Monday, October 25, 2010


 This verse leads to a problem. Why is verse in reference to the hail, the description Does this mean that hail is the main reason for generating lightning? Let us look at the Meteorology Today [Modern Meteorology] description of the phenomenon. It is said that when the hail from very cold cloud droplets and ice crystals fall, this cloud will be charged. When the droplets collide with a hailstone, they are in contact with the condensation and the release of latent heat. This makes the hailstone surface heat than the surrounding ice crystals. When the hailstone contact with ice crystals, they will appear the following important phenomena: the flow of electrons from the colder object warmer objects. Therefore, the hailstone becomes negatively charged. When the very cold water contact hailstone and tiny positively charged ice break, it will also occur this phenomenon. Then, these lighter positively charged particles will be taken to the cloud updraft top. Still negatively charged cloud of hail fell on the bottom of the cloud so the lower part of the negative charge. Thus, the negative discharge and the formation of lightning. Lightning can be concluded that the formation of hail is the main reason. The knowledge about lightning only recently discovered.


a book called Earth [Earth's] book is the number of universities worldwide basic reference books. Preis, Professor (Emeritus Frank Press) is one of two authors of this book. He was former U.S. President Jimmy Carter (Jimmy Carter) of the Science Advisor, and served on National Academy of Sciences, Washington, DC (National Academy of Sciences, Washington, DC) President for 12 years. His book says that mountains have underlying roots. These roots are deep in the land, the mountain looks like a stake.

This is the Allah in the (Therefore, based on this information to describe the most appropriate word mountain is the The process of scientific development shows: Meanwhile, Hill also plays an important role in stabilizing the earth's crust. They stop the wobble. Allah in the (Since the late 60s, about the Hill stability control can play the role of the Earth was a result of plate tectonics in the knowledge structure for people to understand. Any contemporary of the prophet Muhammad who know the true shape of mountains it? Scientists come to conclusions before any one can imagine a solid weekday see a huge mountain, and even deep in the earth and have roots? A large number of books on geology of the mountain are limited to describe their part on the surface. This is because these books are not experts in geology works. However, modern geology has confirmed that

modern science has found that there is a barrier at the two Haijiao Hui community. This divided the sea boundaries of the two, they have their own temperature, salinity and density. For example, compared with the Atlantic waters, the warm Mediterranean water, salt and low density. When the Mediterranean sea from the top of Gibraltar into the Atlantic submarine ridge, it will go into the Atlantic Ocean about 1,000 meters deep, up to hundreds of kilometers, and to maintain its own warm,UGG boots cheap, saline and low-density character. Mediterranean waters remained stable at this depth. While the raging ocean waves, currents and tidal power, they still do not mix, or go beyond this limit. Holy Allah said:

He was joined by the intersection of the two sea. Between the two sea, there is a levee. Two sea aggression. (Quran, Chapter 55, Section 19-20)

But when the Allah said in the Quran:

he is the free exchange of any two sea, which is very sweet fresh water, salt water that is bitter. He set up between the two barriers and sea dikes. (Quran, Chapter 25 Section 53)

someone may ask, why When things did not mention it?

has been found in the light of modern science (sweet) water and salt water estuaries intersection, the situation at the situation with the two slightly different Haijiao Hui. Has been found to distinguish between fresh and salt water estuaries is a This partition (separate area) of salt and fresh water and salt water are different. This knowledge is also the use of advanced equipment to measure temperature, salinity, density, dissolved oxygen, etc. can only recently discovered. Intersection of the human eye can not see the difference between the two seas, not to mention the intersection of the two sea looks like the same ocean. Similarly, humans can not see the mouth of the water for the following three types: fresh water, salt water, and partitioning (separation zone).

Allah in the Surging waves, the darkness was. Dark many piles. Reach out to the audience, almost blinding ... .... (Qur'an, Chapter 24, Section 40)

this verse referred to the dark depths of the ocean, if the viewer is where the pitch dark. The dark ocean depths around 200 meters or 200 meters deep. In this depth, almost no light. Below 1,000 meters is not light. If there is no submarine or special equipment, assistance, humans can not dive to 40 meters. Human beings are not separate areas in the deep dark ocean (such as 200 meters) to survive. Scientists using special equipment and can dive to depths of the ocean submarines, have been found this dark area. Verse from the previous paragraph to understand the following sentence: waves. Obviously, the second layer is the waves the waves we see sea level, because the verse refers to the second layer on top of the dark waves. But what is the first layer of the waves? Scientists recently discovered that Deep inland sea, including marine waters, because the deep waters of the density is higher than the water above it. Inland movement pattern similar to sea level. They can also be the same waves as the sea-level Stream. The human eye can not see the inland sea, but can specify the location by studying the changes in temperature or to detect the inland sea salt.

people's creativity

in the holy . Then I made him sperm, in a sturdy container in the semen. Then I created the seminal clot (leech, suspended thing, and coagulation), and then I put a blood clot caused by Routuan (chewed substance) ... .... (Quran, chapter 23, section 12-14)

literally, three blood clots in Arabic means: (1) leech, (2) suspension and (3) coagulation. Comparison of leeches and blood clots stage embryos, we found similarities between the two. In addition, this phase of the embryo to obtain nutrients from the maternal blood, as blood-sucking leeches from other creatures as to sustain life. Word of the second clot means Blood clots in the embryo stage of the uterus in suspension. Blood clots in the third word means We found that the appearance of embryonic stages in the blood clot and the capsular bag like a piece of blood coagulation. This is because this stage has a relatively large amount of blood appears in the embryo. While the blood of the embryo at this stage until the third week of the cycle will flow. Therefore, the embryo at this stage like a piece of blood coagulation. Therefore, the three word meaning blood clot is indeed consistent with the description of stage blood clots. Mentioned in the classic stage Routuan next stage. Routuan Arabic word means If you put chewing gum in his mouth, then stage embryos with Routuan comparison, we can conclude: Routuan stage embryos with the appearance of chewed substance. This is because the embryo somites back

Muhammad 1400 years ago to know why the scientists in recent times the use of advanced equipment and high-magnification microscopy revealed knowledge? Does not exist at that time these scientific instruments. AD 1677, two scientists Durham (Hamm) and Lieenfuke (Leeuwenhoek) improved after the first use of human sperm cells were observed (in Muhammad's 1000 years later.) They mistakenly thought that the sperm cells in the female genital implantation has reduced the human body contains.

Professor Mo Er (Keith L. Moore) 8 is the world's anatomy and embryology of the most brilliant scientists, is one of The Developing Human [the developing human], the author of this book has been translated into eight languages. This is a scholarly reference, a special committee had been selected as the U.S. Professor Mo Er from the University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada (University of Toronto), Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology, a professor emeritus. He served as vice president of basic science medical school, and worked in the Anatomy Department for up to 8 years. In 1984, he received by the Canadian Association of Anatomy (Canadian Association of Anatomists) issued by the anatomical areas of the highest award in Canada JCB. He has directed many international associations, such as Canada and the United States Association of Anatomy (Canadian and American Association of Anatomists) and the Union of Biological Sciences Council (Council of the Union of Biological Sciences).

1981, at the Dammam, Saudi Arabia (Dammam) medicine at the 7th Congress, Moore said Professor: honored. I definitely believe that these statements must be told Muhammad Allah, because almost all of this knowledge is only after many centuries for human discovery. This proves that Muhammad is the messenger of God must . Some terms to develop the new classification system. The system proposed is simple and comprehensive, and consistent with present embryological knowledge. Over the past four years on the the Muhammad said, or the acquiescence of the line record of things made) and in-depth study revealed a system of classification of human embryos, the magic is the knowledge in the 7th century to have been recorded. Although the embryo the father of Aristotle (Aristotle) in the 4th century BC Mujixiadan study in the chick embryo has proposed several developmental stages, but did not cite the details of these stages. to the history of embryology concerned, in the 20th-century ago, the developmental stages of human embryos and classified all know know very little. Therefore, the : These descriptions are Allah tells Muhammad. He could not have known these details, because he is a completely uneducated illiterate. the devil, he prevented the Prophet Mohammed in the Kaaba in prayer:

Verily, verily, if he does not stop, I have to grab his naseyah (forehead), liars, offenders naseyah ( the amount of fat)! (Quran, Chapter 96, Section 15-16)

why the Why The amount of fat and liars and criminals, what relationship? If you look at the amount of fat inside the skull, we will find the prefrontal area of the brain. Look physiologist is that this part of the area function. Essentials of Anatomy & Physiology [Anatomy and physiology of] this part of the book block area described as follows: cerebral cortex together ... ... evil deeds, and tell the truth or lie and the reason. Therefore, when someone lies or evil, it will say that the amount of fat liar and the offender appropriately, as professor (Keith L. Moore) of the discussion, the scientists found in the last six years before the frontal area of these features.

digital miracle

Islamic scholar Dr. 塔里格斯威丹 new discovery, (These findings are in Arabic text shall prevail.)

A faith and life

Aakhirat later life) 115.

life living the life of the death of 145 145 times.

Welfare Corruption 50 50.

people (the public) 50 times a messenger of God 50 times.

were 17 times by the misunderstanding of the dead 17 times.

comfortable life gold 8 8.

fallacy or misleading or misunderstanding of the Magic 60 of 60 times.

thinking light 49 49.

tongue 25 mission 25 times.

hate fear 8 8.

talk fast promotion 18 18. 114

difficult patient 114 times. Mohammed


two activities and the natural environment

(Muslim prayer 5 times a day)

12 day month, 365 times.

Ocean Land 13 32.

sea and the land was added to the total number of 45 times (32 + 13 = 45).

divided the total number of marine and 32 were 45, unless 7111111111%.

divided the land and the total number of 13 is 45, unless 2888888889%.

modern geography to determine the Earth's surface is divided into two parts, marine and land-sea area of the land accounts for 28,889% 71,111% complete with the

on the Has now published the The book has been translated into 18 languages worldwide release, the book describes the , mountain areas, etc., organisms, plants, education law, the Earth's science.

with scientists

following scientists holy Dr.

Pushi De (TVN Persaud) taught at Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada University of Manitoba (University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada), he is anatomy, pediatrics, and child health, maternity, obstetrics and gynecology and professor of human reproduction. He has served as the University's Head of Department of Anatomy for 16 years. And visibility in their areas of expertise is very high. He is the author of 22 books or edited, and has published over 181 scientific theory. In 1991, he won the Canadian Institute of Anatomy (Canadian Association of Anatomists) issued by the anatomical areas of Canada's most famous prizes, JCB Honor Award (JCB Grant Award). When asked about the scientific miracles of the Qur'an, he made the following comments:

. In fact, he is illiterate. and we are talking about twelve [actually fourth] century ago to do. we see is someone who made outstanding illiterate comments and views, and discussion of the nature of science is so accurate. I personally can not imagine it was just a coincidence. there are too many accuracy, and as Dr. Mo Er (Moore), I totally believe this is the heart of God inspired or revealed, and then led him to publish these comments. >
Professor Persaud (Persaud), in its part of the book summarizes the Prophet Muhammad have been published by part of the He has stated in a number of meetings published by the Prophet Muhammad and the words of these verses.

Dr. Simpson (Joe Leigh Simpson) who teaches at Bell School of Medicine in Houston, Texas (Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas, USA), he was Head of childbirth and obstetrics and gynecology,bailey UGG boots, maternity and obstetrics and gynecology professor and the organization of molecular and human genetics professor. He has taught at the city of Memphis University of Tennessee (University of Tennessee, Memphis, Tennessee, USA), professor of obstetrics and gynecology at the university and the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology. He is also the American Fertility Society (American Fertility Society) Chairman. He has received numerous awards, including the 1992 Association of Professors of Gynecology and Obstetrics of delivery and the public service award (Association of Professors of Obstetrics and Gynecology Public Recognition Award). Professor Simpson (Simpson) on the following two sections of the Prophet Muhammad's remarks:

more than forty nights, God will send angels to deal with it, shape it and establish auditory, visual, skin,UGG shoes, muscle and bone ... .... speech, and noted that before the forty days which clearly shaped embryo stage. He was the Prophet Muhammad who is absolutely accurate and correct speech was particularly impressed. Subsequent meeting, he made the following comments:

Table. I want to emphasize again this morning by the many speakers raised the same point: [in] their compilation of these hadeeths (Hadith) of the era, they can not by its own scientific knowledge to complete these books ... ... I want to His remarks not only in genetics and there is no conflict between religions, in fact, by the direction, proved that , USA), he is the honor of anatomy and developmental biology professor. He has served as the university for 22 years professor of anatomy, anatomy department chair, and Daniel Bach institutions (Daniel Baugh Institute) in charge. He is also the Teratology Society (Teratology Society) Chairman. He has more than 200 books. In 1981, Dammam, Saudi Arabia (Dammam, Saudi Arabia) in the seventh medical conference, Professor Johnson, the study mentioned in the presentation:

physical development, but also stressed the emergence and development of the internal embryonic stage, emphasizing contemporary cognitive science major events. things. I can understand embryology and developmental biology. I can understand from the not like the local. . He has worked in the city of Miami, Florida University of Miami (University of Miami, Miami, Florida, USA) served as Rosh Christie (Rosenstiel) Dean of the School of Geology. Professor with the sea (Hay) discuss the oceanographic conditions, such as after the fact, he said:

Interestingly, they do exist in there, and to explore the meaning of certain sections of the work continues. br>
Dr. Greene rule (Gerald C. Goeringer) in Washington, DC's Georgetown University (Georgetown University, Washington, DC, USA) served as the Department of Medical Cell Biology lecturer and associate professor of medicine embryos. In Riyadh, Saudi Arabia (Riyadh, Saudi Arabia) of the eighth meeting of Saudi Medicine, Green Governance (Goeringer) Professor in the study mentioned in the presentation:

describes a wide range of human growth process from a mixture of gametes to the control house during the forming.'ve never had such clear and complete record of human development, such as classification, terminology and description. In most (if not all) example, which describe the records of more than a few centuries the various stages of human embryos that, and the traditional scientific literature records to be early fetal development. University of Tokyo, Hongo, Tokyo, Japan (Tokyo University, Hongo, Tokyo, Japan) Honorary Professor,Bailey UGG boots, and is Mitaka, Tokyo, Japan (Mitaka) National Astronomical Observatory (National Astronomical Observatory, Mitaka, Tokyo, Japan) in charge. He said :

understanding of [a] very small part. because the aid of a telescope, we see only a very small part of [the] heavens, the universe can not be similar to the [related] conditions. Therefore, by reading [this] problem, I think I can find the direction of future exploration of the universe. Head of the Department of the University of Medicine. In Riyadh, Saudi Arabia (Riyadh, Saudi Arabia) of the eighth meeting of Saudi Medicine, Tejasen professor who rose to make the following speech:

Koran Prophet Mohammed can not write or read, Muhammad must be the messenger of this truth, and this truth is the [Creator] and revealed his inspiration. The creator must be God. So, I think it reciting La ilaha illa Allah is the time, Allah (God) is our only religion of Allah, Muhammadur rasoolu Allah, Muhammad is Allah (God) the messenger - clear truth. Finally, I must The meeting arrangements for the successful and well expressed sincere congratulations engine ... .... I not only from various points of view of science and religion benefited, but also a good opportunity to make a number of prominent scientists and was formed and many new friends. I came here to get the most valuable experience is La ilaha illa Allah, Muhammadur rasoolu Allah, and become a Muslim. The information found in science had a history of reference, which is pure coincidence you?

this One possible answer is that the Messenger and show extraordinary human beings can not do things, such as Ibrahim was not cast in the fire and were burned to death; Musa swallow Yi Zhang; Isa can raise the dead and so on. the Islamic Prophet Muhammad has shown many miracles, the biggest, most permanent is the to argue that it's a miracle.

without any error, nor dare the human challenge to humanity to make a similar article. But the the , then, they even help each other, and shall not create Miaowen like this. 'And pray that you can pray, if you are honest man. 'Your witness, if ye are truthful. practices and are extremely surprised absolute truth, is that really can not explain, Mohammed lives in ignorance of the Arab period of ignorance, he, like many other Arabs are illiterate, that is not read nor write, his only different places with other people is a perfectly good moral and a pure heart, so no matter from what point of view, As we all know, there was only one Islamic century, (10:38)

Suspended Poems was immediately : He is a articulate orator, but also a philosopher, enjoy the to find the Prophet Muhammad, the prophet Muhammad said: is to lead you and down. Maud who suffered the same penalty. said: Any person who works more than it can be. Levin's fear that he heard the Prophet reciting Koran, I've never heard as

3 HU still passed down from the imam of the Hakan Sadi Ge: There are four pagan temple meeting to discuss the ban, the resolution within a year to make a similar > The second was about the time period to the Hou, meeting with them in the forbidden temple. Ibn Aibiaozhe first he said: Heaven and Earth will destroy. 'After this section day for a year I think, or think of it more beautiful than the words. it! you Shean La idol〕 〔pray for the team work though, must not create a fly; If you fly from them to win something, something they are not able to grab it back. prayer and was praying, and both are are weak. '(seventy-three past ten p.m.) that I was amazed, I can not and Cloud ah! spread it! 'Then the waters to recede, and things were convicted of. Zhu Diego boats ships in the mountains. Some people say:' those who do wrong has been destroyed. '(11:44) human reason can not imagine this section of Scripture better than words.

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