Thursday, March 31, 2011

Why not true love for to see it, I CRY

 Days, is still dead, a man with a touch of approximately 5.6-year-old girl walking in the street, have not see this man what color clothes to wear, the little girl's face was become a gray sweat and dust cover, Only a pair of eyes can tell if the man is watching, Dad, I'm hungry, the girl said to the man, the man's face reveals the bitter smile, from a pocket and pulled out a piece of dry bread to the stiff girl, good you eat, and my father to buy you water, a man walked in front of a small shop, standing in the doorway and a Baipang the proprietress said: Xia Jie, I bought a bottle of mineral water, stuffed into the boss took a few bottles of water man's arms, said: take it, so hot days, drink plenty of points to a stubborn man with a crumpled five-, and boss sighed, pulled a girl, playing a pot of water, careful to children to wash a bit, watching the children, said: read the children, and the oldest maternal aunt said that today what you eat, the girl happy to say, oldest maternal aunt, my father gave me cake, I am also back to walk and wife looked at the children, and men said, pay attention to his body, after reading your child needs care, a man quietly pulled his side, said the girl, know, Xie Xiexia sister, a girl and turned to leave, the wife looked back and bent in the men and bounce the children follow the men, eyes moist, shops there is also a table, a few dressed demon **** son said, yo, this how you, how have shed crocodile tears, the wife bitterly to say, you know what these fox, slowly uttered the words boss ... ...
a young beautiful woman lying on a hospital bed, staring at the pale, handsome face The man said, her husband, do not toss, and we have no money, the man said the woman did not smile watching this relationship, the doctor has said you get better soon, and it is almost time to pick up my child read, the man slowly turned away, just left the room, the strong man tears came out, furniture, electrical appliances, car, house, to sell are sold, relatives, friends can borrow the money borrowed, even his father for the last The funeral also gives the men, told the man said, try it, now you do not owe people, men went to the hospital finally back garden Sixin crying out, 20 million ah, the doctor and he said, in a 20 million will be able to cure his wife's illness, but now there can have these 20 million for him now, the figure is super astronomical, tears are streaming over, time to go look at the kindergarten daughter, the man wiped his tears, to the kindergarten door.
in the process of waiting for school children is asking an aunt, a woman said: your husband now how you, woman, looking sad to say, the doctor said to a kidney transplant, but alas there looking for ah the money I can play out, but now can not be buying and selling human organs, mother nodded say ah, really heartbreaking, man eyes light up, went over, asked, Sister, you and I talk a good thing you, a woman wary of looking man said, you have to do, men do not misunderstand Do not get answered quickly, I also come with children, listening to you the things I think I have a way to help you out, the woman listened to doubt the question, What can you, your husband is not a man that needs the kidney? I? How can a woman say this, it is illegal things, the man said, Sister, we say elsewhere, two people came across some small to see no one, the men told their own thing this woman said, Sister ah, we even help each other now, with only one kidney is not related to the woman hesitated for a long time that, then I ask my husband, you have the phone for? Man smile and said, I did not have to sell clean, you put your phone number to me, I'll contact you, the woman gave him the numbers, said that tomorrow, contact us now, each with children back, the men took the children back to the hospital, watching with hope to cure his wife and daughter in the mother bed, smiling faces of men finally have a point, the next afternoon, the man called the woman's phone, the woman told him tomorrow to the hospital to check the blood type, and then talk about the price, the man said excitedly, thank you, Sister, that you saved our family, the woman said, if you can be successful but also saved our family, and has been on the morning man appointment of women to the hospital, tests and procedures are cumbersome over, the diagnosis can be used, two people came to a coffee house, the woman asked you a price right, the man then said, big sister, my wife 20 universal cure is needed, I also do not have money, you see how much to give, the woman laughed and said, you are very honest, I find out through your things, you can do that to your wife I was very moved, I'll give you 50 million, I hope you and your wife can go back later to buy a house and furniture, the men shed tears and said, thank you, I will repay you later, the woman said, no, the price is very fair , we will not insult to injury. I give you 30 million, and other surgical finished giving you 20 million, she said, men and women said the woman smiled and agreed.
operation was a success, the transfer is also good for women, such as some of the 20 million check on the man's hand, said, that you are out of work, the children I will help you arrange a
men recovered quickly, when he returned to his wife's bedside, found his wife's color has been restored almost to the doctor to ask, now how about it? The doctor told him, yes, it has been able to go back to training, and six months should be able to complete recovery, the men finally put down the new stone in, and asked a number of detailed considerations, for the discharge procedures, with the rest of the money men bought a second hand house, well, price satisfaction, with his wife and daughter came home, and thought, the nightmare is gone, is to start over time.
men find a new job, it is hard to shop and go, and his wife at home training, the men in order to survive at home, often overtime, one day, a man who has a fever feel cold, and went the hospital took some medicine, but also did not care about anything, not even with medication, the man to the hospital, the original kidney removed when he was not fully wound inflammation of conditioning now, and man heard later the same as Qingtianpili , asked the doctor how much it costs, the doctor said that such operations are intermediate, cost is not too high, but one thing to tell you that your inspection report to you at a disadvantage. , The man asked what the doctor said that you have an impact on sex life after a man lost in meditation, to his wife and family, and I now are worth, and came home and said to his wife, now go away on business, has been to find a babysitter at home, everything you do not worry, I'll be back, he looked at his wife, gentle man, said outside take care of yourself, do not be too worried about me, man kissed his wife on the forehead.
man came to the hospital to let his father in the operation on the signed one.
Two months later, the man was discharged and returned home to see his wife and daughter, comforting smile, so that men can not think of things happen, life between husband and wife, the man can not even adhering to a time in a day goes by, even between husband and wife have a diaphragm, a man reimbursing the patient, his wife finally made the break, the men looked scared E's familiar with this strange face, point nod, the man in the division of property and child support that was once a piece of his wife to choose, the choice of his wife, the man again disappointed, and his wife chose the home of real estate funds and now half the man accepted, see with his beloved woman, saying, take care of yourself.
man with a girl and a share of thousands of dollars, rented a house, a man thinking of his own wasted a half watching the kids finally able to sell their organs that do not care who shed tears, the heart had really hurts, how it hurts so bad, as if breathing is so difficult as to be torn chest pain, the tears flow over the heart, so it was dead, but the child have to take care ah, she is still small, but also warm, you need to go to school, I would never give his daughter psychological pressure, men Yaozhu Ya stood up, sunset, watching the man of my back, so large.
A year later, first grade children read and watch growing up the daughter of a man finally feeling happy, one day, he took his daughter to the mall to buy clothes, just arrived door, met his ex-wife, happy children shouted dad read you behold is a mother, a man watching now wear gold with silver in the women said, about 50-year-old bald man standing next to her asked, , bald, said Yin Xiao, baby or my bad, ha ha. The pair of shameless Gounan Nv ridiculed others and so the absence of men, got into an Accord turned, planted a mock
leave, panic's asked his father, a man's complexion was blue, purple lips, his hands shook as by his wife, a fiercely stabbed.
go crazy after drinking and smoking men, often what there talking to himself, slowly, it was discovered that he had not very normal, just read the child what to say, he was know that he can hear.
what happened? Several are said to be fox woman boss is already asked in tears, and later. . . . .
One day, outside the snowflakes, read the child rubbing his cold hands and red man said, bottle of wine, a loaf of bread, a bag of peanuts on the way back, where a van from the turn was coming, although the brakes, but the ground has been covered with the snow, bang, the men knocked out, but also Thanks to open the unhappy man looked at the car side of horror, they pick on the ground crisp bread and peanuts, got out a plate of two inch tall shaved head man, looked at the car said, fuck, really Xuan Hu, ah, He should be all right, another smoking a cigarette had been able to smile and say, see him as too fine ah. In this way, they drove majestically away.
back home, the men read the bread to the children, the bed and read while eating bread while children do homework, the teacher asked students to write a diary today, called: My mom and dad. Other jobs are finished, read children Waizhaonaodai think in the end my mother what it? Mother's image has been blurred in the hearts of children reading, watching my father coughing in bed, read the children called a basin of water from the outside, against a good hot water, a towel and rub gently for Dad wipe her face and hands, in his father tuck a tuck, and he is washed, and then checked the windows and doors, off the light, and well-climbed his own little bed asleep.
morning, up early to read the children, awakened by a man, father, I went to school, the men took out a dollar from him to his daughter, husky, said, eat something, go. promise me a few days to help me buy new clothes then, a fairly new down jacket, smiled and said, clothes, took out a pocket of money to the fifty-read children, said, money, or you want to make your ass uncle Xiaogang, and read children that know the oldest maternal aunt, and I go, first came to the school gate to see who she was afraid, Xiaogang uncle, uncle very sharp eyes, do not know every day Wang Shang how is such a good eye, he has nothing, is a professional gamer, earn a little money life, usually Bang Shou a utility district in what is, but the cost of home study are all children of his own pocket. Read the children, Xiaogang Han Zhu her uncle, because he read the children to learn as long as that bad or naughty, will certainly have to beat her ass pigtail pulling, ? Uncle asked her, bastard that kind of
to school, children began to collect the students read their homework, because she was class president, came home from school at noon, saw a man not up yet, read the child asked, did not answer, read the child is very strange how the father is? Thought, and climbed on the bed to see his father and mother in the holding pictures of her childhood in the face to see his father, a man's complexion has become a gray, empty eyes wide open, as if the feelings of the human world confused, and like to talk with the unwilling and sorrow, from the ears and mouth out of the blood has dried up, , Xiaogang slightly clatter about heart, a hand touched the man's face, has been cool, and surprising idea to ask children, your father. . . Your dad how he bleeding? Read the children cried, , in the end how matter, an aunt said, Grandpa Lin retired from the Police asked, into a mass of the chaos, this time sitting in bed reading children inside, tightly pulled his father's hand and asked, , little people in the room do not cry, Xiajie a child picked up the idea, wiping her tears, said after studying children with me, and I can not let this child to be a little bitter, and sometimes, the this and that should read child care, in fact, we usually have no less care of their father and daughter, but the situation now everyone wants to use their ability to suffer was hard to take care of this child, watching his father was carried away wrapped in the room, crying and crying children read . . . Than the knife really have pain in the human body, Lin uncle ran home a few steps out of two thousand yuan on the hands of the Xia Jie said, is to sell the house will help you take care of children read open open seeing what ah This result is actually a man, dead time, no one would know why he took that picture, which has his wife and his daughter, whether he is reluctant to his wife? Or his daughter? Or both ... ...?

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