Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Although often say something like this

 But today really do not think it should and should not be, so I'm a little wrong. 
home at half past six. Bathing, eating. Over, lying on the sofa, ready for a while to play. My mom says: has to play? ? ? I said: This evening I went in the book Well ye see? ? ? ! ! !

ten play back, bathing, washing dishes. Birds of a Hardy space over phone, Zhu reproduced a small quiet log, after seeing so ashamed, I feel.

Why ashamed. Because.

In fact, the first thing is to look after the home base which I am not familiar wise every QQ data, and then each years, a bit like the whole of the Taiwan Strait, both sides of the highly anticipated family and friends, someone in the middle of oatmeal you hesitate. Okay, first, to endure, January 9 at the first thing is to back all these people added, and then one by one hold to the pro.

I thought, no narration, and still use my best that a good move, although had a year later, I thought I once again   should be January 10. What to know, today I had to came back. A few days ago to write this nearly a year into the log all private, in order to be a posture, to create tension, to meet the day of decapitation. Ado, because after that there are more.

I like the alphabetical order of the years, Okay, I metaphysical one, pure idealism, but, in fact, the pure materialism.

sense Xie Xiaojing

small static impression is that early meeting, I do not know the wisdom for Zhu to call me to say call a few friends I know, I know that are related with the football, I do not want to go, because do not know, N hit one, I am a bit isolated, not like that plus a group of strangers around the feeling of an acquaintance. But, but the but to Zhu in front of everyone, and then only a temporary tolerance to yellow from green installed. Okay, go the Laoya Tang, a large table of people. Sure enough, I feel really bad mood. Later cars were coming, I did feel a little breath. Later, the murder game, I did not play too, and only slowly teaching, more than a dozen individuals, was feeling like a small quiet Zhu, Xiao Yuan, brother are more color. You know the feeling, novice penalty is always easy to kick him unconscious to the goalkeeper. I discovered that a small quiet there always seems to Zhu they are killer, in fact, the analysis was not in place and know very partial, when a penalty is tantamount to using a ball outside the arc foot rub your feet, finished kicked defects of the.

Goodbye to static, this is the first day of the dinner, the small static Discovering two sisters, Lee thought, south, Sao cars, trucks, and I, more than sister, it seems there is one who, sitting a table. Passion is clearly assigned to the small static tables to take care of all this, after all, there are several newcomers are not familiar with. Said red, yellow, blue and green character to the road before the car that the four of us (Zhu cars Ni I) is exactly the character of red, green, blue and yellow four distribution, he said I was red, to be honest I heard red to not very much. I do not know the specific, presumably because the big break is not a good word. Okay, I guess I was blue, and claims of Kazakhstan. They said I was red, or yellow, and red high side. Zhu came to open odds, guess I lost the second one of the blue, red and blue have guessed, the blue and red, red and yellow, the car in front of other people say, I was rhubarb, which in this group, only the red out. First phrase is not very accepted, because there is no rhubarb is so good, at most, yellow, the last part is not very accepted, because here I can only bluish greenish, red I have not the nerve.

I bet I have dark blue, the results of a 11 blue 11 yellow 0 red 8 green. Seems to be rare in three colors. To be honest, not very satisfied, after all, I think they are blue, red is also the result so much depressed.

here by a small static site, to talk about my understanding.

red, yellow, blue and green

the port is blue, but blue can be divided into dark blue, light blue, not much depth, but only if people can afford the Blue is blue, not capacity, is light blue, light blue, what is it, for, it is easy to be seen as green. Blue is the wisdom for the meaning, thinking. Hong Kong is the most thought. Whether trying to chop people think or reduction followed by Collage, are blue. Should be the knives to injure is not red or reduced Collage is green. So do the blue, said customs points is not good guess, will always be a mystery, is the deepest sea. But the ultra-blue is not good, who do not weak, super-blue weaknesses that have do not know that they have been mastered, arguably, blue thinking ability is the strongest structure, otherwise there is no capital can be blue, then, when the structure was too When strong, prone to a problem, that is, even myself can not get out. Divergent one, most Hong Kong is not blue, but blue freedom. God is in Hong Kong, but you can make you become a ghost gods, immortal is immortal, man is man, a ghost a ghost. Monkey King Kong is not the best, nor his master, the Monkey King, I assume that is of Wu.

most lovely red. What I think of red, red is everyone's childhood, is not the innocence of childhood, is not naive childhood, is not childhood innocence. I think childhood should be unscrupulous. Note that this is a neutral term. No matter what your last appearance, the first beginning, I think, is this sentence: I think we can. So the red man, no matter what he did, in a variety of adjectives, you will always be faintly felt, he was cute.

most regret is yellow. The word, I thought would think for a long time, which knows, so after the word regret to jump out, Okay,Bailey UGG boots, sadly, I respect the sixth sense. Why sigh? Why is not worth sigh! Huang, on behalf of control. This is the intent. But do not know why, I suddenly felt, oh, I know, and for the wisdom for a sigh, because I am a bit touched. Why, yellow is the representative of love. Control is what I called the control, not every day you need to control the air around all the time around the oxygen around you so You will not be dying, but rather to do with the strength of control. Control represents, on behalf of a dissatisfied, you dumb, for the wisdom for such things are done, get out, listen to me, I'll take you to go. Represents a pity, attention, not the poor. Hey, you did not do, suffer, let me help you, I will let you can win. Is actually a kind of love, but I guarantee that every yellow, will not feel that they are in love, but that probably a thankless task, often entangled in the tube and then no matter whether the cycle. Each vowed never again no matter the day is always the beginning of a new round. There are deep yellow light yellow yellow, this is not the blessing of the depth of the ability of high and low, but how deep yellow buried, just like the earthquake, the source light, and that is hard-hit but the range of small, focal depth, that is not affected serious, but a wide range. So much control each person, you like to kneel down for you five hundred people still prefer to bow down to you?

most comfortable is green. In fact, blue-green, regardless of family, I think. Green's explanation is probably more moderate views, lack of willpower, that little white casual feeling pinched. Note that a pinch, rather than the pinch more than to kill. Said before, lack of capacity to a little blue and green. But the blue and green, or essentially different, light blue is planning for a year but nothing came of but never bored. Although the results are the same but the green is about to give up plans for a day and then cool 364 days. What color green itself is composed of red and yellow, but he is neither red, nor yellow, but more moderate green. He was cute, but cute does not make people easily detected, at least he do not want to paste the cute label. His control, but he is only interested in control of their own, not others nor is it can not control are not interested, but he felt that other people are other people, for wisdom for to control? ? ? Such a person to get along with, you will feel like a spring breeze, a little over wow, Okay, that is dawn, the sun is not, nor is it mold shrugged, but the clouds seeped a little brighter. The company of anyone willing to, on the yellow, the green is the best friend. Of the blue, the green never to his great disappointment. To red, the green is simply a wolf to see dogs, I day, a bit far away, or small raccoon is more appropriate to see giant pandas.

pull back. Sense Xie Xiaojing said to me, oh, wow your hand is 3, 3 ghost. Although the sense of Xie Xiaojing Huang as a semi-depth of passion for the admission of new hires is a vocation, but her enthusiasm was so as the recessive blue sensitivity of the balance-type should have been rattling the blue heart. I am happy most of this half-term subprime yellow shades of red rather than blue. Thank Ballet moss

do not know not to play right, to be honest, I was a bit empty, so the alphabet which chose two words I feel most comfortable as the famous name of the carrier. I can only say, it really is red. Really is super red. I guess banana moss friend,Discount UGG boots, if you are, then you must be very much appreciated, not just half of her half to resist the kind of friends enjoy. Why, because I feel any need to express blessing of small details in the red after 18 can become very precise and sharp. As a friend of a friend, we have mutual friends, as she backed the team, or the enthusiastic acceptance of our new hires, I am very pleased. Red is not the best CEO, red is the CEO staff favorite.

thanks brother

Although the results of pure idealism has actually caused this letter of thanks of the men broke into the top three, but sometimes I'm not satisfied with the pure idealism can indeed achieve a more precise answer. Little contact with my brother, probably about equal to 2, the first should be playing in Yulin, after the expiry of the car with good ride Yi Shun back. Laoya Tang is the second time after drinking to kill. This is the third time. Brother, Duncan, the name I have heard many times, often referred to Zhu. But I feel like Deng second child, Duncan, the second compared to the second pot I Italian name. I do not know why, anyway, although the topic of living so far apart are pitiful, but can still be faintly distinguished brother plus appreciation. Why, I found, because the brother is the big green. The next day before eating mutton, two pots and the words Eat lamb, I sat in the short side, the second pot is far way, I waved, two sections closer to the pot, then sit down and the only dissatisfaction is the second pot does not drink, is not Erguotou. But my very best is still necessary with two more dry glass of orange pot. People going to happen after the night before the third day after the lake, ghosts, great food at noon, when three-3 bacteria pot, two pots and the words minutes. And green, and green, even if the second pot does not recognize, but I think the big green would be a good friend.

thanks. . . . . .

I know why only the top three ancient exam called the so-called exclusive, because the fourth is indeed a bit hard to find, Wa Haha.

thank Discovering

very brief thanks, I remember very much Discovering What is the color, but I feel that based on the green, but the puzzle of the debate, I found a yellow windbreaker. Ghosts in the game, I found a red hat red scarf. S good Okay, the last time she would like to answer questions rotational eye, I saw the blue glasses children. Impressed me the most is when the Passion to get the ghost, she's wrong, and not a collapse, not give up, but, I did not want to be a ghost! Do not play it!

thank Li Li

may not deep impression on me, because wisdom for I do not know, anyway, did not seem to me ye laugh, hey, I'm not a bit before. First! I would like to say I am sorry Li, because when the first meeting, Lao Yatang killings, I actually, I actually, I actually, I'm actually in a discussion process, Li used a shut gestures persimmon that is probably pinching gesture. Is simply outrageous, and I was at a loss, and attention, not regret, was a loss. Regret is what is thought about doing before, and then did it, but if a finish put their own. Loss, that is, everyone has an occasional aberration, or feel free days apart, done after the loud noise You think I do, I Zehui do? ? ? Li may have already forgotten, but I always keep in mind that this opportunity, I actually forgot to apologize fuck, hey, it could be so fun to play too excited. So, I'm sorry, Miss Li, the moment I am not me, is a more silly than silly, please forgive me. This time, follow suit,UGG bailey button, and I take the initiative as a performance task, but, hey, I said later reflection, I overestimated my ability, resulting in the red team lost, I have a great responsibility. In fact, sometimes the size of the responsibility, not that you do in the team how much the right thing or the wrong thing, but rather your ability in the size of your team, yes,bailey UGG boots, I am a bit overstated, but even so, in fact, can do better. Supposed to do, I did not do, then that is my responsibility, at least, so I should look at itself. Thank southern

the first evening of your first sentence, put you lose turn. From then on we fell in love with you this super cute red. In the puzzle game, you and I had the honor in the group, because the honor is that the net relative idiot I am, you are an experienced puzzle players, but your memory becomes not so cute. Floating outside my correspondent 32 minutes later, back to our small sub-base (leader's words), only to find a board that we do not, drawings do not know where to go, and finally there are various para Miss Moss and Zhang Xin great help, of course, mainly by you, we in the final eight minutes, 90 minutes to complete the task, but the most loss is, as the first group, we are not even the first group did not fight his own map out, because the poor drawing since left us to embark on a road of no return. Thank you for your word ugly, fat Meier thank you, thank you for your recent I found him more and more yellow, and thank you and your lover finally sent me home.

thank Zhang Xin

Capricorn are sitting to eat fruit fruit whispering about. Any claims to drink three bottles of their own or more women, I will not believe their words. Because I know more than the absolute. Okay, I may have believed. You told me that you do not recognize me, I have always felt very characteristic of my long Well, hum hum, but your words, No wonder you are a super blue, I have reason to tell all the people who think you are blue you have gone beyond the blue, because your love is a fierce blue thing. Hey, your voice, your hair, your songs, without exception, told me that you absolutely Capricorn, Capricorn can be like that only! Aaaargh ~~~~~ Then, after I was not, I judge the wow into chaos? Okay, next time I'm better than you and recognize, because I intend to return to their youth line, dressed in red to go blue road, a road go black.

thank young girl child

completely unfamiliar, but fate let us sit on a sofa, two handsome pot players (young girl child and the audience, forgive my remarks gray bar) is actually the first thing to discuss how two index finger grip nose. Okay, the folder to folder Well, I thank the coach only way this loss show. Young girl child you do not lace a pair of shoes I feel like you are very fit. When I know you're speechless after Longquan branch, because I also have several business fronts brother, just not in Longquan branch, said I can not find, so to say. I thought I could ask a friend if there was more than okay know the addition of several interconnected thread, of course, is super yellow if I would be more happy that I am. The ghosts inside every time you speak I feel embody a walk in the Biao and in the explosion, but the edge of the ear and applause the realm of capability, you are not a striker Oh, you are not Inzaghi type O I am super ha ha AC9, eight children have the opportunity I am applying for Jia Rude fans by the training team.

tired, but no, I'm dead, how to do in case of a moment, and tomorrow can no longer continue with this important letter.

thanks to life, thanks, thank the state of life, thanks to state a birthday, thank birthday of the nation actually has seven days. 

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