Monday, November 8, 2010

A return to childhood

 Come back at night to see the college entrance essay exam in Jiangxi Province - a return to childhood, together with the students came up a few days to see the old signature leopard's personality: all of a sudden, I thought I was no longer a young man, you can not help with deep feelings.

old leopard that although we do not suddenly promoted to his father's kind of a sense of happiness and excitement, but her childhood was crashed a few words in the original pit of the stomach calm, ripples appearing. Oh, childhood, beautiful, innocent, colorful, no time for childhood, it has quietly lost in how long?

think of my childhood, I can not hand touched the back of my head, because I have a back of the head near the little finger fingernail-sized piece of scar, but this piece is a small scar between partners play left the imprint. Weekdays, I hide this scar inside my thick hair, but each time when the barber, the barber will surprise and said: wow, you have a scar on the back of the head Oh! Each to hear this, I tend to think of my childhood, I think of my childhood very naughty.

I always think I should be a bit naughty reasons, for some objective reasons, the first three years of my life to have more time in some aunt, aunt or aunt's house growing up , and compete with many children drink milk, of course, more ambiguous is the porridge, ha ha! I always feel that I so naughty, the end is a bit associated with this experience.

late as I can remember, six years before the thing I was not at all impressed, so I really should be started in childhood a little impression after the age of six. I probably six years old at the time, I always have to cross in front of a grandfather's house and walked in front of a big playground to play with friends, when I feel that very, very big house, while on the tile-roofed house The Ming Wa is not a lot, a short distance will appear darker. In this paragraph the dark journey, I would feel a lot of apprehension from students, walking will not help speed up the pace. Is the so-called concern, people will increase the probability of mistakes, the argument in my childhood when it was already generated. One day, the promise is to heavy rains, the day an instant dark, call the parents of female children call, I naturally know to go home. Because the sky is dark, I passed through the house, that there is more dark, and my heart is afraid that suddenly upgrade. I trot, ran out of the big house back home, my grandmother gave a large piece of rock candy, I enjoy the sweetness of sugar only when the fear will slowly forget the heart. However, feet ready to go to bed at night, when I found I had to wear slippers in the feet less one. Every two days, the great house of the aunt would fall on her house slippers I sent to my home, I then remember, my slippers set is in two days, because my heart fear, trot and get lost. When I grow up, I still have to go through this big house to play elsewhere, gradually, my heart no fear, and I'm about thirteen years old, I know the hall hang a big house Hua Hua great portrait. After so many years, head of China's great not the impression I have, and before the big house also has a large house divided into three houses, two large bungalows, a small tile-roofed house retained.

When he arrived seven years old, I remember I was beginning to play some games before, and began to remember my little partner's name. I still do not know why I was very young when this game will have a passion for wrestling. In front of my house there is a playground, and our place in the sun valley field, threshing floor thick lawn, as I play this game provides a good place. Of course, there are places of light, no rivals, wrestling does not carry this game is absolutely open. I remember two of the most profound playmate, one is Kobayashi, one is in the Kun. For Kobayashi, we have the same year, and then I look more fat relative to pier, so, although he is slightly higher than I, but in the record, often it is my dominant. For Kun, he must be better than I, and Kobayashi, a year older, in childhood, an age gap is quite obvious. He had half a head higher than I have more than the same time, forces larger than me, so I usually wrestling with him being much more negative. Nevertheless, I still think that he is always wrestling skills as this is me, I remember when I was a group of people surrounding the case, with a beautiful hook move backwards in the way of the foot plus fall in his to pull when the wind is still quite a pity that I still do not remember the match the crowd was there any girls. And age, large enough to ensure many years later she recalled her childhood, to remember the wind pulling my Yishuai. In addition, need to bear in mind that I was seven, in this year, I have officially obtained a high school throughout my primary school to a nickname, and the nickname is derived from when I was in the body. Maybe wrestling really need physical strength, or exercise wrestling really,cheap UGG boots, when my appetite is particularly good, but looks very stocky body,UGG boots clearance, and also with a chubby face. My grandmother told me the next house is quite a favorite, saw me crying in her peculiar accent, Yao Jian, you a ***, where to play ah? Over time, *** have become long, long time with my nickname, but I still think this nickname in front of me on the third year it is quite appropriate, and this, I also think to create comes from life is too accurate.

age of eight, I started my long road to study for school, I always feel a little talent, but it is never that kind of hard. For this, I think from my play cards all night when in the examination, before the World Cup madness before the college entrance examination has been evident. Today, I just think it is only slightly improved, and this,UGG boots, sometimes I will actually still on the Death Knight in Warcraft Description: 'will fall as a distillation of' from the satirical. Reading a grade, my two grades there is only 70, but parents do not like the moment when parents worry about their children's school. I took my report card home, parents and grandmother looked, no one made any comments, and I continue to work with children after school in addition to wrestling, but also began to participate in other games, some slightly older than some of my partners have begun to enter My memories. In addition to wrestling, the game was often also sub-national boundaries, war, hide and seek and so on. Of course, I occasionally look at those that have girls involved in the game, skipping, jumping grid and so on, but the relatively static for the game, I still was not quite got the idea, so is its normal level, but Still I still remember that play better with my relatively few female playmate. However, for these female companions, a few years ago in my home, they have been holding the baby, and then pointed me to the arms of the child: **, called the uncle / uncle. Then I always took their children, a little hug, and must admit that we still coaxing marketer, because I always thought I was a child grow up king, the king holds the child if a child under the when it comes to crying, it not quite to the face?

sometimes very subtle things that really make people thoroughly read the second grade, my grades began to gradually coming to the fore, believe it the first of the regular class exam, and the ratio of the often- absolutely up to 95%. Of course, a very small time to study only a small percentage of life, how to play is the most critical. Math test like test time, because the teacher said, after finished the examination paper in advance, ahead of an assignment, and more attractive. We had better know, honest to sit in the classroom full forty-five minutes is very hard, carry out an assignment in advance means you can play. One day, just finished a school under the school side of the snow on the fields of basic no, snow battle will begin to play the math class, math teacher, said one or two class examinations, class, jubilant sound of a sudden. I quickly finished papers, and a few other classmates handed in early. However, an assignment of people or too little, not allow us to enjoy to play in the snow battle, so we decided to lie on the door on the classroom door, which also began to encourage partners to answer in hand it out to play early. And to lie at the door waving at me when the guy does not know what a push from behind a harsh, I break open the door directly to the classroom, and fell into the classroom. Perhaps not a very good mood that day math teacher, or is it too naughty too big movement, he quickly toward me from the back of the class here, you want to catch me. My mouth is doing when the guilty, get up and go out into the run outside the school, the school, but outside of that vast field, running up and feel relaxed and happy. That I do not know why, but math teacher should still do not understand why he shouted In fact, I think he should not know when we used to play war games often shouted the slogan: If he shouted this, perhaps I stopped. I shouted at the teacher did not stop, onlookers around the same time more and more students, the math teacher is always fit a shelf, so he began to take a step after me, and I had the end result of both legs short, on the ridge not far to go, he was put back camel math teacher 老鹰抓小鸡 the classroom, waiting for my nature is knelt in the classroom following the examination board. And this is what I kneel in school corporal punishment in the course of a few, and I think wearing thick cotton trousers for the winter time, I did not feel uncomfortable, and in the knees when the mouth has also continued with the following test Students wink, ha ha. In addition to the outside, to the second grade, started playing this game on paper gun into my entertainment areas, must be admitted that perhaps because of my hand slightly smaller projects on this game,UGGs, my strength in general.

time, such as fleeting, my life, I soon came to the end of the first decade. However, this year let me in I am definitely scared now to think of it all a year.

when I was nine, I learned to mountain firewood with her mother. Therefore, in my old days, when the holidays, parents will ask me to partner with some of the larger ones with the mountain cutting wood. The so-called poor children as early as masters, so today we all feel so very small children for Labor is a very cruel thing, but I still think this request is very reasonable. After the so-called fair-weather sweet to know, so I always feel that a lot of hard time is an increase in the family a recipe. As the Wenchuan earthquake, natural disasters, so I found the indifference of the public will be hearts closely together, united.

Xu is my nature is too naughty flooding, so in my time cutting wood up the hill, I used my naughty on the so-called labor. One day, I am with a group of larger partners such as up the hill past firewood. That day, those big fir tree as a partner decided to cut firewood, because I was small, while not climb a tree, so I need to do is to help those who organize their brother man cut branches. However, in the trees watching the big brother of the heroic man, I envy. Now when I envy, I found a long piece of cedar to the shorter side, from a relatively high position, relying on cedar pole, you can drive into a seat on the narrow bridge, and I naturally to climb up through the cedar on the bridge, and then I have to do is the same with those big brother buddy Yingzisashuang see the next stud big branches. After thought into action, I think I still keep the habit certainly already formed before I was ten. I rely on my pole cedar tree, but also puts pressure on the pressure to prevent pole slipping. I carefully open arms, slightly straightened, standing as an acrobat walking a tightrope as inclined towards a cedar pole moving. Everything looks so smooth, looking closer and cedar, the joy of my heart are constantly expanding. However, in my hands folded, ready to embrace and begin to cut from the cedar tree branches, I was suddenly the bottom of the foot of the pole slipping, and I like spit, like the wind conditions in the absence of vertical drop. Fortunately, I did not like the spittle landed on the ground is so broken as a splash. I just rushed to the foot cedar that fell in soft yellow ground, and along with my soon flutter fall guy who's brother is also a tree down from the trees quickly, and ran towards me. They arrived in front of me, I have been from the ground up, starting Shan loess covered. I bow in the loess Shan trousers, I began to feel his nose, fever, and one that appears on the loess red red circle, I began to keep a bloody nose. Nevertheless, I looked up the air, and plug in two paper balls on the nose, my nose bleeding was stopped immediately! About ten o'clock in the afternoon, when I was a little worried lug firewood back home. After returning home, my grandmother helped me carefully wash your face, nose to help me wash the blood, and then I took a piece of candy Grandma started to run out of the house with friends to play with. The fall from the tree, and did not let me have any fear of climbing the contrary, in the about three months after falling from a tree, I learned to climb trees, and in the near future to continue to learn climbing bamboo. However, today, when I think of myself from the tree that fell, or the lingering fear, after all, under the cedar tree if there was a big rock, I probably would not be here today, memories of my silly childhood.

I think from the above example Jiu already seen all the time in Haoduo a strong inert, unless necessary or to eat bitterness, the only way that their own efforts to do a little something. The next example, I think it is a strong evidence. Also in this year's summer, I'm still with some buddies to go with Big Brother chopped wood, cutting wood in the way we went, we passed a pond. Looked at the clear reservoirs, brother man who decided to swim to go chop wood. And I will not swim at that time, but the temptation of leisure compared to children everyone know, so I still was stabbed roads to walk off into the pond. With the water temperature gradually adapt, I began to walk slowly towards the central pond, the water I push lightly with both hands, memories drift back foot, walking forward slowly. Suddenly, I felt a black eyes, tight mouth is to drink with a mouthful of water. The bottom of the pond where I had not quite smooth, I must be slowly forward in the process of exploration, entered the bottom of the pond a small dip, the water level not seen my eyes, I try to open your mouth to cry, Water has a mouth to be swallowed my stomach. Keeping Thinking about starting small feet I try to jump, want to pop out of the water to breathe fresh air, I push lightly on my right hand to maintain balance, while wildly waving his left hand on the water. In my own saliva are forgotten after a few drinks, I suddenly felt someone pull me up, I am also a moment toward the man advantage of the opportunity to crawl, and then I saw the lost probably about a half minute or so that are still blue the sky was. The sky, the sun is not like father like that before burning, I feel I really see the moment the so-called sun would smile. And when I looked down to see me from the water that I hold out the arm of a big brother, I found the big brother I caught the arm has been a big red mark. In this case, I learned a lot of major principles: First, the air is really very beautiful, sun would really beautiful; two people to survive the power of infinite time; three have grown up with me a little from the books to school to knowledge, to save a drowning man, do not let a drowning man will cling to you. As mentioned above, this drowning did not let me have the so-called after-effects on the water, on the contrary, in the flooded briefly, I have in the next several similar water process, I will learn to swim . Although the so-called ugly dog plane, but I found this swimming in the calm sea as smooth.

the World Cup has begun, continued. 

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