Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Na Ying son was pleased to recent exposure uncle told daddy tube (Figure)

 Peak (microblogging) and son happy


full moon wine

1995 One day in the peak of the Beijing Guoan football, participated in a sports stars, actors Association, Na Ying happened that day, too. Because the peak is a sports school child and Mao Ning, so, and Mao Ning to Bijiao Shu, and Na Ying and Mao Ning often on the same stage, relations are particularly good, so the villagers with the peak of Shenyang and Na Ying Mao Ning as the topic started to talk up, They talk about that day was especially compatibility. Finally, the peak time for another day with Na Ying invited to play mahjong, Na Ying also easily be down. A few days later, the peak Na Ying received a call about her playing mahjong, and Na Ying day indeed wants to play mahjong, mahjong table so they have a first date. After the two men closer and closer, and the peak fell in love with singing, Na Ying is also in love with football. Although their affair encountered pressure and resistance from all sides, but in the end they chose to come together.

married, the two together away from the many conflicts increased. October 15, 2004, Na Ying and peak shifting alliances in the feelings experienced after twists and turns, especially in the current year storm hit the peak of an illegitimate child is not yet over time, gave birth to a son happy, Na Ying and peak in mid-November in the Kunlun Hotel is placed under the full moon, the son of wine, large circle of friends came to congratulate, Na Ying and peak left holding his son happy family photo of happiness.

but son was born shortly after the peak, and Na Ying is no choice but to split up, son, mother Na Ying return custody. As happy and Na Ying Xin's child was born my sister was a difference of 24 days, that would be Na Ying, and Xin and live with it, so happy in this lively community grew up, not like other children of single parent families that feel lonely. Na Ying started delighted tube brother called my father, also called the peak to the father. Louder called his aunt to control Na Ying husband father, a family enjoyable. Later, Tong Meng Na Ying and businessman adjourned to love, the birth of her daughter in Canada soon. It also followed his mother during the pleasure to live abroad for some time. Na Ying After returning home, happy and followed back to Beijing, under the meticulous care in the Na Ying healthy growth.

blood to each other father and son as one, although the peaks and Na Ying had separated many years, but his son is still happy the two men concerned about the past, scores have forgotten over time, the peak Na Ying also allows regular reunion with his son, Sharing feelings of father and son. Now seven more than happy not only looks handsome, and very naive, and never mess with Na Ying angry. Every weekend, the peak will be happy to take his son to their own home, playing games with him, take him out to play, attend some events.

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