Friday, October 15, 2010

Islands to the Chinese territory since ancient times

 It is located in the eastern edge of the East China Sea continental shelf, in the geological structure is attached to the mainland of the island of Taiwan. Fishing archipelago located 120 sea miles northeast of Taiwan at the West from the East China were about 200 nautical miles, near the depth of 100-150 m, the interval between the Okinawa Islands, there is a more than 2000 m deep trench. Since ancient times, China Taiwan, Fujian and other provinces has been to the island fishermen engaged in fishing, herbs and other production activities.

the Yongle reign of Ming Dynasty (AD 1403-1424) published the Than Japan, e Shiro Koga claimed that the Diaoyu Islands in 1884 more than 400 years earlier! After the Ming Dynasty,cheap UGG boots, many Chinese historical documents are recorded on these islands. In Japan, published in 1783 and 1785, the boundaries marked on the map of the Ryukyu Kingdom, fishing islands is part of China. Until the 19th century before the outbreak of Sino-Japanese War, Japan did not have a fishing Islands to China's sovereignty raised any objection.

1895.4 months, the Qing government was forced to sign humiliating Senkaku Islands

Fishing Islands China's territory since ancient times, it is indisputable fact. Japan is still the focus of friction.

2, Ryukyu Islands, Ryukyu Islands

belongs to China since ancient times, in the history books about the Ryukyu Islands can be traced back thousands of years ago, the Sui Dynasty. At that time the business development of Central China and the Ryukyu people exchanges have been very active. Width of the court had sent the recruitment of the Ryukyu Minister Zhu Wang Sui emperor tribute surrender. To the fourteenth century the Ming Dynasty Hongwu years, the Ryukyu king Youxiang court tribute to receive the protection and canonization of the first Ming sent a large number of students absorbed the Central Plains of the civilization and culture, a subsidiary of China National. After two hundred years, to 1602, Japan's Okinawa, Ryukyu captive king, forty-five years dominated by Okinawa affairs.

1654, the Ryukyu king got rid of the Japanese Satsuma clan's control, China's kind infinite royal gratitude, active emissary to the Chinese request canonized Robinson. Emperor of the Qing Dynasty was the canonization of the quality is still the king of Ryukyu king, will be the first tribute two years. After another two hundred years, the quality is still king of the Ryukyu tributary without a break for the Central Plains, has been using the Chinese era name, follow the Han and Tang culture. This situation continued until modern times, in 1868, Japan began the force expansion of criminal intent.

1971, the Ryukyu Islands 66 nautical event crosses the residents to Taiwan, the Taiwan aborigines killed 54 people, and the remaining 12 were protected by the Chinese official in Taiwan, returned to Okinawa; killed 54 people while the Taiwan official But asked. At this time, Japan by the Prime Minister of the Qing bureaucratic: Fan, so the home of the barbarian, can not do it the poor contact, .

1873, the gates of the Japanese Ryukyu as an excuse to repeal the king. Lieutenant General in 1874 also sent three thousand shuaibing Xixiang Road, landing from Taiwan, wantonly Gonglue, and Phi shortage Mita, ready to rely on not to go down. Yamagata Japanese warlords also proposed an ambitious Qing heard the news, Shen Bao Zhen send a million soldiers, the emergency system to Taiwan, and is determined to fight to the death. Japan finally agreed to see something in million taels. Since then, the beautiful sacred territory forcibly occupied by the Japanese Ryukyu Islands, a!

3, Outer Mongolia

starting from 1581 to 1639, in less than 60 years, the plains of Russia troops from the rapid expansion in Eastern Europe to the Sea of Okhotsk coast, the Siberian most of the land (1276 square kilometers) into its territory. Since then, Russia has been infiltration of Outer Mongolia. To the early 20th century, Mongolia aristocratic collusion with Russia in an attempt to break away from China.

after the October Revolution, Lenin put forward in the establishment of a buffer state between the Soviet Union, but had sent troops to China, Mongolia Northern Warlord government had shelved. 1939 Battle of the Japanese Kwantung Army launched Nomonhan penetrated Mongolia, was Zhukov wiped out. Mongolia followed the Soviet Red Army planned to establish under the so-called

1941 Soviet Union signed the infamous In exchange for the Soviet Union in 1945, Roosevelt abandoned the

Mongolia since independence, no development from its own independent army and heavy industry, was completely oriented Russia, Sino-Soviet split when the Soviet Union fully supported, allowing the Soviet presence, and with a positive provocation of the Soviets. Demise of the Soviet Union and then plunged headlong into the embrace of the United States, and Bush heats up. - If they or the Chinese people, really can sentence them as shameless traitor!

Mongolia area of 1,564,000 square kilometers, a vast territory, available land area is 1.56 million hectares, of which 80% of agricultural land area; forest area of 10%. Rich in mineral resources, has been proven for coal, copper, tungsten, gold, silver, aluminum, tin, iron, lead, zinc, uranium, oil and other 80 kinds of minerals. Forest area is 1530 hectares. Total length of 67,000 km river, the average annual runoff of 390 billion cubic meters, of which 88% of river flow. Amounted to 180 billion cubic meters of lake water resources.

because the natural ecosystem intact the original, the preservation of the vast land of a large number of wild animals, many of which are rare in the world. The vast grasslands of Mongolia, the Gobi, mountain wild animal park. Rare animals are the main Gobi bears, wild, wild camel, wild donkey, wild horse, Mongolian gazelle and so on. Gobi bear which is a world-class endangered species, only 30 only; Mongolian gazelle has more than 80 million, more than 80% of the world.

4, Tangnu Wu Lianghai

Tangnu Wu Lianghai in northwestern Mongolia, north of Sayan Ridge, south Tangnu Hill, is located in a strip between two mountains area, with a total area of about 17 million square kilometers.

Tangnu Wu Lianghai ancient Chinese territory. As early as the ancestors of the Han Chinese have started activities. In the Tang Dynasty, in the final safety North Dohobu jurisdiction, has been formally incorporated into China's territory. In the Liao Dynasty, is Craftiness Adams jurisdiction. In the Jin Dynasty, from the West Liao Kingdom regime, said Qian Qian state. In the Yuan Dynasty, is Lingbei province, said the benefits of Lanzhou. In the Ming Dynasty, is the Mongolian Ministry of Wala. In the Qing Dynasty, known as Tangnu Wuliang Hai, Khan is Mongolia Zha Sake Figure jurisdiction, the return Uliastai general jurisdiction.

Russia from the 17th century, has been attempting to annex Mongolia in China, including Tangnu Wuliang Hai area, but until the mid-19th century, the Qing dynasty as a powerful, Russia's annexation of conspiracy has been frustrated. Signed in 1727, After the Opium War broke out in 1840, the Qing Dynasty began to decline, while Western powers are aggressive.

1860, due to China's defeat in the Second Opium War, Russia to Aihui Russian Treaty, Under the October 7, 1864, Russia forced China to sign a After the signing of the

on Tangnu Wu Lianghai Russia's second invasion and annexation in 1911 to 1944. Revolution of 1911 broke out, has long been Shae Wei took the opportunity to force the lure of Outer Mongolia declared noble Originally occupied by rebel groups, including Tangnu Wu Lianghai for the entire Outer Mongolia region, but exclude Russia puts Tangnu Wuliang Hai areas of direct control. In this way, Outer Mongolia from the rebel groups in the country's criminal activities, and sold 17 million square kilometers of Chinese territory!

5, Vladivostok

Vladivostok (wǎi) in the Ussuri River to the east of an ice-free, the Chinese territory since ancient times. Precisely, not to the east of Vladivostok and Ussuri, including Sakhalin region, including isolation, Vladivostok is the administrative center of the region. 1856 China and Russia signed the But by 1860, China and Russia signed the This means that rule the East)! Qing dynasty, selling

Vladivostok, aroused the anger of people. Many people, especially the Chinese compatriots living in Vladivostok, Russia not only hate, from the Manchu dynasty began to hate. But since then, they can only do the subjects of Russia!

There are a large number of Chinese cultural relics on display in the Museum of Vladivostok, Vladivostok, only to recover these artifacts can be recovered. Ming Yongning Temple known monument, established the Qing Wu emblem worthy community Xingkai Chronicle Cylinders are on display here.


Sakhalin Sakhalin Island is the largest island in the sea east of Heilongjiang, north east and the Sea of Okhotsk to the west across the Tatar Strait and across the continent. Soya Strait south across a relatively Japan. Up to 984 km north-south, east to west 6-160 km, an area of 76,400 square kilometers, equivalent to two of Taiwan Island.

Sakhalin China's territory since ancient times, the world's oldest known Sakhalin is the Chinese people, starting from the Jin Dynasty, Sakhalin is under Chinese jurisdiction. Since then, the Yuan, Ming, Sakhalin has been under the jurisdiction vested in the Chinese government. 1689

7, Jiangdong Tuen

1856 Sixty-four years, China and Russia signed the Sixty-four of Jiangdong Tun have permanent jurisdiction! In fact, this is China's Heilongjiang lost more than 60 million square kilometers of land north of the gain a little bit after the ? Jurisdiction? Not the sovereignty, sovereign is that Russia! Provisions of China and Russia to Heilongjiang as the boundary, we want to fight only the center line of the border to the main channel to channel for the community or which side of the boundary, and could not fight to the far shore in the north of Heilongjiang Tuen Jiangdong Sixty-four ! Qing officials were deceived played with did not say, but also smug as to think that has given Blagoveshchensk and Sixty-four Tun Jiangdong a satisfactory account of Chinese compatriots! Sixty-four Tuen

Jiangdong, located in the south of Jing Jiang Qi in Heilongjiang, north of Delta, an area of about 8,000 square kilometers, is based on return of the local jurisdiction. Where the residents are unwilling to Russia, from Shandong Province with People, where they were fishing, animal husbandry and farming organizations, independent living, was able to remain with China, and provides that But But the fight to the death of our fellow citizens not leave their native land,UGG bailey button, has survived.

1900, the Boxer Rebellion broke out, Russia's war of aggression not only in the Boxer Rebellion, and occupation of our individual soldiers to send troops into the Northeast! Northeast have been accounted for, Jiangdong Sixty-four Tuen less likely spared. Thus, Russia Feibing in July 24 surrounded by the Tuen Jiangdong Sixty-four, to over one hundred and sixty thousand people crazy killing; Finally, the remaining side of the men concentrated in Heilongjiang, with the bullet landed in the river, one by one shot or female infanticide, the surging red Heilongjiang whom, and this is shocking,

Russia so occupied the Tuen Jiangdong Sixty-four of the past, the future did not mention it in any treaty, the place quietly changed color!

1840 after the Opium War, the Qing government to decline. Russia forced China to sign the the total of more than 100 million square kilometers of territory ceded to Russia! Large beautiful rivers and mountains in northeast China, China's largest island, from falling into the mouth of the polar bear!

8, Khabarovsk and

Heixiazi Island in the north of Heilongjiang, Wusuli East Coast, a string of familiar names: Sakhalin Island, Temple Street, Vladivostok, Twins child, Nepal cloth Chu, Jaxa, Blagoveshchensk, foreign Mountains, there was very memorable Tuen Jiangdong Sixty-four! People may most easily forgotten is the island of Khabarovsk and black out blind!

confluence of Heilongjiang and the Ussuri, one island and its name is black blind island with an area second only to Shanghai's Chongming Island. It also has a foreign name is Ussuri River in the south of the island west of Heilongjiang, according to any of the equal and unequal Sino-Russian treaty, the island is undoubtedly should belong to China.

Now, however, the island has been occupied by Russia, Russia was to get ready to sell the short-term interests of the islands belonging to China since ancient times! They have a way,Bailey UGG boots, that is, with Mongolia and Tangnu Wu Lianghai mode The so-called

this approach has achieved the desired results, the mainland's 1.3 billion people now, how many people remember Outer Mongolia and Tangnu Wu Lianghai should be our territory? Now this model has used the black blind island body. Soon there will be a few Chinese people should also remember that their country has such a beautiful island!

Heixiazi Island is a piece of fertile ground, originally linked to the mainland with the Sanjiang Plain, and later as the gradual erosion of the two rivers away from the mainland has become the island. All Heixiazi Island and Sanjiang Plain is so similar, the original is The situation was more urgent for China. If the 50 years it will never recover Heixiazi Island to become Russia's territory!

Heixiazi Island to the east of a city, it is the homeland of our dreaming Khabarovsk. After 1840, Russia explorer fleeing into the city Khabarovsk. 1856 Now, the city is Russia's She has been completely occupied by the Russians!

lies the importance of Khabarovsk, near her Heixiazi Island is the gateway to Heilongjiang and the Ussuri. Russia has the city to strangling the country through the sea channel Heilongjiang; and when the fall of Khabarovsk, Heixiazi Island will become the first one to recover lost! Our troops can straight down the Amur, progressive Temple! Through the Tatar Strait, straight for the Sakhalin! In addition, access to Vladivostok Russia Trans-Siberian Railway to Khabarovsk for the throat; Once the fall of Khabarovsk, Ussuri River east of the large tracts of land to be recovered by the Chinese! Russia is aware of the stakes of this layer, so it is not only heavily fortified city, but also firmly refused to give up Heixiazi Island, the island should have been transferred to China!


McMahon Line in the southeastern part of Tibet, the southern slope of the Himalayas, there is a more than 90,000 square kilometers of the sacred territory, that's a Feng Shui! Do not think this is the Himalayas to do is full of some wild desert snow. As the summer winds greet sent from the Indian Ocean, with large amounts of water and heat of the southwest monsoon, where the warm and rainy, the annual average precipitation 9000 mm or more, is the world's largest regional precipitation is one of many sub-tropical crops for planting, fertile and have a

this huge area was the equivalent of Zhejiang Province, but fertile region, but it is the world's two most populous developing countries in long-disputed region.

1913 年 10 months, Simla in northern India, held a meeting attended by Chinese government representatives, representatives of the British Government, the British Indian government officials, local representatives of Tibet. Meeting to discuss China and British India border issue. Beijing Yuan Shikai government was busy as the south crusade In fact, the so-called agreement is only the interests of the UK will seize the legalization of hand only, not to mention the British invasion of Tibet in China is simply what the agreement is not binding.

1914 year on March 24, the British colonial government of India to enjoy 利麦克马洪 Foreign Minister (UK Government representative) actually carrying the Chinese government representatives at the meeting, without permission in conjunction with local representatives of Tibet, in India new Delhi to a secret way of exchange of letters, concocted the so-called This habit of line with previous international recognized, and various official (including the UK) publications and the line has been used on the map is different from the hinterland to Tibet, it deepened, the resources in Tibet had the most abundant over ninety thousand square km paddled colonial India the British Empire, the Chinese rule of Tibet has always been the effective exercise of the right of local compression of the over one hundred kilometers north!

for this illicit transfer of the national territory, the Chinese government did not admit that previous line's legitimacy. After the Simla Conference and the British two decades, out of fear that legitimacy, has dared to publicly declare that the

However, without fire! October 1962 Sino-Indian War, the Chinese government has lost ground to make the case complex, even to withdraw all troops from the Line of Control (20 km behind the McMahon Line, which is equal with the fact that the legal recognition of the McMahon Line sex. Our strength behind the time, Tibet had no construction of railways, a very serious logistical problems, front-line troops no supplies. they brought up the shells a few months can only make two hours, it had to retreat.

The Dalai Lama treason after leading hundreds of thousands of Tibetans to India in exchange for asylum as a Chinese? or Tibetans? or Indians? or British? or grotesque?!

1987, the Indian official in Rakhine State McMahon Line, where the thriving six, seven million new generation Indians, In addition to outside, with no other place is his The central government opened up the Silk Road in the Western Region, have already sent envoys south to the ocean. envoys return after the Han Dynasty capital of Chang'an, report it the court, saying it was to the ends of the earth, vast expanse of water, but no land, only some of the body formed by coral rocks. He named the area the main channel and across the South China Sea, Vietnam; east across the South China Sea adjacent auxiliary channel and the Philippines; the south of the James Shoal from Malaysia and Indonesia, only a few dozen miles; the northern Pacific island of some 400 nautical miles from the Paracel Islands.

Spratly Islands is very important strategically, you can say that it is to control the throat of the South China Sea. Moreover, the surrounding sea is rich in resources, only the oil reserves to 200 million tons, multiply the Chinese nation is really necessary for the development of a resource treasure house . of the 1982 , Vietnam, Indonesia, India and other countries announced the jurisdiction of the sea area, but its land area equivalent to more than 3 times even 10 times!

Spratly Islands by the more than 230 islands, reefs, beaches and sandbars formed Although the small size of individual reefs (the largest Pacific island of only 0.43 square kilometers, but the distribution area has reached 80 million square kilometers, accounting for over one third of the total land area of ocean!

from 20 Century 60's, particularly since the 70s, China's Nansha Islands and the waters above the surface of the reefs are invaded neighboring countries and divided crazy, a lot of resources have been plundered. These countries include Vietnam, the Philippines,UGG boots cheap, Malaysia, Brunei, including Vietnam, Philippines, Malaysia three countries also carried out military occupation of reefs, Indonesia occupied parts of the ocean. coupled with the Chinese mainland and Taiwan, now 7, 6 countries and parties compete in a confrontational situation in the Nansha Islands.

11, 1991 months, our military control of six reefs and control of the Pacific island of Taiwan, the island see the other 44 were Vietnam, the Philippines, Malaysia occupation. At present, the Philippines occupy eight islands of the Nansha Islands and Zhongsha Islands, the Huangyan Island; Malaysia occupied the island of Nansha Islands 9! made in Vietnam is the only full sovereignty over the Nansha Islands have a country, is the Spratly Islands disputes to the biggest vested interests, occupy 27 of Nansha islands, the most ambitious, the threat of China also the largest!

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