical techniques and TV Mirror surgical techniques and the accumulation of clinical experience, many hospitals have been able to complete thoracic surgery a variety of conventional video-assisted thoracoscopic minimally invasive thoracic surgery. The advantage is that trauma patients recover quickly, shorter hospital stay.
non- small cell lung cancer on adjuvant chemotherapy
growing threat to human health, morbidity, mortality increased significantly. including non-small cell lung cancer accounted for 80% to 85%, for early stage non-small cell lung cancer, complete surgical resection is the best treatment. But even the IA stage NSCLC, recurrence rate is still as high as 30% to R0 resection, 50% in patients with N1 metastasis and recurrence. intraoperative resection is not complete, potentially before surgery metastases and micrometastases led to local recurrence and distant metastasis after operation and decreased immune function in patients with lung cancer recurrence and metastasis is the main reason.
the face of this grim situation, adjuvant non-small cell lung cancer chemotherapy, attention has been paid. rational, systematic and effective multidisciplinary treatment, including adjuvant chemotherapy can reduce the risk of death compared with 13-15%%, will help prolong survival. Studies show that two drugs containing platinum 5-year program can 5-15% survival rate, with the advent of molecular targeted drugs for postoperative adjuvant therapy has brought new hope.
1. containing platinum in the adjuvant therapy of
has been completely resected non-small cell lung cancer adjuvant therapy received by all of the widespread controversy. Until recent years, adjuvant therapy became Ⅱ and Ⅲ A non-small cell lung cancer after standard treatment.
1995 years. long-term survival differences, although the results showed no statistically significant difference (P = 0.08), but in 2 years and 5 years, respectively, the absolute survival rate increased by 2% and 5% [1] .1995-2003 year period Many large-scale clinical trials, such as the Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG) 3590 trial [2], and the Big Lung Trial (BLT) [3], the Adjuvant Lung Project Italy (ALPI) [4] were not obtained positive results.
2004 IALT year study. is by far the largest cases of randomized controlled study of postoperative chemotherapy. IALT enrolled a total of 1 867 cases of non-small cell lung resection, were randomized into two cisplatin-based Drug adjuvant chemotherapy group (932 cases) and not adjuvant chemotherapy in the control group (935 cases), the results show: 2-year survival rate of adjuvant chemotherapy group was 70-3%, 5 year survival rate was 44.5%, significantly higher than 66.7% and 40.4%, the difference was statistically significant (P <0.03) [5]. concluded: completely resected non-small cell lung cancer patients given platinum-based chemotherapy can improve the survival rate. NCI of Canada the same year, the JBR.10
test again confirms the above conclusion: enrolled 482 cases of completely resected stage Ⅰ B-Ⅱ non-small cell lung cancer patients were randomly divided into vinorelbine + cisplatin group and the control group. adjuvant therapy group were started within 6 weeks after surgery chemotherapy, vinorelbine25mg/m2 d1, 8,15,22 + cisplatin 50mg/m2 d1, 8, Q28days, a total of 4 cycles. The results showed that: compared with the control group, the auxiliary chemotherapy group, 5-year survival rate increased 15% (69% vs 54%, P = 0.03), mortality risk reduction 31% (P = 0.04), chemotherapy did not lead to excessive toxicity (only 2 cases of treatment-related deaths) [6]. This is the first right into the group of patients with third generation chemotherapy regimens in clinical trials, it is also the highest so far adjuvant chemotherapy improves survival .2005 reports the Adjuvant Navelbine International Trialist Association (ANITA) experiment into group of 840 cases of complete resection of the Ⅰ B-Ⅲ A non-small cell lung cancer patients were randomly divided into vinorelbine + cisplatin group and the control group were similar with JBR.10 trials, adjuvant chemotherapy improved 5-year survival rate of 9% ( HR 0.79, p = 0.013), but subgroup analysis showed that: Ⅰ B adjuvant chemotherapy of patients survive without the benefit (HR 1.10,95% CI 0.76-1.57) [7].
2005 年 Ⅰ B for the stage non-small cell lung cancer clinical trials CALGB9633 surface, into the group of 344 cases were randomly divided into 4 cycles of adjuvant chemotherapy and control groups. with paclitaxel plus carboplatin, the results showed that postoperative chemotherapy group and simple operation group 4 year survival rates were 71% and 59% (P =- 0.035). This is the first reported use of third-generation chemotherapy regimens as adjuvant chemotherapy for early stage NSCLC have statistically significant differences for the results of two studies in the adjuvant chemotherapy group, overall survival rate increased by 15% or more. But to make people disappointed that the 2006 ASCO Annual Meeting, 5-year survival rate of the experimental results, is actually a negative result, 5-year survival rate of adjuvant chemotherapy group 59% in surgery alone group was 57% (P = 0.375), the median survival time was 95 months for 78 months (P = 0.10) [8] makes Ⅰ b of the role of postoperative adjuvant chemotherapy for NSCLC has once again become uncertain factors.
2006 年 6 月 American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) annual meeting of the CISCA (cisplatin vs. carboplatin) meta analysis of the results of the latest research, 9 clinical trials with 2,968 patients received cisplatin (1,489 cases ) or with carboplatin (1,479 cases), combination chemotherapy, including cisplatin and carboplatin in the RR were 30% and 24%, cisplatin chemotherapy improved response rate 37% (95% CI.16 -1.62; P <0.001). in the overall survival, than carboplatin, cisplatin 7% higher relative risk of death, but no statistically significant difference (95% CI :0.99-1 .15; P <0.101). sub-group analysis showed that cisplatin combination chemotherapy in non-squamous cell carcinoma patients had significant survival advantage, and in the third generation chemotherapy in a significant survival advantage [9]. But from the other hand consider the treatment of advanced NSCLC target is to improve the quality of life, reduce patient pain, only cisplatin and carboplatin, two drugs in terms of narrowly to survive the drug of choice there is a certain one-sidedness, and for the cure as the goal of early NSCLC, cisplatin in terms of response rate and survival advantage becomes essential. Therefore, based on existing research results, still combined with cisplatin-based chemotherapy as a third-generation standard adjuvant therapy program, and as a significant complication in patients intolerant to cisplatin instead of carboplatin.
the continuous advent of new drugs, but also for the adjuvant treatment of adding a new color. Recently, a German clinical trial of a TREAT Ⅱ include completely resected IB, II non-small cell lung cancer patients were randomly divided to, pemetrexed + cisplatin and vinorelbine + cisplatin group were for 4 cycles. As competition in the pemetrexed toxicity of superiority, the trial use of non-inferiority analysis, trials are now underway and we expect it of the result of [10].
2 non-platinum regimen in adjuvant therapy of
in Japan, due to toxic side effects, UFT has been a lot of clinical trials of all ages. UFT set (UFT) is a furan-fluorouracil (FT-207) and uracil (Uracil) 1:4 mixture by weight calculated to make the compound tablets, of which The West Japan Study Group for Lung Cancer surgery (WJSG) [11 ] and the Japan Lung Cancer Research Group (JLCRG) [12] and other studies have shown that UFT can improve after complete resection of non-small cell lung cancer survival. in which the latter into the group of 979 cases of patients with T1N0 or T2N0 adenocarcinoma, with a median follow-up time of 73 months, given daily oral UFT 250 mg/m2t2, the results of 5-year survival rate increased 3% (88% vs 85%, P = 0.047), in which T2 group, 5-year survival rate of 11% (85 % vs 74%, P = 0.005) .2005 Hamada, etc. In a related non-small cell lung cancer after UFT given assisted (UFT) chemotherapy for meta-analysis, including the nine clinical trials included 2003 patients selected, 98.8% were squamous cell carcinoma or adenocarcinoma, T1 to 1 308 cases (65.3%), T2 is 674 cases (33.6%), N0 to 1 923 cases (96.0%), with a median follow-up time of 6.44 years, with surgery alone group, the adjuvant chemotherapy group, 5-year survival rate increased 4.3% (81.5% vs 77.2%, P = 0.11), 7-year survival rate increased 7% (76.5% vs 69.5%, P = 0.001). for stage Ⅰ (particularly is T2N0) adenocarcinoma of the Japanese patients, oral UFT can significantly improve overall survival [13].
3 molecular targeted therapy as a new direction for adjuvant therapy of postoperative adjuvant chemotherapy
as non-small cell improve the survival of patients with lung cancer is limited, we have set our sights on the development of new drugs. In recent years, in the treatment of advanced non-small cell lung cancer in full swing in the development of molecular targeted therapy is gradually coming into the battlefield of adjuvant therapy. < br> E1505 Ⅲ clinical trials in North America, into the group object is the complete resection of the IB (tumor diameter greater than 4cm), II, IIIA non-small cell lung cancer stage were randomly divided into the chemotherapy group and the chemotherapy + bevacizumab (15mg/kg Q3w ), chemotherapy randomly selected NP, TP, GP these three kinds of programs, using cisplatin 75mg/m2, every 3 weeks, postoperative adjuvant chemotherapy for at least 6-12 weeks, the trial is ongoing, the ultimate goal is to include 1,500 patients patients, the survival hazard ratio combined bevacizumab group (survival HR) of 0.79. In addition, JBR.19 trial included more than 500 cases of complete surgical Ⅰ B, Ⅱ or Ⅲ A non-small cell lung cancer patients were randomly divided into Gefitinib and placebo groups. Unfortunately, due to Gefitinib in locally advanced and advanced non-small cell lung cancer maintenance therapy trials have been negative results, causing the pilot had to declare to stop [14]. RADIANT trial enrolled subjects complete surgical removal of both EGFR high expression (IHC or FISH positive) I, II, IIIA non-small cell lung cancer patients were randomly divided into erlotinib treatment group and placebo group, this study 945 cases of patients to be enrolled in order to evaluate the end of DFS, while analysis of EGFR and other biological markers in predicting the role of efficacy and prognosis.
tumor immunotherapy in a recent research focus is the people, in non-small cell lung cancer the role of adjuvant therapy has shown initial signs of Ni end. MAGRIT is an ongoing trial of immune therapy-related, into the group while completely resected MAGE-A3 positive I, II, IIIA non-small cell lung cancer, studies show that about 35-50% of the early non-small cell lung cancer Expression of MAGE-A3 positive. This trial enrolled 2,270 patients to be randomly divided into treatment group and the placebo group, treatment group after 6 weeks to give MAGE-A3 vaccine every 3 weeks, a total of 5 times, after every 3 months, a total of 8 times. test for the evaluation of the DFS endpoint, while adjuvant chemotherapy according to whether patients were stratified into the group.
4. Molecular biological marker of postoperative adjuvant therapy for ; possible
recent years, with the development of molecular biology, we use functional genomics and functional proteomics to detect in tissue or blood of patients with a biological marker to select the characteristics of effective treatment and possible drug patients with side effects appropriate treatment for their choice, so that the treatment of lung cancer to The role of drugs in the study become a hot, open the postoperative adjuvant therapy in the door of individual researchers IALT .2006 test results are analyzed, into the group of 761 cases of complete surgical resection of NSCLC patients with ERCC1 expression in tumor tissue situation. which ERCC1-negative (426 patients) were randomized to receive adjuvant chemotherapy significantly prolonged survival time, lower risk of death (HR 0.65,95% CI ,0.50-0 .86; P = 0.002), and ERCC1-positive patients whether or not adjuvant chemotherapy, There was no significant difference in overall survival. that ERCC1 expression was positive in patients with platinum-based chemotherapy may be from a benefit [15]. Zhong Z., etc. published in the journal in 2007, a pilot NEJM, 187 cases of NSCLC Patients I the pathological specimens were studied, analyzed the expression of RRM1 and survival of patients, ERCC1, PTEN were studied between. The results showed that the expression of RRM1 and ERCC1-related (P <0.001), but it has nothing to do with the PTEN (P = 0.37 ). RRM1 expression of survival was significantly better than patients with low expression patients (> 120 months vs 60.2 months; P = 0.02). RRM1, ERCC1 expression of survival are better (MST> 120 months). But the study found RRM1, ERCC1 expression was receiving high gemcitabine + cisplatin less effective [16]. The test results still need to be further confirmed by large prospective clinical trials.
short, with non-small cell lung cancer were treated with adjuvant chemotherapy to get the benefits of emerging evidence, II-IIIA completely after the operation of non-small cell lung cancer with adjuvant chemotherapy is the standard program. recommended to platinum-based medicine combined with the two programs and third-generation anticancer drug, UFT in Japan shows strong evidence of effective in patients with stage Ⅰ. The results of randomized clinical trials although adjuvant chemotherapy Ⅰ B, Ⅱ and Ⅲ A of the effectiveness of NSCLC and improve the cure rate to provide a reasonable and strong evidence, but still There are many issues we should continue to explore: such as which is more suitable for patients with adjuvant therapy? adjuvant treatment of choice where conventional program? the best adjuvant therapy treatment cycles? How to improve adjuvant therapy and treatment compliance and effectiveness? molecular target how to integrate drugs to adjuvant therapy, etc., these all look forward to more clinical trials to resolve.
molecular biology of lung cancer in the level of individual treatment to open the door, so that adjuvant therapy could enter a new era. With the depth of human understanding of their own, along with a number of targeted drugs and molecular markers related to the birth and in-depth study of individual treatment of lung cancer is increasingly approached us. With these new clinical treatment strategy for us is to improve the efficacy of lung cancer treatment and improve survival and laid a solid foundation supporting
Xuanwu Hospital, Capital Medical University Xiuyi Director of Thoracic Surgery, Capital University of Medical Treatment of Lung Cancer Center. in lung cancer diagnosis, surgery, and perioperative management and multidisciplinary treatment has extensive clinical experience. currently serves as Beijing Thoracic Medicine, director, member of China Association of Thoracic Surgeons, MD, Vice President and Director General, Tobacco Control and Lung Cancer Foundation of China, the work of Director, China popularization of anti-cancer Association and Beijing, Health Minister of Education Association executive vice president of the rank

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Time to working life

 (Turn a friend on the perception of life essay)
Sohu Health Channel editor friend suddenly I asked him, thesis writing, know my experience, in me for examples of their topics. tell the truth, I really do not want to recall the past, they were reluctant to talk about their situation, first, his writing is really unacceptable for formal occasions, and second, their Everything is becoming increasingly indifferent to the things, and just want to quietly do so, the work continues, live hh
because of the sensibilities, but to sort out what feelings mm
time. work.
year of life time is only about 365 days, really short! elegant words to learn at school called half lives. married, I fear the Chinese New Year, but soon is New Year's Day, followed by the Spring Festival, a childhood that did not want to set off firecrackers, have good food, everyone beaming scenario expectations, but more anxious about: To gift it! give some money out! someone must go to you? How much ah? buy the debt and how much left? do and what not to do ah? I'm not Koumen Er, because I again this year did not catch 500 million a year savings but also consumption of the year, I'm easy? dreams God give a little time, let me make some money for the journey. have to admit that my secular, pressure you?! < br> year and a half ago, I was an ordinary working-class in the capital of a member, but also skip the tank, lived through the different positions. have had honor, if not achievement.
year and a half ago, every morning 6 before the point to get up 6:30 to cars on the clogged Ben station, otherwise it will be late, to be deducting money for! to the company clock, and then to the toilet, then clean hands, and then to the water front of the filling of a large bottle of water back to the computer desk Before starting the day. drawer prepare the biscuits, belly out a few pieces when the call as soon as comfort, noon to 12:30 to find a cheap restaurant after Tiandu Zi, because it is building another restaurant food expensive and unpalatable, the restaurant will be late to a seat. 18:00 work, very few go on time, one leader not to go, the second is the job not finished yet. never have too many tasks , Saturday or Sunday is scheduled to work overtime is normal. my colleagues complain about are diverse, infighting between colleagues is bound to exist. I hate flattery, from do not care about how much, because my heart is bleak , tired or even escape.
job I was called , there is a bimonthly publication with a quarterly publication has a publication every six months, every year an album, as well as other publications outside then, every 3 months there will be two exhibition. all the pictures access to and use of which I am responsible, not the second to manage your photos, there is no photographer. outside friend said to me, said: This is the director of a certain magazine pictures! by! is enough to My pressure is. In this first year of work, every day after 22:30 to go home, do the last train, or we need to take a taxi, the monthly rental fee is 500-600 per ticket. because the base cover, and repeated along the second year in a day can go home after 8:30. In this way, only the morning to see my family, I do not know when the night slipped into the house. one week also one or two family dinner. home mm is my hotel!
During this period, I have is: decreased vision, cervical and lumbar spondylitis, gastritis, weight loss! leadership occasional praise, a few hundred dollars in prize money, as well as family members complain! later, I find myself just out of the building work machines, access at home, car, office zombies between the three boxes.
one day lead me relaxed, it I wrote a resignation, or 4,5 months after the report, because I started late and leave early intentionally. I came out! I'm free! the next thing I am most grateful to my family, my family accepted me. I unemployed, I have to work out for ourselves.
I started brewing, and the progressive implementation of his ideas. find a friend co-tinker site skelter; buy the camera, learn skills, make offer; engaged in the design, there are gains and losses; sales training, budgeting, bargaining hh. even look down on fellow wedding photography, I also find time to shop and go, more because of a variety of human work to increase their opportunity to exercise their skills. It is more than a year Since I work most gratifying, although there are work until early morning three or four o'clock, but there are morning sleep nine or ten o'clock, when still do not want to get up, although not make any money, but I really want to experience their own do, although faced many ups and downs, there have been several failures, but I do not regret it, My mind being in a stable peace, like a slow fire to simmer, I believe will be a good soup pot.
me and my family with a relatively long time, although I think it is a disgrace to his family, but family is my job power. my time is relatively affluent and mobile, but I dare not waste. I want my later life more meaningful than the more substantial mm regardless of the outcome.
text / Awa

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Keep abreast of 16 brothers and sisters

 Since this article so hot, there is no reason to re-counsel of the bar and silent stones.
I used to be a member of Tianjin, is also struggling for nearly 2 years of oil, we are really in the fight ah! < br> you are off work every day, we work overtime;
busy day at the office you white, when I jump up in the upstairs downstairs;
hide every time you run into difficult time, I carry lived also addresses;
end of each month at the beginning of the financial overtime have to accompany you.
you Happy when I sweat,
you squalling when I recharge,
you immersed in the the resignation of the oil and glory, when I laid off.
2007 年 3 took the initiative to resign, not fired, nor is there any grievances.
because I clearly see the point, any community is not appointed a vice-Branch treatment .
official sooner or later all dry now, even stepping down also enjoy the treatment, what room supplement ah, car make, ah, ah Malegebi!
Chairman Mao taught us: ;
I enter a foreign company.
your luck I do not like misunderstandings, I tell you, Andie And my wife are rural people, I feather in the oil system, the roots did not know.
I Language not good, Tianjin unknown broke the school broken mechanical engineering graduate.
Anzhe All these are out on their own hard work.
then be honest: you people here say these words, Ankan a good laugh.
you do not provide any value to society, you still stand on our own point of view;
Do not you laugh I, saying that society. if I like or communism.
you're wrong , and I am real, I see is a market economy, and read fairly thoroughly.
in this society, not to you as Nietzsche, but there is no contribution to society will be Daughter.
like a maggot, and it can no longer break down the stool.
by the father by your mother did not use, rely on their own.
Anhai did not meet arbitrary, throw in any environment can survive and flourish in Jewish state.
but I'm sure the point is, when your parents and then can not help you, and you can not have their own network of people, you have to wait for this to be eliminated.
and I, now has its own team, regardless of whether the same department, is still the company, whether it is in this industry.
we locusts, eat meat, eat someone's someone's flesh.
I not afraid of changes in the.
Finally, once the same is done for the contribution of oil to you, to make the most responsibility for the last point: . We got to play vulnerable groups in society, a .80, the 90, the climate is not loaded B, although we have installed from the installation A to C transition before, but we still have the ability to assume and rudder on the cusp, to kill the New World to the beautiful and rich. Do not wandering, confusion, and complaints Too heartbroken to be in!
Posted by heaven and earth (
2008-09-05 10:25
replies since
This article so hot, there is no reason to re-counsel of the bar and silent stones.
I used to be a member of Tianjin, is also struggling for nearly 2 years of oil, we are really in the fight ah!
you are off work every day, we work overtime;
busy day at the office you white, when I jump up in the upstairs downstairs;
hide every time you run into difficult time, I Kang Zhu was also solved;
end of each month at the beginning of the financial overtime have to accompany you.
you Happy when I sweat,
you squalling when I recharge,
you immersed in the oil and glory, when I resigned laid off.
2007 年 3 took the initiative to resign, not fired, nor is there any grievances.
because I clearly see the point, any community is not appointed a vice-Branch treatment.
official sooner or later all dry now, even stepping down also enjoy the treatment, what room supplement ah, car make, ah, ah Malegebi!
Chairman Mao taught us:
I enter a foreign company.
your luck I do not like misunderstandings, I tell you, Andie And my wife are rural people, I feather in the oil system, the roots did not know.
I language is also well, Tianjin unknown break school graduate in mechanical break.
Anzhe All these are out on their own hard work.
then be honest: you people here say these words, I looked at funny.
you do not provide any value to society, you still stand on our own point of view;
Do not you laugh I, saying that society. if I like or communism.
you're wrong , I am actually, I see is a market economy, and read fairly thoroughly.
in this society, not to you as Nietzsche, but there is no contribution to society will be Daughter.
Like maggots, do not and it can break down the stool.
by the father by your mother did not use, rely on their own.
Anhai did not meet arbitrary, throw in any environment can survive and flourish in the Jewish realm.
but I'm sure the point is, when your parents and then can not help you, and you can not have their own network of people, you can only be eliminated so that.
and I, now have their own team, regardless of whether the same department, is still the company, whether it is in this industry.
we locusts, eat meat, eat someone's someone's flesh.
I not afraid of changes in the.
Finally, once the same is done for the contribution of oil to you, to make the most responsibility for the last point: We got to play vulnerable groups in society, a .80, the 90, the climate is not loaded B, although we have installed from the installation A to C transition before, but we still have the ability to assume and the cusp of the rudder, to kill the New World to the beautiful and rich. Do not wander, lost and complaints Too heartbroken to be the!
publisher heaven and earth (
2008-09-05 10:26

the oil recovery This business really is rubbish, we are offering the youth to the parents of the children and grandchildren of that generation, hey! in any case have left the company, after not allow their children to the oil, in particular, wanted to leave, helpless parents Let us breathe the idea, but anyway I will leave one day sooner or later, and while we are still young, leaving may be the right choice, if reached middle age when that is the most tragic is that we regret the most tragic social Posted by Sohu people
User (not verified) (
2008-09-05 10:27
laid out 10 years ago, China Petroleum, 10, after engaging in layoffs, throat throat predecessors descendants, the employees throat throat investors, hey!
publisher Sohu users (not verified) (
2008-09-05 10:29
abandoned state-owned enterprises is today, tomorrow by your abandonment
do not tell us, we are not patriotic, can not we just be cannon fodder life?
laid-off workers to bear the pain of reform, to love society?
not by ~ business, leadership incompetence,
Leadership Conference 8000 only, save 80 000 workers.
number of days of bright publisher (
2008-09-05 10:29
Sohu users in the above-mentioned:
Sohu users in the mentioned above: in the North Oil Company is the atmosphere is not correct, Zhang Peng Juan financial room is a bitch, the day when the escort, with the relationship and work with leaders to facilitate the acceptance of bribes, nourishing incredible, such a person already The laid off. Well ~ we call Zhangpeng Juan Director, she only went to Lufthansa to buy things!
Female Director ~ ~ Oh really not much there ah, ah ~
wrist Posted by Sohu users (not verified ) (
2008-09-05 10:30
This guy you really do not understand the situation
Posted by Sohu users (not verified) (
2008-09-05 10 : 32
Jidong was established back when
should think of today, a leader's personal desires, a group of victims of oil day and night for the dedication of the staff come up with what the company in four-plus Hebei First, come up with any three-year vision plan, all are fucking crap, tossing every level employees to know things to this sake, someone should reflect on the leadership.
publisher Sohu users (not verified) (
2008-09-05 10:41
up and down, as are some tease bitch
Posted by Sohu users (not verified) (
2008-09-05 10:44
This is the most real central enterprises with Chinese characteristics, Chinese oil
publisher --- Sohu users (not verified) (
2008-09-05 10:52 < br> back
our oil sales may change the conditions of competition for the changes to the conditions of certain people even if you do not meet the conditions above the line that no one not even the hard line was not a condition that does not matter than the intensity of competition for that pro forma In fact, there are already good relations between default have been greeted
publisher to lay Sohu users (not verified) (
2008-09-05 10:53
Sohu users in the above said:
Sohu users in the above-mentioned: the oil company is the trend in North China is not correct, Zhang Peng Juan financial room is a bitch, the day when the escort, with the relationship and work with leaders to facilitate bribes, moisture incredible, such a person laid off is long overdue. Well ~ this is too extreme a statement, the lack of basic morality
Oh ~ again a henchman, the lack of morality? tell me how that is not the lack of morality? day Whether employees live or die, overtime work, can not get a point not say, but she took public funds for their future careers, not debauchery peacefulness of the lack of morals? lying in the thigh, led to moral sing it? annual Jidong enough money to her company 100 rations a year.
publisher Sohu users (not verified) (
2008-09-05 10:54
us middle-aged workers devoted 20 years, is in dire straits, and now this day they got on my head, I tried them.
Posted by Sohu users (not verified) (
2008-09-05 11:00
good, really like this, really do practical things, the suffering of the people, leadership is not desirable, and those who only do superficial work, often led by the Canadian Award, can the company has said that the pragmatic , not by staff to do the only thing to do in the above performance does not rely on the leadership of the junior staff to do these down to earth, people who only do window-dressing, would you do???
Posted by Sohu users ( not verified) (
2008-09-05 11:05
Posted by Sohu users (not verified) (
2008-09-05 11:07
you back
How many people the company authorities? How many gas stations? layoffs what percentage?
say an analysis of
Posted by Sohu users (not verified) (
2008-09-05 11:09
system appears to be a problem
Posted by Sohu users (not verified) (
2008-09-05 11:12
Sohu users mentioned above:
Sohu users in the above-mentioned: in the North Oil Company is the atmosphere is not correct, Zhang Peng Juan financial room is a bitch, the day when the escort, with the relationship and work with leaders to facilitate the acceptance of bribes, incredibly moist, so that The people already laid off. Well ~ we call Zhangpeng Juan Director, she only went to Lufthansa to buy things!

his nephew Langfang in our branches, business management, to the irritation of our department He died, and by his aunt's power and prestige, rebuke colleagues, Chinakayao, a polite young man that did not. it seems, is not his home tutor
Posted by Sohu users (not verified) (
2008-09-05 11:16
we are all oil people ~ ~ I am here next year, Anhui started selling the CD ~ ~ We are two ways to estimate these people under one of a refueling station Oil is and say goodbye ~ ~ ~ graduation three years working for three years in the oil as you say white with black 5 +2 is abandoned in exchange for the work of silent
publisher Sohu users (not verified) (
2008-09-05 11:16
Sohu users mentioned above:
Jidong too is not something all networks, after all, in fact, no layoffs are now a man mobile society, but it does not give compensation or redundancy under the leadership of the Communist Party of fact, the oil you have to file for compensation, but compensation for employees really have to ask how a bunch of silent z What kind of leadership that has not given the whole program that cuts the grass without any layoffs Yes unemployed people do not identify you compensation SB lost to Jiang Jiemin off the face of the Communist Party won him not only the shareholders of the world even more sorry I am sorry for his contribution to the youth of the staff top!
I see files: If you resign, in the in a wage supplement for one year of oil (in the preceding 12 months, the average wage subject), and more subsidies to two months. I figured, I'm here for five years, spent more than seven thousand of oil as long as I sent the money to be put out!
Posted by Sohu users (not verified) (
2008-09-05 11:29
East oil sales back
the top you can now lead to a school of medicine to manage gas station, you can engage in the study of law, infrastructure, CPC's leadership is too talented
publisher Sohu users (not verified) (
2008-09-05 11:32
cheated of oil recovery
us, hurt us, whether formal or social workers employed workers, as long as there is no relationship all the same, let those who lead the mercy of all the pieces. who never learn to respect the leadership staff, mouth has always said that care staff, human management, are all fart, there is no oil in the fair, sycophant, sycophantic relationship is called the capacity plus can put a little dry, hard and work hard, unknown called incompetent , no matter how good they will inevitably work to the gas station when a salesman's fate. Alas! very sad, is simply a disgrace Yeah.
Posted by Sohu users (not verified) (
2008-09-05 11:35 After the way back

how to get a loss!
Posted by Sohu users (not verified) (
2008-09-05 11:37
Sohu users in the above said:
Sohu users in the above-mentioned: Sohu users in the above-mentioned: the oil company is the trend in North China is not correct, Zhang Peng Juan financial room is a bitch, the day when the escort, with and leadership relations and facilitate the work of taking bribes, incredibly moist, so that the people already laid off. Well ~ we call Zhangpeng Juan Director, she only went to Lufthansa to buy things! his nephew Langfang in our branches, business management , and our department were sick of him, by his aunt's power and prestige, rebuke colleagues, Chinakayao, a polite young man that did not. it seems, is not his home tutor tutoring
so what, even the dogs do not like ~
Posted by Sohu users (not verified) (
2008-09-05 11:45
never return
could not make a relationship! this is China. their ability to then this juncture to make a bad,
publisher pregnant cockroaches (not verified) (
2008-09-05 11:50
Sohu users in the above-mentioned:
denied layoffs in the oil people said the only restructuring at 2:40 on September 5, 2008 Daily News reporter Yu each spring by the media reports from Beijing to Tianjin and the first layoffs in the oil action, Beijing will cut nearly ten thousand persons reports, China National Petroleum Zhang Ping, Minister of the Propaganda Department of the company yesterday told the institutional adjustment; Beijing Sales Company in the oil did not lay off the issue. According to media reports that the oil Tianjin, Hebei, started the first layoffs the company. In addition to the end of October is expected to cut Beijing branch ten thousand people. In this regard, Zhang Ping said that North Sales Company restructuring is carried out, repeating the institutions of the merger. because the two sales companies and organizations set up Hebei system of overlapping business chain problems, which were merged, some personnel will be diverted to the oil depot and gas station. China Petroleum Marketing Company of North China under the China National Petroleum Corporation, headquartered in Beijing. in April 1999 began to build, 7 May 1999 formally incorporated. is mainly responsible for China Petroleum in Beijing, Tianjin , Hebei, Henan, Shanxi, Hubei and Hunan, the Oil Products business. Currently, the company has owned, controlled, and substantial shares of the company a total of 38. Zhang said that as the branch is in the development stage, the gas stations and there is not enough oil depot case number, the company did not consider layoffs. Back in July 25 at the China National Petroleum Corporation leading cadres, 2008 meeting, the Group General Manager Jiang Jiemin said, for the current business and employment growth over the total fast, rapidly rising labor costs, the actual situation of the total, cut in the next 3 years, 5% of the total employees, but did not disclose the number of people cut. If the employees of the Group calculated the total 1.673 million, reducing the number will reach 83,650 people. Labour Department of CNPC official said the personnel, is more sensitive to this issue cuts, is not convenient to say. , PetroChina Beijing Sales Company employs only 4,000 people, nearly ten thousand people simply do not cut possible. The Inner extraordinary sales company did not cut.
no investigation, no right to speak
Posted by Sohu users ( not verified) (
2008-09-05 11:50

I was in the back of oil is about to be laid off part, I was hurt!
Posted by Sohu users (not verified ) (
2008-09-05 12:00

I was in the back of oil is about to be laid off part, I was hurt!
Posted by Sohu users (not verified) (
2008-09-05 12:01
a leading Chinese oil recovery
your hands stained with blood: you not only the loss of many innocent children are living, let them suffer torture, the most important thing is that you devastated their spirit and determination, so that their understanding of the community was devastated! you do not respect talent, of course, you would say, a convenience store is also a job! then I can say that leadership, you what?? your leaders do little around?? your children have it?? Do not be to the convenience store convenience store sales staff engaged in the work up?? this you may say: ;! you justify you???
formal appointment of such a system the agency has been discord? how can society?? you want is not technology, not the quality, not education, not ability, is nepotism! this relations, how to stabilize??? not What is the significance???? you explain? If you say we are laid off, in order to save costs, then the employees in the oil is you know how much these leaders, said, are geared to people-oriented! and your death body, because this is not an exaggeration!!! a large enterprise to manage, like a family, like housekeeping to thrift, to do the things to do, emphasis on ; in the oil, Your employees are the heart from farther and farther, remember Remember, people will betray the people cast aside by the world !!!!< br> Posted by Sohu users (not verified) (
2008-09 - 05 12:06
Sohu users mentioned above:
people look forward to Chinese Lunar New Year holiday, because what can go home reunion, but the past few years the company in Hebei, the Chinese New Year festival, where a holiday? Even if the leadership was asked to leave are also working overtime, holiday expenses when made, leading a number of times than we have the wrong office, the provincial company score more than the company, branch staff more than the leadership, do not we have a Day? actually from a few gaps distance of two hundred thousand soon. North company leaders hope the holidays, because they can gifts, in time, Huibin Building, which plays festivals do not buy the vouchers North Star ah? north to the Deputy Director of the company from the Registrar to the senior executives to general staff, and even seconded, by appointment, return the original unit after all proud of, just like the set of Phnom Penh. say between the party was blank checks, but enough water inside the bacteria to eat the whole life of our people . business is disgusting, a variety of Director, Deputy Director of the branch to all in his hand, not the work notes, but the invoices, bills are not reimbursed, are not reported in North China, Hebei, not reported, Our office will be able to reimburse you? north of the Commissioner, have you how many people eat the blood and sweat ah? this reform, the company prior to the investigation of Hebei to investigate two people, with the understanding of a good few days? you waiting for? who give money do so? Well, not that you want money? next July 15, I put the business Director, Deputy Director of the name written on, buy more paper for you to burn!
you There overtime, What the hell are not we all sacrifice, and the weekend still on duty, holidays are no rest, we take turns to work, provided work at 5:30, but 6:00 should work every day after 5:30 gone, the leadership will call you, mother, nnd, leaders you do not have a kind word, even to say you will not be hard work, all day long board with a face, Mamalielie, speaks of his uncle , fight it. I quit does not work it? simply do not engage our social workers as human beings. This post I treasured.
publisher Sohu users (not verified) (
2008-09-05 12 : 07
loquacious Zhao, and you have been writing history, the last thing! we now no one has the power to re-find the original atmosphere, and we can only follow the trend and continue to move forward I hope you guys can crack and I fought side by side, but I can say now is a hope, I hope you have fought in every line xdjm this account can have a good home. But aside work, we private or friends and have time to contact us, our feelings also.
But no matter what, we have much resentment, the mentality we need to put away, happy to live another day is not happy is to live another day Why do not let their happy life, the earth who is not the same life, which companies do not have the same employees to continue to develop, this is not change.
publisher Sohu users (not verified) (
2008-09-05 12:08
Sohu users mentioned above:
cut if you say you can not stand the organization of work you do, right up the original tune is Why? not that fancy accounting of your work experience Why Why not learn how can you not own to take a qualification card? Do not forget to do no matter what your original is now necessary to do a good job in this sector now that the card does not work though representative of your true ability to cut at least you do not give others an excuse for you ah [/ I read your words back, you know you have a patron, had a moment by. by not I,! trouble you test a few more cards, or you can rapidly it! is not ligation card hands you get, when oil needs no child can be more than the ~ OK
Posted by Sohu users (not verified) (
2008-09-05 12:42 < br> back
enraged comrades, deep in the feces batch Meng Jie Cao eggs, oil company head and Hebei are engaged in personnel work and personnel Diao who quit, so how vigorous law enforcement agencies to attract any attention to it, especially now that the Olympic security, security harmony stage, do not have a problem almost
Posted by Sohu users (not verified) (
2008-09-05 12:51
white with black, 5 +2 work
publisher Sohu users (not verified) (
2008-09-05 12:58
1, all the default all the managers, so that members of the provincial company's leadership team and most of north China's leadership Laozu the water, and some of North China, a regional manager to vice president of a send 50 million to managers in order to keep a job, bought a car and some managers of smoke to the north corporate gifts to In order to achieve the purpose of his political career.
2, provincial department of the company's principal and regional manager of the company secretary, all from the former manager of the branch secretary of the existing production, with or without the ability to (some repeatedly interrogated Procuratorate before), after scores of competition for more than half of the up, but half were also filled by scores of high and low.
3, not on the provincial competition for the company as long as the organs of the general staff of the driver's license, whether or not the gas station management experience are competing on the Area and the secretary of the company's Area Manager. (the ability of the competitive selection on the province's general position, Lapin's incompetence but because of those who have a driver's license and became a regional secretary of the company's Area Manager, Deputy Branch enjoyed the leadership of treatment), the former regional companies have the ability to staff all down, the most ridiculous, the Area Manager secretary after the election, to training is to allow the former director of a regional company to the training, now that the competition What people are not, it means the leadership of these cadres are incompetent election, and this point is very clear that the leadership mind ah. incompetent can be, there is capacity to the gas station when the webmaster.
4, Area manager and secretary of the notice requirements of cross-representation, which requires Area Manager posts to be secretary of the party, not party members also go up.
5, branch secretary should be elected by party members, but the regional manager of the company to so competition for staff, representatives of all the competition for the placement of employees who own (with station managers, agency personnel), and most are not party members, people can be elected secretary of the.
6, first of all management positions in all the tight the formal staffing arrangements, there is no capacity does not matter, as long as you are officially working, went top of a downtown, a deputy chief of the quasi-Dry can be mixed.
7, the so-called downsizing is cutting social recruits, no matter if you're capable, are no use.
8, the various regional manager of the company are former general manager of the branch, wholesale and retail prices of petroleum products in the first half upside down, so that these worms Laozu in oil money, earn the first half of courageous four to five million, the timid also earn hundred to thousand. (these can be found out, the financial statements of the sale date, shift relief record has a pump dispenser code number, because money can not take the tanker, only to wholesale out of all the sales reports and shift changes at the pump records the number of a code number and income comparison, we can immediately check out).
behind many insider, to be released to you after finishing.
Posted by Sohu users (not verified) (
2008-09-05 13:04

I'm back in the old oil workers for 20 years, the practice proved that buy-out, off the beaten track is to take does not make sense not to intensify social contradictions. I think the early 90s with a very good way now: the formal authority over the age of 50 employees, over 55 leading cadres, to early retirement, early retirement, to the statutory retirement age, later formally organized relationship. the job, while streamlining down, save a lot of office expenses. in the oil should be central to the policy to restore the back. the conditions set a good point, people are also stable. frontline staff a year to earn some money, enterprise development, from the not open them.
publisher Sohu users (not verified) (
2008-09-05 13:17
(the ability of the competition for the company's general position of the province, the incompetence of Lapin but because people have a driving license and became a regional secretary of the company's Area Manager, Deputy Branch enjoyed a lead ...