Monday, February 21, 2011

Buddha's heart of wisdom (d)

 1451. Impermanence of any neglect of speech, not the words of the Holy One.
1452. If you truly and clearly see the impermanence, you will see often. The so-called constant is: absolutely everything is impermanent and will not There are other accidents.
1453. know all the things in my mind, are just feeling it, they are short-changing. they are students, the existence and disappear, they just did.
1454. Do not mount anything ! insight into it, beyond it, that is what you must to do.
1455. trapping in all lines (cause conditions), the adhesion happy, adhesion pain, sunk in the Self-see and see in the secular. If these two methods was removed, he will never become a people who clearly knows the world.
1456. all the things that cause harmony flow in constantly changing, this is the > 1457. In life, death, migration flows constantly changing, there is no point allows us to perseverance. The real satisfaction is not outside, it is from the heart.
1458. all from the realm of cause, must have is impermanent.
1459. life and death are both on (cause conditions), the situation without anger, it is to see the impermanence of all things are born from the.
1461. When the feeling of happiness in the mind from time to time, we know that is not permanent, we call it is far away from sensual desire and love, we know we should not lust after anything.
1462. If you only exhale but not inhale, or just do not smoke and then exhaled, you live for it? things cause Hop must be so natural to change. see this, is to see law, see impermanence and change. We rely on the change and survival. When we know things as they are, we will be able to put down them.
1463. If you want things are constancy, you are deserved, for bringing.
1464. .
1465. In this world no one thing is certain, this is the truth! things not true, things will change, it is the only reality is that it has been changed.
1466. no anything can be persistent, you can hold, because everything changes in an instant.
1467. 1468. Life is to move the process flow, commitment to any form of people, will suffer because of resistance to moving stream.
1469. !
1470. impermanence m in round the clock in the, are equal to dominate all living beings.
1471. appreciate the impermanence of human life, debauchery and corruption will no longer Plaza, so that the impermanence of life awakening is the beginning of wisdom.
1472. on the future or life after death and may have mental conditions facing the people unprepared, no doubt is the stupid hands digging its own grave.
1473 . people were mundane things to do, feel life day at plummeted; as in the wind, the lights may be extinguished at any time.
1474. mortals have superhuman strength, success is awaken the giant.
1475. When others hesitate, you have put into action. When people act, you are leading.
1476. secret to success is action.
1477. Fate is chance, fate choice, can not sit back and wait to be personally.
1478. winners will use the fate of his environment to be a great stepping stone.
1479. can not go beyond their own, usually can not become a major event.
1480. life each of the great deeds of faith are beginning.
1481. thrift and diligence are lucky right hand.
1482. shallow tillage is equal to m for any cause of failure, it is the secret of success.
1483. Success is not destiny, but from their will.
1484. over others, you must first conquer himself.
1485. Do not tempted! unstable mind is this piece of land instability property of the most tragic.
1486. When you in the worst situation, still do not think the loss, equal access to all.
1487. Even if the worst thing is, we must accept all This is the secret to inner peace.
1488. Once we can embrace all kinds of suffering, the suffering will naturally feel completely eliminated.
1489. a hole in the Che life, profound knowledge, even been to unwarranted ridicule or humiliation, will also have self-mockery, do not think disobedient generosity.
1490. heart is not calm, because it follows all the emotions, by the emotional deception.
1491. people always follow their the feeling of running.
1492. Do not follow your emotions, to train your own. practice includes the danger of your life into them.
1493. no matter who is to follow your heart, follow it like and desire, and any other everything, that person did not practice.
1494. there who practice the knowledge of good and evil, but do not chase any one.
1495. If you know all that is the true and know if anything can be no interference with the mind clear and bright that clarity.
1496. others to criticize us, but after completely forgotten, but we are sticking it and continue to think of it; that if they spit out some food, and As we pick up and eat.
1497. Why our happiness depends on the mind the idea of someone?
1498. mental activity can be fatal as the Cobra. If we do not disturb a only the Cobra, it will naturally go away; a wise man, will be treated in this manner is raised in the mind of the emotion .1499. As long as our understanding of the Dharma less, the heart will continue to pursue the more dharma . feel happy, happy to give in; feel pain, to succumb to the pain, it is always in turmoil.
1500. follow the 1501. people should not live for other people's eyes.
1502. the world is your state of mind at the moment is volatile.
1503. beauty is not currently covet. see to want it, we lost by one back; listen to ring true meaning of words to generate hate reaction, we lost by one back.
1504. wise not to be happy is not pleasant and happy or sad by it. these things arises, they are not persistent, with its nature to go down. This is the bound person, as the rain on the lake-like, hard to feel calm and serene beauty.
1507. people who have decided to be the source of trouble, .
1508. When you look at everything with a sense of normalcy when the trouble will be less.
1509. We are not the executor of cause and effect, so we can not judge someone else's right or wrong.
1510. revel m environment is to not to resist, to leave no territory.
1511. If you were in the state to impose, that is karma.
1512. delusions come to by it, I always ignore it will naturally paranoid interest.
1513. saints do not have to build any physical or mental state of mind, not with intent to destroy the structure or any state.
1514. victory belongs to those who have strength of the people, not to those who have emotional person. practice is also true.
1515. sake Health Centre, we were persistent worries dragged sentient dust, if the Tone bravery, physical and mental straight down, off to the Department of Health Yinian Bu, that is, true colors.
1516. Only one open mind to the true understanding of nature.
1517. Only one, the original heart. So we must train the dharma of mind to know and do not get lost in them.
1519. learning .
1520. to the wisdom, awareness, mindfulness in life, always present the other hand, all.
1521. Buddhism is to understand, digest and practice.
1522. deep view of their hearts, you will will find a large undeveloped situation, during a good swim, to be a super player in his country.
1523. will find, here and now, all the Buddha has appeared with.
1524. strengthen the heart was not as long as the move a bit like fitness, but will be brought to mind a br> 1525. looking for peace is like looking for a turtle that only a mustache, you can not be found. But when your heart is mature, calm and naturally come to you.
1526. The so-called pure, that is, beyond all doubt.
1527. The more practice, the more you will be able to get to meet your practice, you will see through your heart!
1528. If we have penetrated to within the concept of natural law, then, we eyes see everything will be satisfied.
1529. we did not ; heart is law, not the Method method. Buddhism goes, a monk Hop bedroom and body Sambo.
1532. would not abandon the people of truth, will be the same in Buddhism.
1533. In the structure of space-time , and all phenomena are the heart of the shadow of their own now, a dedication that is thousands of miles apart from the Buddha, a pure concept is as good as coming
1534. in the spirit of a layer of illusion is persistent.
1535. another big also arrived in the realm of contemplation, however.
1536. if made pure heart, does not exist I see, can not afford to see the law, known to be empty flower, that was me, and Act II of the reason air.
1537. practice of human nature phase as, in all phases of all the nature of the situation right, to all the laws of any transport.
1538. there is no clear natural than pure self-nature is more soft pillows.
1539. enlightenment, such as palm view of beads. < br> 1540. When you have received peace of mind, desire nightmare demons disappear naturally.
1541. If the heart study, meditation and inviting industry hard; if nursing concepts and cursed the Buddha still benefit true cultivation.
1542. III Buddhas to the mind-based division.
1543. Buddha not consider measure to see that the moment they see, to be thinking the worse.
1544. intimate body of law is not bad is the reality, intimate with million phase is merit bodies of law, intimate mood of the body of law is law, with the root of the body of law should be said, can not have intimate invisible body of law is void.
1545. a mind free from the three drugs, was the name of land clean.
1546 . Prajna clean body, after all, no one thing can get, is the name can not be said; that is empty in the body of Wisdom, with Hengsha purposes, that is, nothing I do not know, is the name argument.
1547. Tathagata five: see called pure color eye; see eye in the sky called the body clean; style and Clean environment and even the color of good and evil, learned to fine, respectively, nothing stained, in the comfortable, known as eye; see and can not see called discernment; no see no not see called Foyan.
1548. All That law, are illegal and that he has no no back, straight down through off into one.
1549. attain the people in ancient times, their only adequate, had pushed apart Receiving should be machine, like a mirror when the station, Pearl in the palm, mess Hu is the Han to Han now, but also non-intentionally. If there were real Method and pains of people.
1550. Whether along with adversity, not vexation; As long as you carefully, all good mentor.
1551. aware of their emotions, do not be fooled by low mood.
1552. In fact, in a bad mood when your life has never been so so for you Oops.
1553. everything will pass. keep in mind that this insight, you can maintain the balance of mind, even if the face of adversity you can calm calm.
1554. Life is like a roller coaster, you must remember, do not In the bottom foot on the brake, or not go up to rise.
1555. the whole world no one can knock you down, only you.
1556. Suffering is the touchstone of the best in life.
1557. Since is a hard person, bent on weeds uprooted Tanaka.
1558. no matter what kind of education, no one comparable to stress.
1559. If you can not learn to properly deal with frustration, to will find themselves always angry. for your own good, please do not confused so sad day.
1560. There is only lack of effort, there is no real failure; only self-imposed limits, not beyond, there is no real setbacks.
1561. learn from their experience of suffering, more useful than others to teach.
1562. As a fruit growing needs not only sunshine, but cold nights and Hanyu, like a person's personality to real mature, not only happy, but also need to test suffering.
1563. to suffer, is a blessing.
1564. With sorrow go to bed, is saddled with the burden of sleep.
1565. the human need to challenge , is the human suffering and grief.
1566. when facing difficulties in life, remind yourself: cycling: does not want to fall, unless you do not pedal.
1570. endure hardships takes more courage than to commit suicide.
1571. not too serious, try a relaxed attitude to fun of his own situation. < br> 1572. If we can stand up to the challenges of people living to be considered as the master of life.
1573. to accept what happened, unfortunately, the first step to overcome.
1574. How many do you think live, lament, but just imagine, other people like you, taste being affected, unfortunately, your own distress, would not be so unbearable.
1576. have the courage to commit suicide, why not take the courage to commit suicide to continue to live.
1577. often praise others, this is a pleasant and a rewarding habit.
1578. proficient people who can win the hearts of praise, even when he died, even the undertaker will feel sorry. < br> 1579. people according to the direction you are encouraged to do, not according to the direction of your critics do.
1580. refrain to emphasize their good and at others to hide the fault of mining, which is yellow dog human behavior.
1581. criticized the shortcomings and disadvantages of others, is the biggest character flaw.
1582. sweet words are powerful people in a very important part of the character.
1583. people tend to Council in order to affirm their own people and through fire and water.
1584. talking about other people the most appropriate way is to just praise the advantages of others.
1585. you can within your ability to easily add joy to this world. how do? on lonely frustrated people say a few words of sincere appreciation.
1586. certainly does not mean that people deny their own.
1587. to share the joy of others is also good karma in the making.
1588. Everyone will complain, very few people can say that the elegant praise m attributed to practice.
1589. good things do not cost money, but the value is large.
1590. identity of others a little merit, it will not undermine their taste ah!
1591. who would blame others, and only experts know how to praise praised.
1592. Love is not a nice language, then language is not flattering, but praise or admiration.
1593. must not be exposed scar or tell tales of people, but to know how to find reason to praise others. When you want to criticize others, you have to clench your tongue; when you want to praise someone, you have to throw you
1594 . all the advantages of others.
1596. would not admire someone virtues, life is boring because he never had the joy of appreciation.
1597. We all have a common problem: to know and treasure lost only want to restore, and some things are Kewan Hui, while others are gone
1598. the so-called perfection, not that do not need to add anything, but that do not need to delete anything.
1599. Ask and its better to seek their own savings should not spend.
1600. If have experienced the loss of taste, people will not learn the true meaning of treasure.
1601. When a thing has be of value, it will not refuse.
1602. will use the money not greedy people, is the most happy, because he has two joy.
1603. If your purse has a corner hole full of money in it then what is the use?
1604. generous if misused, they become a habit.
1605. wastrel, is equivalent to mortgage their future out.
1606. to obtain money to meet the cost of vanity, the most pure soul will fall.
1607. seriously.
1608. no hand in the hand must be better than the curious, but not necessarily better than the hand.
1609. People, unfortunately, but people in the fortunate.
1610. The so-called repair ascetic, as it is cherish, do not give up any of the available bad thing.
1611. very properly, that is really frugal.
1612. There is no profit, can match what we have, among, the precise and reliable as savings.
1613. History will continue to repeat the cycle, because people will make the same mistake.
1614. live life contrary to conscience, even if others do not damage their physical and mental suffering but also have enough of the subject.
1615. no is perfect, the same, and no one is completely useless for.
1616. there are two kinds of people can never do more than others: one is the only account of the work of others, the other is never good to others confessed.
1617. any person who may have personality traits that you admire.
1618. all the wonders of the most important is the confidence generated by a simple power.
1619. If your mission in life is to get everyone to like you, you will be very disappointed. But when you get along with people always kind and considerate, they may not like you, but never could
hate you.
1620. Life is not the greatest reward comes from the accumulation of wealth, but from the joy of helping others get.
1621. adventure experts from the danger itself is not fun, but to since their ability to minimize risk.
1622. we love the most have the ability to hurt us.
1623. If life seems like a dream, sweet dreams we should not dream of regret or awake.
1624. Each person has their own theater, he set manager, actor, prompter, playwright, for King, box waiter, janitor all in one post, in addition to or spectators.
1625. In between the age of twenty four years old, we find who you really are busy, including the chance to understand the limitations and the inevitable limitations of the differences between the two. beyond the limits of our responsibility for accidental
term, but we must not stride Beyond the inevitable limitations.
1626. for the people, the only power is the law, the individual, the only power of conscience.
1627. evil in itself is ordinary people caught; for their own sin worries of a saint; boast of his sin is the devil.
1628. Most of the trouble the world are people who want to become a great mess out.
1629. as long as you think the right thing to m anyway do you do criticism, criticism will not do.
1630. you're talking to have measured between two enemies, so that they and good, you will be ashamed.
1631. We feel they have to do is anything to judge their own ability; and someone else has to become what we have to make do judge us.
1632. the world of things is never absolute and completely vary. suffering for Genius is a stepping stone for talented people are an asset, is an abyss of the weak.
1633. We always look forward to the wrong things.
1634. life is The tug of war.
1635. good to blame their own bitter blow as the general advertising beat, and never can not afford to sell their stock.
1636. want to protect people from being ignorant of the last resort is to fill the world full of fools.
1637. people should behave like their clothes, not too narrow or too specific, but shall not be bound or dry hinder action.
1638. society, as in the arena of the Roman youth, for fallen swordsman without mercy.
1639. Despite the attractive space travel, but more is not known and need more exploration and adventure in the region, no too much people and personality of the.
1640. life, but not may have the answer to every question, even if the answer is not necessarily a complete satisfactory answer.
1641. can be formed in the silence among the character is being formed in the torrent world.
1642. you have to choose but no choice, in essence, is also an option.
1643. fool is often busier than the wise man.
1644. Most people want to change the world, but few people want to transform themselves.
1645. Innovation people will inevitably lead to controversy.
1646. No one like an island sui generis; everyone is a small part of the majority of the land.
1647. seek perfection always fall into reproach others or find fault with their own , and that he could not go with the flow.
1648. secular knowledge of the target rotation m around the world accumulate wealth, achieve status, to seek praise and joy. It was a group that we will soon be attracted to mount ignorance.
1649. If we do things just to obtain the return, it will only cause pain.
1650. the society of knowledge, are learning on the physiognomy, is a temporary solution, and can not get basic relief. < br> 1651. worldly beings subject to the mercy of world law, was, lost, destroyed, and reputation, said, ridiculed, bitter, music, all these worldly troublemaker.
1652. a lamp when lit another lamp , no one will be consequent decline; as a heart lit up another heart, it will make your inner brighter
1653. small things are often distressing, you can hide from the big head collision like, but can not avoid the intrusion of flies.
1654. require that all people have the same opinion with you, is impossible, because differences of opinion, will have a knowledge held by the common wealth of the modern self is characterized by m complex.
1656. really good, usually simple. just a simple tube is so charismatic, so good things, but simple man, really small enough to allow people wonder.
1657. who so far are not completely honest, because in the human heart, often with a variety of ****, contradiction.
1658. do not care, do not comparison, non-placed sides, the most important life and death.
1659. stubborn people do not have opinions, but opinions have him.
1660. never refuse to back their own opinions of people, even more than they love themselves love of truth.
1661. a boat by the sound of it know it is broken, people can also be by his remarks that he is smart or stupid.
1662. When everyone into a mistake, everyone is right.
1663. Do not the people who do not like you waste your breath, he was impressed to action.
1664. the world is attributed to the largest reward ever man of his word.
1665. Whether you have any other feelings of ill will because of his respect for you and disappear immediately.
1666. subtle clever dialogue, people like exposure to the Garden of Eden.
1667. mouth to make it even more fulfilling interpersonal , is also a skill that everyone will learn.
1668. an opinionated person, you will lose accommodating.
1669. to judge a person, at least put themselves in depth about his feelings, and ideas unfortunate secret.
1670. Courtesy comprehensive no cost, than anything valuable.
1671. Selfishness is the root of the problem between people.
1672. people of the largest obstacle is not honest and mutual trust.
1673. The best way to shorten the distance to find common interests.
1674. compromise is assigned a pastry skills to make everybody thinks were the greatest .
1675. You can never please everyone and make for something.
1676. a wise man to see others point of view is based on wisdom rather than ignorance. If we take the wisdom of view, We can learn a lot. However, if we look stupid, then we will find other people's fault
1677. no witty conversation, listen attentively and do not know timely silence, that is, do not understand the art of conversation.
1678. hostility hostility can not yield, give up before they eliminate hostility hostility, which was ancient General.
1679. If two people mutually hostile, it is not good for two people. you increase the number of zero-zero, whether the above The answer is zero, hostile people together, after all, appears hostile
1680. to mutual understanding between people, put yourself thinking of other people, act in good faith, people will naturally respect you, and this is fundamental in life.
1681. the same thing, the same sentence, if gas humility to say, tend to help us achieve the goal. On the contrary, costs a lot of effort, not only can not achieve the purpose, Even people also
may cause misunderstanding, causing the opposite effect.
1682. every person has his strengths and weaknesses, no one can live without the help of others. good people help each other, rather than mutual suspicion.
1683. a turning point in relations with others, is that when you begin to change yourself.
1684. Wound dressing, you can forget the insult, but if you live up to the people's trust, to irreparable the .
1685. to learn the trust others, life would be good too.
1686. often someone else's name is the wrong person, unpleasant.
1687. everywhere in the face of someone malicious will the situation will cause disharmony themselves suffering. everywhere equal heart, devotion to discover the advantages of others, you will all the harmony between heaven and earth.
1688. to not argue for the non-free, speech in order to reduce as straightforward, hospitality and sincerely for the support.
1689. people need to take the level of language knowledge, know the depth of the water take the probe rod.
1690. welcome friends and family happiness for the maintenance of the elements, such as a cart with the oil, unless it is not.
1691. admit their One major reason is to avoid facing their own problems.
1694. If you do not help yourself, you can not really help others.
1695. the real practice started from the self.
1696. really The humor is beyond themselves, as in high altitude to see their own.
1697. recognize their first point is to look forward to your strengths, but also watching their own shortcomings.
1698. accept their fate, you must not passively m continued trying to convince myself to face reality, and not repeated self-deception.
1699. a person who refuses the consolation of being alone, there would not be the most fulfilling life.
1700. people must stop due to his problems in the environment, and re-learn to play in the confidence and moral of his willpower and sense of responsibility.
1701. hidden under the conscious thought, than the spread in the sun more lethal.
1702. without you agree, who can make you feel inferior?
1703. we step on the ruins of the failed to climb to heaven. find their own reasons for the failure is a success.
1704. The most difficult thing in the world admitted fault. but frankly there is no comparable to admit one thing more useful to solve the problem.
1705. The secret of contentment is found in their abilities and limitations, coupled with self-knowledge.
1706. can not Accept your flaws will be nothing; self-pity will make you useless. people must be brave to accept the experiences of life and make yourself stand out in the fortune.
1707. If you can brave and admit he was wrong, Then you must benefit from this error. because to admit its mistakes, not only won the respect of others, and increase your self-esteem.
1708. do something wrong, the courage to admit to turn over, absolutely not to repeat the same error .
1709. Sometimes ignorance is not innocence but sin.
1710. when people remain true colors will never be ridiculous; only in the posturing, they are the ridiculous.
1711. difficult to judge oneself than to judge others. If you can judge their own right, is a man of true wisdom.
1712. knowing ignorant is a great step towards knowledge.
1713. Nature never deceives us; deceive us will always be our own.
1714. If you want you have a good impression on others, not himself was asked to talk about things.
1715. We should have the ability to be alone , can not let alone the benefits.
1716. I do not sympathize with those conceited people, because they always have a way to comfort themselves.
1717. be a great weakness is that he thinks the most intelligent.
1718. know too but not recognized before, is the largest ever.
1719. proud to be a priority to get rid of bad habits.
1720. the world hardest thing to do is recognize I was wrong.
1721. life without reflection is not worth living ...

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