Thursday, October 7, 2010

Conception of new training materials, writing 60 issues of moderation

 1 ﹑ according to the following materials, choice point of view, since the proposed topics, with practice, not less than 800 words write argumentative.

a snail, would like to make some startling career. Mount started its tour to the East, has reached the top, can be calculated, to achieve this plan, at least 3,000 years, the only thing to give up this plan. Later it wants to climb the south edge of the Yangtze River, take a look at the mighty river, can be calculated, at least need 3,000 years. Snail that their lives are very short, can not help but very sad, so not willing to do anything and eventually died in the grass leaves.

This is a fable, the hero snail want to do? It did not? What is the end result?

along the material analysis, will be clear: the snail wanted to do, After giving up a big target snail One would not down to earth, from the mundane little things start to realize their own value of life. This is the meaning, the main thrust of the material.

snail's tragedy on the people should learn that lesson, what enlightenment? This is to determine the goals to the right, the courage to struggle, never give up; face reality, laugh at life; doing big things from little things, people you have the spirit of hard work. Why not act

2 ﹑ been said the world only two animals to reach the top of the pyramid, one is the eagle, one is a snail. Please philosophy implied in this sentence to write an article for the topic. conception custom, stylistic choice, subject self, not less than 800 words.

moderation Tip: The hard-working and dedication.

conception tips: 1, persistent efforts, can make up for birth defects (focus on the snails)

2, success is inseparable from the superior strength of the (focus on Hawks)

3, if you lack favorable conditions, you still have a chance, as long as you have enough hard work and perseverance; If you have outstanding talent, not exclude still need perseverance and courage (focus on eagle and the snail)

Reference Title:

1, snails in the spirit of entrepreneurship (focus on the snails)

2, mortal want to succeed, to go snail Road (focus on the snails)

3, no harm is only snail (focus on the snails)

4, adhere to the successful use of advance (look at snails)

5, the success stems from the dedication of life (look at snails)

6, persistent efforts to create a successful sword (look at snails)

7, superior strength is a guarantee of success (focus on eagle )

3 ﹑ a poisonous tree standing in the street.

first saw the NPC all the way, and quickly take a detour, do not want to close them a little fear will not care poisoning.

side of the second person came and saw the tree, it immediately thought of the toxin, anxious to cut down it, so that no victim.

third person have a different mentality, willing to think with compassion: this tree has life, not easily destroyed. so in the tree ring fence, marked toxic, thus avoiding harm to the passers-by.

The fourth man, in time to see the tree will say: A poisonous tree, great, this is what I want! stylistic choice, since the proposed title,cheap UGG boots, write an article of not less than 800 words.

moderation conception Hint: we can, slip hazards, such as young people, smoking and a variety of criminal drug traffickers; also can be Different people have different approaches. think of the lessons we have learned, Mr. Lu Xun , to its dregs. in accordance with the new topic of writing, (focusing on first person)

2, a man should be civic-minded (look at the second person)

3, return it, compassion (focused on third person ) 4, we need the spirit of innovation (focusing on the fourth person)

5, another perspective (focus on the fourth person) 6, success: the impossible (look at the first four people)

7, the answer is colorful (look at all the materials) 8, benevolent see benevolence and the wise see wisdom (look at all the materials)

4 ﹑ Consider the following composition materials :

Cao Zhi's Dichotoma burning under the kettle, beans in the kettle cry. This is the same root, fratricidal Jane cooked by gallery, gray for the field on the fertilizer. Not to the same root, destroying Gan Why? spirit of the performance >
just read the given material, the key statement, to seize materials analysis, we can not do anything easy out of. materials Cao Zhi's understanding of law. and Guo's The answer will be different. such an analysis, it is easy to identify the main idea of the material: 1, treatment may have a different view of things. 2, look at problems from different perspectives, the answer will be different. 3, can not use the traditional vision look at problems and so on.

5 ﹑ read below a fable, the required essay.

an old man selling straw hats, lying under a tree one day, nap, wake up a look around The hat was gone, looked up the tree monkeys wore a straw hat. He wanted the monkeys like to imitate human movement, put his hat off his head thrown to the floor and cried, also met with the heads of monkeys the straw hat off to throw the floor and cried, he picked up the hat happy home, and told the story to his son and grandson. Many years later,UGGs, the grandson inherited the family business. one day, as Grandpa in the tree asleep under a straw hat also taken away by monkeys. He suddenly remembered the story about my grandfather, took the hat off his head to throw the floor and cried, the result tree, not only did not follow the monkeys do, but laugh at him wildly creak shouted. He is wondering, the Monkey King came out, said: conception of law: First, from the grandson of this perspective can be purposive as: a cut of wisdom dialectical relationship, but focuses on demonstrated to dare to innovate.

6, read the following text, writing on request.

a deserted garden.

beautiful pond Well done bottomed out. the beautiful flowers wilt done. Rose is dead, long time no nightingale flew. In addition to crickets in the grass moaning, only grass and poisonous evil grows prickly thorns. One day, suddenly a few to the individual to the garden.

they see this beautiful garden in such a sad situation, all faces are showing Zhuimu sorry look, almost cried out. a sigh and said: It is long in this barren yet? We should all strive to organize it. Flowers should be shipped first, and then the evil forces trying to chop the grass and thorns, because - good must not be planted flowers. Because - Your words are wrong. I agree with the views of B-jun. Because - Because even if we disagree with each other abuses ... ... and a scuffle.

deserted garden, or the usual barren.

calls for a comprehensive understanding of materials, but can choose a side, the idea of an angle composition. independently determine the conception, identify problems, determine the title; not from the meaning of the material composition, not to intercropping, not plagiarism. less than 800 words.

which point it is good material, which is consistent with title meaning of it?

idea tips: Waterfront fish, as still active networking You line. There you see the old man wearing a coat it? I bet I can make him faster than you took off his coat. >
Finally, the wind quit. Then the sun came out from the clouds antagonists, the elderly reveal a brilliant smile. soon, the old man began to wipe, and then took off his coat. solar wind, said: friendly and powerful than anger and violence. not war, not terrorist, and so

8, read the following text, write a request of not less than 800 word article.

zoo came a philosophy professor, to the animals We teach philosophy. philosophy professor about a lot of empty theory, and then said: Frog! !
ideas Hint: look at the whole material, reflects a split in two, objective and comprehensive philosophy, you can extract the topic words and actions point of view, reflects the theory and practice, the philosophy of objective and subjective, can be extracted from topic from the frog's words and deeds reflect the relative and absolute, the philosophy of common and special, you can extract the topic of : If can not change the call, even if the move to the east to the east, the villagers still hate you. their own inadequacies, but also to find the proper method of self-perfection to win social recognition, is to improve their own.

10, a person with a great bow made from black ebony. He shot with this bow The far and accurate, so cherish it. One time, he carefully observed it, said: Look no good, what a pity! - But this can be remedied! to determine the title; not from the meaning of the material composition, not to intercropping, not plagiarism.

Broken Bow Why? The reason is that hunters completely based on personal preferences, too fancy bow appearance.

References conception: ① people tend to their own subjective likes and dislikes to determine or action, the result is often counter-productive; ② internal re-appearance of the light will be endless troubles; ③ anything, there will be incomplete, not demanding everything perfect
< br> 11, over half a century ago, our well-known and respected educator s One is to educate the students used the famous phrase is: there will be a special pleasure, in particular, you feel comfortable?

calls for a comprehensive understanding of materials, but can choose a side, the idea of writing an angle. independently determine the conception, to determine style, determine the title; not from the meaning of the material composition Do not intercropping, not plagiarism.

material life.

① why that people have a certain amount of material life, they still have quality of spiritual life, that meet certain material lives, must have a spiritual life.

paragraph with language problems, we found that second layer of material, or focus on the meaning - to meet a certain amount of material life, the spiritual life must be.

writing is that no matter the angle from which should fall to ﹑ it three times with his horse, and then leave. leave three times to look back to the horse. If the horses to do so, he paid a day's wages horses. Bole according to Zhao's words, and quickly sold the horse, and horse price increased tenfold.

text characters who have to sell horses, buy horses and horse people (not highlighted), but the main characters are selling horses. Center events are sold horses to help horse people please to Liema good price to sell the horse.

purposive point of view:

sell horses from the perspective of conception: to profit from harmful attacks unscrupulous behavior;

from Bole's point of conception: Criticism celebrities to advertise products for the poor quality wrongdoing;

buy a horse from a purposive point of view: that the consequences of blind obedience.

13, Pig in the mirror

Pig sitting in front of the mirror in the mirror. it appears in the mirror, long ears and a pointed nose,UGG boots cheap, very ugly. It is a very angry to see, picked up a rake of iron, broken to pieces the mirror. But when it look, regardless of size Each has a piece of debris in it ugly.

that the materials can be divided into three horizontal purposive point of view: Pig, mirrors, and mirrors Pig.

from Pig point of view, its own long ears and a pointed nose, very ugly, but blame the mirror, vent their anger on the mirror, which shows it is not a correct view of themselves and others. Accordingly, to conception as follows: To correctly deal with their shortcomings, or to correctly deal with criticism from others.

from the perspective of a mirror, even though it broke the Pig, but it continues to reflect the Journey of the ugly, not because they are broken and made no changes. and so can be purposive as: To study the mirror afraid of violence, adhere to the spirit of truth.

unity from both the perspective of Pig break a mirror, can be seen as evil and violent challenges to the truth; broken mirror reflecting the Pig is still ugly, can be as the truth is I can not beat. Therefore, the conception can: overcome evil and violence is not the truth.

14, look at the scenery scenic

see you in upstairs

moon decorated your windows

you have decorated the dreams of others with us and the world

more beautiful / mutual appreciation / create win-win scenery / beauty exist side by side (a common landscape) / you are also a landscape (like your)

15,Discount UGG boots, read the following words, write a number on request and 800 word article.

a young man going through hell and high water hard to find treasures, and ultimately in the tropical rain forest to find a fragrance to dissipate into the atmosphere, on the water but sink to the bottom of the plant, he thought it is certainly is a treasure to the fragrant wood confidence to market to sell, but no one cares, charcoal always quickly sold out next door, began to also believe that their own judgments, but ultimately changed his mind, the fragrant wood charcoal The results quickly looted, he was happy, go back and tell his father. father was tears. original, youth burning fragrant wood charcoal, it is the world's most valuable trees - aloes, as long as a piece of cut Fenxie ground, the value of a car for more than charcoal.

calls for a comprehensive understanding of materials, but can choose a side, the idea of writing an angle. independently determine the conception, identify problems, determine the title; not from the material implications of writing, not to intercropping, not plagiarism.

understanding of the material is diverse, so the idea of conception is also diverse. Here are some reference to the idea:

(1) real life and talent to be buried a very serious problem, often the horses often do not often Maxima.

(2) If you are a talent, you can not passively to wait for others to find you, and should take the initiative to realize your worth, let yourself shine.

(3) to do things according to the specific circumstances of the case, can not afford to ideological rigidity of the material to young people like it, change your mind, willing to give up in order to achieve The result can only be blinded cart before the horse, so blinded by their own petty wisdom eyes.

16, Pearl

clam in the night, how long / no thoughts, no then think about / I get rid of depression and sadness / tears flooded if the old / My life will not flash.

according to the meaning of the poem and give you the inspiration to write about 800 words article.

carefully read and we understand that, overcome hardships, to cast a brilliant life.

the author's intention is to lead us to think: We in the face of difficulties and setbacks, failures and strikes, how to do it? If you can not face hardships, but all day in pain, in tears, then we can never sink, we will accomplish nothing, our lives would be duller. Therefore, Life in the torment of the flash.

17, suggested that the world's most painful, there are two people: one is walking in front of people, one is walking in the last side to them. You agree that kinds of opinion? write an article of not less than 800 words. Custom conception, stylistic choice, since the intended title. written content must be within the scope of the topic.

first clear key words: repeated exclusion, persecution. Copernicus creation of , Li Bai, walking in the crowd Yingyinggougou last official position to seek and live the lives of their own entertainment, not to distort his personality, how can they suffer? Tan is the first person to Reform the bleeding and shouting days of laughter, fate of the liver and gallbladder Kunlun , standing on the forefront of the podium, his face with a confident smile; Newton, Einstein, homework in the school the last time, perseverance, work hard, and finally National Cheng Kung University.

third, and last to go in front of people both pain and happiness again.

Yuan always stand political struggle in the forefront of his country's decline and the pain was, but eventually can die serving the country, he is happy. Zhongyan both in the front, and in the end, He will always be one of the most painful, but also the most happy people. Xun walk in the front of the new democratic culture, is how the sorrow and happiness, he is both the most painful, is the most happy.

18, according to the following materials, write an article. stylistic addition to poetry is not limited. less than 800 words.

philosopher on the grass to the disciples on the last lesson, ask: If not removed, one year later to the meet.
this story makes clear: there must be no desire, there will be no want.

So, to heart, The Sound of Music, will leave the evil away from the ugly. It must select, identify and heart of the Yu life of evil, crops Yu Sound of Music,

moderation of these topics to the attention of the abstract to the concrete: To make a person not greedy, they must occupy his mind with a conscience; make a people do not vanity, it must occupy his mind sincere; make a person without resentment, we must take his mind of tolerance; make a person is no longer numb, you must take in order to clear his mind; to make a person not indifference, to have to love your heart so full. The key is to take life with a big net to Seeing.

19, read the following little poem, write a request of not less than 800 word article.

dew on the red Maple Leaf flashing,

dew on the lotus has a teardrop like pale transparent.

... ... ... ...

calls for a comprehensive understanding of materials, but can choose a side, the idea of writing an angle. independently determine the conception, to determine style, determine the title; not from the meaning of the material composition, do not intercropping, not plagiarism.

meet the meaning of the questions

1. dew on the Maple Leaf red, white rendered on the lotus - a different environment created different ideas, character, environmental impact Human Growth / environmental change your life (including the writing of family education, social influences, knows nothing, doubts nothing can) / different environment (position, position, role and life) in the performance of the different value of life (orange Orange Health Huainan, Huaibei was born in orange) / different environment, a different life (fate), select the flash can make their own life environment, and do not regret the last to leave, sad.

2. Dewdrops in the Maple Leaf, the red flashing; in the lotus, and has a teardrop like pale transparent, - stick to their personality, to maintain themselves, and not affected by the environment (from a negative conception)

3. identify the position of self-worth

4. With a Maple Leaf, Lotus, dew show different colors - with foreign objects (others), the achievements themselves. (from dew to consider this aspect)

5. to find a suitable location

6. dew presents a true Maple Leaf, the color of the lotus - to truly reflect the objective real world

20, according to newspaper reports, a secondary students designed an experimental program space program, had no doubt received the first prize, the result only of the third prize, prizes, he was not here with rose award; there is a high school students with the help of teachers and students , completed a design of the invention, when he learned that the factory should be put into operation, they were individually and factory to discuss, to the factory gave him two million yuan, or send him abroad.

1, have a product awareness (there is no overall departure from the material.)

2, or else be content (the material does not comprehend the emotional intention.)

3, should pay attention to spiritual civilization (not from the material itself, but from the inherent concept of mind.)

4, to train both ability and integrity of personnel (in accordance with material requirements, as the best conception.)

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