Monday, December 20, 2010

Stock Market Watch March 4 (scroll broadcast)

 [2009-3-4 8:51:58]
again last week, despite the A-share market crash, stock funds overall net worth has shrunk, but there is only slight decrease in the number of fund accounts, still remain high, as the issue of new funds pumping blood. the board on Tuesday the latest data released last week, the Fund account number 42500, maintained on a high at 40,000, only a slight decrease of 3.1% qoq, in which the number of new accounts for the 467 closed-end funds households, TA system with accounts, the funds generated numbers to 4.21 million. market analysis,cheap UGG boots, A shares slump hit market confidence, the fund accounts, last week hit a new high of nearly a year after the fall, but all week 40000 this year is still a high number of new accounts will now issue a new fund-intensive to provide strong support. Statistics show that, as of last Friday, the Chinese A share total of 15 new funds are densely distributed on May 21, 2008 Funds will also be issued only after another new high, in addition to funds already received 9 approvals issued, the threshold issue. Last week the Chinese open-end fund performance differentiation, stock funds fell across the board, the Fund for the week fell more than more than Jiucheng 5%, bond funds over sixty percent of the gains across the board. The Shanghai Composite Index fell 7.90% last week, cumulative, creating the biggest weekly drop this year.
[2009-3-4 8:52:28]
Finance Department and the Federal Reserve launched a short-term asset-backed securities lending facility plan that will meet the requirements of the part of the AAA asset-backed securities holders of the class to provide 200 billion U.S. dollars loan. the plan eventually to businesses and families to provide 1 trillion of loans . Federal Reserve to buy asset-backed securities is to improve the liquidity of the financial system and credit environment. Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke on March 3 in the Senate Budget Committee, said the key to economic recovery, the Government's ability to stabilize the financial markets. he considers necessary to introduce more programs to avoid 500 index is dropped past the 700 point mark. The Dow Jones index fell 37 points to close at 6726 points. intraday rebound to 6846 points. technology stocks fell 1.84 points, the Nasdaq index closed at 1321 points. Standard & Poor's 500 index fell 4.49 points, to close at 696.33 points, this is the first time since 1996 index fell below 700 points. to a record high in 2007 dollars, the S & P 500 fell 56%, the Dow Jones index fell by 53%. a U.S. analyst that the reference to bonds, U.S. stock valuations of about 600 points in the S & P 500 Index.
[2009-3-4 9:05:57]
Please pay attention today to follow up two
[2009 -3-4 9:07:55]
broader market in the U.S. stock market again today, this will remain under downward pressure shocks, disk is still the opportunity to stock performance, stock division will not change the situation, a rebound in the two shares
Comments 1): Tibet's Tin Road (600326)
material into two sessions, the focus of the development of Tibet
The two upcoming, can be expected that They tax rate increase is still 17% only Liu Yu 3 at the Second Session of the Eleventh CPPCC National Committee, attended the opening of the pre-said that the current level of interest rates appropriate, whether to continue cutting interest rates need to observe, it will depend primarily on economic data for some time. In order to ensure economic growth, 2008 Since September, the central bank has cut five times the benchmark interest rate for deposits and loans of financial institutions. But this year, the central bank cut interest rates has not pressed the button. CPI for February the central bank will cut interest rates after the announcement, the market is full of anticipation and controversy. National CPPCC, China Merchants Bank Chairman Qin Xiao 3, also said that China has little room to cut interest rates. from the current position, the central bank cut interest rates in the short term is unlikely, and as open market operations has been strengthened Therefore, the focus of follow-up is still the central bank control on the open market, followed by the deposit reserve ratio.
[2009-3-4 9:13:38]
the face of the mainland this year, can a chorus of many senior officials in the Mainland, said economic growth this year could reach eight per cent are optimistic and believed that China should prevent deflation and keep the yuan rate stable.
Chinese Finance Minister Xie said in Beijing yesterday to attend the CPPCC and NPC two sessions, said that China's economic growth this year, said that the current policy in the implementation of all aspects, not only is the public investment, including tax breaks, the next steps will be taken into account the actual situation.
the People's Bank of China Deputy Governor Su Ning pointed out at the same occasion, the current China's overall economic functioning properly, is likely to recover in the first half, very confident of economic growth on the Mainland.
the People's Bank of China deputy governor Liu Yu said that this year's economic growth, Development is to maintain stable and rapid economic growth an important measure, the current remains to be seen whether the rate cut; and prevention of deflation is an important task of central banks, including China.
Chinese Minister of Commerce Chen Deming said that China's economy has maintained a positive growth, no recession, while the international market is shrinking for the Chinese foreign trade declined in February, but he is confident of China's import and export trade; but he also pointed out that China's imports and exports in February were higher than the decline in January.
he said that China is shrinking export performance is due to the international market, although some neighboring countries, the phenomenon of currency devaluation occurs, but the rate of RMB remained stable. He pointed out that the Ministry of Commerce is seriously in some areas to track and assess the effects of government-issued coupons, and now no national distribution plan.
Ministry of Industry and Information Minister Li pointed out that China's economic growth this year, He said that for the different stages of economic development, the Commission timely to implement tight monetary policy should maintain appropriate flexibility, it is necessary to prevent prices rising too fast, but also to prevent the economic ups and downs.
[2009-3-4 9:21 : 10]
U.S. stocks fell again on Tuesday, the Dow Jones Industrial Average fell 37.27 points to close at 6726.02 points, down 0.55%; Standard & Poor's 500 index fell 4.49 points to close at 696.33 points, or 0.64% ; the Nasdaq composite index fell 1.84 points to close at 1321.01 points, down 0.14%. Following the Dow Jones index fell below 7,000 points, the S & P 500 index since October 1996 fell below the 700 point mark for the first time mutual authentication between the two is that a new round of sell into the U.S. stock market surge has clearly started, the A-share market, since the downward trend in U.S. stocks have been well known to accelerate Powei, and market investors had anticipated, so critical juncture in the post below the impact of the A-share market is relatively limited, A shares adjusted pace will be more demand for the execution of its own, and now two sessions held on the occasion coincides with the oral Zapan is unlikely, the market will therefore be short-lived respite, continued weak shock consolidation
[2009-3-4 9:30:07]
basic flat broader market open today, indicating U.S. stock market was basically down to digest the news, there was initial stabilized the mean, although the rate of increase in disk not great, but the number of rising stocks fell more than today, the key is to smooth the amount of release.
[2009-3-4 9:32:12]
Although the GEM is hard to determine a specific launch date , but the mechanisms, including eight areas first GEM start planning has been clear.
yesterday, the CPPCC National Committee members, Chairman of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange for Chen Dongzheng that GEM has been a matter of course, the Shenzhen Stock Exchange is currently preparing to start work any time now. He said preparations for the GEM will never stop, even if the GEM to open, but also a process of continuous improvement.
It is reported that the GEM start planning a total of eight areas, including: regular posting, marketplace, resources, training, publicity and investor education, guidance and training of intermediaries to issue audit and listed on the settlement system for transactions, technology and market supervision system is ready to prepare. Among them, the rules of work release, IPO way for comments had been completed, follow-up also includes the prospectus and related rules comments, and those rules promulgated
[2009-3-4 9:36:54]
real estate stocks led the broader market's direction again, yesterday, in addition to reviews of Fiyta, the other one is the OCT , OCT walk yesterday not called steady in early trading today, a lot of performance to rapidly, today's highlight is the real estate bounce back, the other heavyweights did not hold back, but leave a small gap
[2009-3-4 9 : 37:29]
today to follow up two 2 Please pay attention to
[2009-3-4 9:38:43]
to the end of last month, SDIC Electric Power listed companies (600,886), the country voted a new set (601,918) (601,918) has just released outside unable to complete the restructuring plan announced essential elements required.
just a week, the country's latest restructuring plan to vote on power leap off the paper today. restructured and another to give up the national vote earlier resumption after midday yesterday, a new set limit on the red contrarian funds rush to raise significantly. SDIC Electric Power announced restructuring plan, opened the country to vote, Department of prelude to the integration of assets. Today, the country voted today opened the sealed power limit.
[2009-3-4 9:41:06]
According to Hong Kong, upgrade. According to sources, the birth of the current National People's Congress is expected since the founding of the largest government investment budget to address the global financial crisis and stimulate economic recovery as soon as possible. It is understood that the central government investment budget this year could surge over last year 4 times , the scale of over 700 billion yuan. The upcoming budget will be submitted to the NPC session.
top leadership has been determined to restart the proactive fiscal policy to stimulate the economy to achieve annual growth of about 8%. economy Observers pointed out that the so-called proactive fiscal policy, is through the expansion of fiscal expenditure and reduce fiscal revenue, to the ultimate effect of stimulating economic growth policy. In China's economic growth, financial tsunami, a significant reduction in external demand, exports have fallen sharply, while the consumer despite still maintain a continuous growth, but a short time is difficult to significantly increase its contribution to economic growth. Thus, the central expansion of investment is still the most important and to maintain growth effective means.
[2009-3-4 9:45:07]
5-day moving average of the pressing force depends on how much weight you want to continue performing U.S. stocks fell today to digest the impact of short-term breakthrough is still possible The best intraday trend is slightly adjusted, and then tapping on the 五日 average. If out of this trend, our strategy is to start scaling out of positions in the three callback into
[2009-3-4 9:47: 15]
the depth of the financial crisis, the Chinese economy is facing unprecedented difficulties, policy, but after two sessions will be judged to implement policy rules and the New Deal a critical moment. We believe that China's macroeconomic policies in 2009 will focus on capital growth, expand domestic demand and improve the livelihood of the main line. We believe that the Ten hot will be a high degree of attention, including: expansion of investment, improve people's livelihood, private investment and stimulate consumption, employment, social security, tax reform, credit, price reform and regional cooperation. in front of some of the top ten policy of macroeconomic policy since last year extension, such as the expansion of investment, improve people's livelihood, stimulate consumption, social security and so on. We believe that the issue of local bonds, expanding employment, regional economic cooperation and other new policies need to pay close attention to.
Focus br> expand investment: If the first quarter of this year, China's economy continues to deteriorate, the government will further increase the government-led investment and expand efforts to stimulate domestic demand, the previously announced 4 trillion economic stimulus package may further expand the scale.
livelihood investment: total investment of people's livelihood will be over 900 billion yuan, an average of 3,000 billion per year.
private investment: securities Huanshui for SMEs will start a series of measures to support SME development.
stimulate consumption: government increased income from direct to reform income distribution system, improve the expectations of both disposable income and stimulate rural consumption is expected to launch, promote the consumption of hot consumer upgrade training to improve six aspects of the environment to stimulate consumer spending.
the expansion of employment: We expect the government will implement the expansion of employment development strategy, adhere to the upgrading of the structure and support to promote employment and entrepreneurship to coordinate, strengthen the employment policy and monetary, fiscal and industrial policy coordination; promoting entrepreneurship to improve employment, the implementation of urban and rural to expand the advantages of a job area.
Social Security Medical: improving the social insurance system, deepen the educational reform, and promote health care reform. the next 3 years, governments at all levels is expected to invest 850 billion yuan.
fiscal reform: fiscal and taxation system reform to speed up the implementation of structural tax to issue local government bonds.
credit Innovation: new deposits mainly for local lenders. At present, relevant departments of the central bank is leading the development of specific assessment methods, and will fully demonstrate and seek the views of all parties, based on this as soon as possible specific measures.
regional cooperation: through national and local level planning to start regional economic development, and then from the point, and to promote the development of the entire region.
price reform: implementation of the core of energy price reform to break the monopoly of a variety of industries, opening up more investment opportunities.
[2009-3-4 10:04:28]
yesterday, and our reviews of the OCT A Fiyta, two shares of upside momentum in today's rapidly opening rose more than 5 points, a great tendency to limit the impact. Let us wait and see!
[2009-3-4 10:07:22]
China Industry and Information Technology Minister Li said on Tuesday that the Government is related regulations to support the two smaller domestic telecom business, but no timetable for the publication of the Ordinance.
Li did not point out the relevant regulations in the specific details but said the content will have a bias. This means relative to the largest mobile operator China Mobile Ltd., the regulations related content will be more conducive China Unicom (Hong Kong) Limited and China Telecom Corporation Limited.
analysts had said that Government may allow users to switch to China Mobile or China Telecom, China Unicom, after the service to retain their original number.
he said, the government released the third generation mobile phone (3G) license is a key step in the development of the telecommunications industry. Li said, China Mobile issued by the independent research and development based on domestic standard TD-SCDMA 3G license, China Mobile is committed to the government has encouraged the commercial use of TD-SCDMA, which will benefit the whole TD-SCDMA industry chain development.
[ ,],[great chance to again limit today. hope you continue to pay attention.
[2009-3-4 10:15:40]
still relatively rapid rebound in early trading, but the amount can not see the bounce effectively, so In the broader market may be washed up after the 2100 shock, but the early pattern of broad based stock has been formed, most of the stock rises more than the broader market. two effects is expected to begin opening in the disk radiation, the impact of today but also the success of the 5th line to see how the trend of the day.
[2009-3-4 10:18:34]
During the two sessions, the Ministry of Housing and Urban (the will not introduce any new recent real estate control policies.
Qi Ji, vice minister of the Ministry of Housing recently told CCTV said that taking initiative, through the promotion of housing sales at reasonable prices within the framework of regulations, where there are reasonable and conducive to support and encourage residents to housing consumption, should be given support. the next period of time, the Housing Ministry's main task will be fully grasp the State Council Document No. 131, referred to the implementation of various policy measures, some of the work group will also organized to check all over, Recently the Ministry of Rural Development will not be issued any new real estate regulation and control policy. or the impact of today's market trend showing a good start, opening one hour rose nearly 40 points, a firm point in 2100, and the current rally is still good, the recent rally to our investors a glimmer of hope. today is still the focus two income subject matter, including the people concerned about education and health sector.
[2009-3-4 10:27:01]
3 月 2nd, we comment in the stock market in Tibet Mining Watch, the performance of super-good today. Deadline 10:25, the stock rose more than 8% of the maximum, become the OCT, Fiyta, subjects such as Daqing China is expected to limit the stocks
[2009-3-4 10:29:29]
continue today Please pay attention to follow-up two 3
[2009-3-4 10:30:59]
Yesterday, the CPPCC National Committee member, Health Minister Chen Zhu said that the final program of health care reform in the announced, level. If the public hospital is located in Beijing to participate in the pilot reform of the national public hospital initiative, countries will be encouraged. He disclosed that the state will choose some typical medium-sized city, but the specific choice and number of the city them medical services, essential drugs system construction. will change after the removal of drug addition hospitals must have a compensation mechanism, step by step process Daqing Huake
just comment, is expected to limit the list will be today, it really live up to expectations China Branch of Daqing, opened less than an hour once the daily limit.
[2009-3-4 10:36:35]
It U.S. Market News International (MNI) reported yesterday, citing sources, said the China Banking February yuan of new loans reached 1.1 trillion yuan. figure is lower than in January of new loans hit record high 1.62 trillion yuan, but still much higher Most people had expected at. MNI reports that bill financing the proportion of total new loans or further increase in January, compared to 38.5%.
[2009-3-4 10:38:44]
Three compete in the revitalization of hi hope Hebei Dairy
, Yili, Mengniu, Bright, San Yuan, Wahaha, also an early exit.
no suspense in this bidding war on the eve of Castle Peak, General Manager, said Hebei triple, three have developed a series of re- the entire program will be implemented soon after a successful auction.
triple stop plate the day today, tomorrow will give us material to continue to surprise investors, investors continue to focus on hope.
[2009-3-4 10:44 : 52]
cement consumption in the upcoming season, or even related to the improvement of corporate profits than-expected growth in the cement industry is expected to further enhance the intrinsic value of investments to cement stocks investment opportunities, Conch Cement, Huaxin Cement and other leading cement companies and Sichuan Golden Summit, the Qilian Mountains and the Taihang Cement and other regional local cement companies will benefit from the infrastructure investment will drive. At the same time, a larger proportion of cement business for some but not yet fully tap the hidden cement stocks, the value of the future will face mining investment opportunities, such as Science City, Shaonenggufen of shares of the South.
with the government to substantially increase investment in the field of infrastructure, and Sichuan disaster areas start reconstruction work, together with the commencement of construction of Railway , a new round of infrastructure investment boom show, the cement industry will undoubtedly become one of the biggest beneficiaries of the plate
[2009-3-4 10:50:18]
strong performance of the broader market in early trading has been very clear, disk be Lee led the increase in disk ascribed somewhat lower is normal, while in the case of strong emergence has been scheduled callback is often short-term visitors the opportunity to look forward to. so do not worry too much about the broader market fell.
[2009-3 - 4 10:50:44]
for this year's economic trends, the National Bureau of Statistics Li, former director of the water that will be the first low to high, slow climb. half of the base is relatively high, the first three quarters of this year compared with last year will be very low.
Change. But Li water that, while this year's foreign trade situation is grim, but because of January's trade surplus is still relatively large, in February will not run deficits.
[2009-3-4 10:56:55]
U.S. bank rescue industry, application, and then by March 25 officially approved funds to stimulate small and medium financial institutions and the relaxation of credit to consumers.
financial institution can hold a car loan, credit cards, student loans, or small business loan guarantees The included in the Collateral.
to purchase 5,000 banks from 100 million to 1 trillion U.S. dollars of toxic assets, and then have taken out the money to buy toxic debt by the private sector full responsibility for operations, operating loss by Washington to take part, or even the private sector to provide interest-free loans .
In addition, the Federal Reserve Board Chairman Ben Bernanke (Ben Bernanke) to attend the Senate Budget Committee hearings, urging Washington to take decisive measures to make the economy out of a deep recession, even if the expense of the debt also rose.
[2009-3-4 11:02:38]
2, the Indian government released data show that in January this year India exported 12.38 billion, down 15.9%, to May 1998 the biggest decline since.
So far, India's exports have declined .1 4 consecutive months of decline on higher exports of textiles, handicrafts, jewelry, leather, metal and rice.
India will be the financial year ended March 31. In this first ten months of fiscal, India exported a total of 144.266 billion U.S. dollars, compared with growth of 13.2% over the same period last year. Indian business and industry exports have expected this fiscal year down from 200 billion U.S. dollars 1,700 million. < br> As oil prices, India, January imports amounted to 18.455 billion U.S. dollars, up 18.2% to drop. ten months of this fiscal year, India imported a total of 243.358 billion U.S. dollars, up 25.3%; trade deficit was $ 99,100,000,000 higher than the previous year's 66.83 billion U.S. dollars over the same period.
to mitigate the global economic crisis impact on exports, India announced last month, 26 new export incentives, ranging from six months beginning in April to reduce the leather and textile exports to the United States and Europe of transaction costs.
[2009-3-4 11:05:13]
today to follow up two 4 Please pay attention to
[2009-3-4 11:06:44 ]
lying big stock market analogy 8 (c)
diamond bachelor, said: The stock market, such as Rose is about the scene. relative to stocks such as blind, dreams are often fundamental, results of operations, such as lack of growth One can not. The results are often unsatisfactory, but hard to find a dark horse pick and choose nowhere. the world can there be the perfect lover, then suddenly realized mm No wonder you get older your still single lot, actually.
[2009-3 - 4 11:15:04]
2150 the position of some of the pressure points, and also in the top 30 lines, but the pattern of today's rally was not changed, the intraday stock prices are basically the main Shanghai stock market fell a total of only 37 in the afternoon to see whether to maintain momentum on the red morning, more than 50 billion the amount of energy is good, if the amount of energy a day to over 100 billion, it is possible the broader market rally to continue
[2009-3-4 11:15:32]
柳斌杰 Director of Press and Publication said on Tuesday that Phoenix Publishing & Media Group may be listed in the first half.
柳斌杰 participating in two sessions on Tuesday, the gap also said the media has published more than 10 companies will be listed.
柳斌杰 the position will exacerbate the market in the first half will return to its initial public offering (IPO) of concern.
the Chinese stock market downturn, officials have stopped IPO of nearly half a year.
[2009-3-4 11:23:55]
2009 年 2 months, the country set up a fund a total of 2.258 billion yuan of funds raised. from the product type of investment structure, the only fund established the bond funds, are fixed-income products, this month did not set the direction of any stock fund. raised from the bond fund the scale of the low-risk fixed-income products are still welcomed by investors.
With market, strong gains in the New Year, March 2009 issue of the Fund will usher in a long absence, the month in the distribution of wave .3 18 products, of which 14 products for the direction of the stock, and the remaining four directions for the fixed-income funds, stocks direction products account for a significant number of advantages.
to note that the issue of speed means that the fund market fund products rapid increase in supply, we need to look at these new products to determine the size of the average raise demand from investors whether the situation has improved.
[2009-3-4 11:24:00]
Monday, the author of . the day, I said to the stock to rebound in the broader market after a comprehensive counter-offensive in recent days has remained upside momentum was palpable today's daily limit. the market outlook is still bullish.
[2009-3-4 11:32:19 ]
lying big stock market analogy 8 (d)
player said: the stock market, such as chess. Everyone wanted to rob a upper hand, but just get the stock market is called hunters or grab a rebound. whether the upper hand FLAC, have a move may inadvertently lose the whole. are particular about the overall consideration at every step, that have nothing ventured nothing gained in fighting spirit, but also the need for sacrifices courage.
[2009-3-4 13: 04:43]
broader market opening attack again, but in 2150 there will be pressure around, and today a strong ability to try to attack again? disk limit the number began to increase, if the effect can be reflected in profit, turnover will continue to enlarge, and now need more funding approach
[2009-3-4 13:07:41]
Tuesday, Xinhua quoted the Ministry of Agriculture news reports said the weather caused continuous rainfall in the eastern region of China about 800 million mu of farmland were affected.
hardest-hit Hubei, Jiangsu, Jiangxi Province, precipitation in some areas up to three to four times the normal year.
reported that rainy weather is expected to continue until March 6, but did not disclose more more details.
Previously, nearly half of the winter wheat growing areas affected by a rare drought. 

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